[Wife and wife are hard to write! I need to make up for it! !! By the way, let me see if I can have more yards in the next chapter ... Do you dare to give me a bit of strength! ]

[Khan, when I made a mistake before, I made a mistake and sent a lecture twice. 】

"Master! Xiaoxi, she bleeds ... Master, you actually ... went inside and went in ... how can you do this ... Xiao Xi, she bleeds, her body will break !!

Guo Guo, who had been scared, said in a panic, with fear in his voice and deep curiosity. Xiao Xi's body is too petite compared to Ye Tianxie. They don't seem to be combined, but Ye Tianxie strung her like this. And Guoguo couldn't possibly know what was the matter between men and women. She only saw that her master had been inserted into Xiaoxi's body, and then Xiaoxi shed a lot of blood, scaring her little face.

"Brother ... it hurts ..." Xiaoxi hugged Ye Tianxie, her stiff body didn't dare to move, and her tender white face was covered with crystal tears. Ye Tianxie rubbed her hands on her back, holding back the desire that might collapse again at any time ... Xiao Xi's body is too small to bear, and now is her most painful moment. It would be a real devastation for her.

"Xiaoxi, no matter who you are, I won't let you leave me." He patted her pink back and whispered softly into the girl's ear. There was deep pity in those eyes that were reddened by the flames, and there was a hint of confusion and weirdness hidden deep.

... Actually, like Xiaoxi, this is his first time. For the first time in 21 years.

When she was with Li Xianer before, she could accommodate everything to him, but she never let him cross the border in terms of men and women. But in the face of a woman like Li Xianer, how could Ye Tianxie, who carried the heart of the evil dragon, not get out of control, and whenever this time, Li Xianer used soft tenderness for him, used fragrant lips ... All possible ways, but he was not allowed to touch her body. And Ye Tianxie never really forcibly violated Li Xianer, nor did she complain about her. At that time, he always believed that he and she would have a perfect first time.

However, I didn't expect that it wasn't Li Xianer who joined him for the first time, but this girl who was full of mystery, no vision, and almost no language ability. Everything is urged under the baptism of desire.

When he was finished speaking, he felt the arms around his neck tighten again.


This is the two words that Xiao Xi has said the most.

"Brother ... Brother ..."

She called again and again, her voice sobbing in the cold as a Xueyu kitten.

Under the struggle of desire and mind, Ye Tianxie's mind has been in a state of extreme chaos. And Xiao Xi's calls, in the chaos of his mind, easily broke his defense and wandered directly into the depths of his heart. Suddenly, Ye Tianxie's brain was stinging, Fragmented pictures come to mind without warning ...

That was a very tall man. Everything was very vague. He couldn't see his appearance. He could only see it vaguely. He seemed to be wearing a golden armor and a golden spear in his hand. , But it seems that he can't hold down his mighty power ... and the land under his feet is white, like cloud white.

"Brother, are you leaving again?" In the picture, there is a little girl, she is so small, just height, less than half of that man ... Although her face is also not visible However, the color of the dress seemed to be a lovely pink purple, and why her voice was so similar to Xiao Xi's.

"Um." The man looked back and agreed gently, his voice showing deep love.

"The elder brother is so powerful, he can definitely beat all of Luo Luo's bad guys again. The elder brother has never defeated him! I will, as before, stack paper flowers and wait for the elder brother to return." The girl raised her face. With a naive smile on his face. In the voice, there was deep resentment and attachment to his brother, and pride.

The man smiled slightly, squatted down, stretched out his right hand, dressed in heavy gold armor, and gently rubbed the young face of the girl softly. Don't cry anymore, you know ... brother will bring you many beautiful things. "

The girl nodded hard and shook her head hard: "I don't want pretty things. I just need my brother to run away the bad guys early and come back soon ... I can't sleep without my brother holding it."

The man's hand touched the girl's head, smiling helplessly and lovingly, and then he got up, turned around, and stepped forward with majestic steps ... His eyes were more like that of an empty eagle Be sharp a thousand times.

"set off!"

The two words, light and heavy, were strangely spread thousands of kilometers away, and with his voice, a huge sound came in order. In front of him, there were thousands of troops.

And he is the commander in chief.

The team is gone, the girl is still standing alone, watching the elder brother's back and not willing to leave. Gradually, the picture starts to blur, and the girl also fades in the blur, getting weaker. , Getting weaker and weaker ... until it disappears ... never seen.

Farewell ...

All the pictures disappeared in an instant.

"Xiao Xi." He sent a sublime call subconsciously, and a sting suddenly started in his heart. In his mind, he printed the vague image of that girl ... but when he got rid of that picture, no matter how he recalled the image of that girl, he couldn't remember what he just saw. Screen. That memory is only a few seconds away now, but it seems to be ruthlessly erased from the brain by some power, leaving only the vague picture.

"Brother ..." There was another soft ringing in his ear, and in his slight daze, a touch that made him almost moan came from under him. Xiaoxi seemed to have eased from the pain, she issued Sobbing softly, the little **** began to twist slightly, rubbing gently and squeezing.

The picture just made Ye Tianxie's attention slightly shifted, and he did not become dominated by desire again. He was afraid of Xiaoxi's pain. She reached out and hugged her delicate buttocks to prevent her from shaking, but Xiaoxi, who was caught by the buttocks, still lifted the lower abdomen with a slight margin, and continued to rub Ye Tianxie into her body. Parts, jerky movements began to become slippery | smooth, sobbing in the mouth, gradually became moving tender tenderness. After all, Xiaoxi is not an ordinary girl. Her ability to bear and adapt is not comparable to ordinary people.

Being so provoked by Xiaoxi, Ye Tianxie could no longer control it. The two small buttocks holding her round and bounced hands started to stand tall, and the movement was very light and soft. Xiaoxi's voice became obviously pleasant, not only Instead of resisting, he responded more violently to the shaking. Suddenly, Ye Tianxie's last jealousy and pity disappeared, and his movement changed from slow to fast to completely out of control. Without any effort, the speed was almost rude. Enjoy the stall fall Like a terrifying and refreshing feeling.

The action that became violent not only did not let Xiaoxi, who was new in the first bloom, show a painful look, but the groan that overflowed her lips became more pleasant, her buttocks were shaken more vigorously, and her body twisted and twisted unconsciously. The slender jade legs are tightly wrapped around Ye Tianxie's waist subconsciously, and snowy toes twitch like spasms, but the **** moves faster and faster, biting his lips and "whine" wailing, a pair of sharp and round Due to the softness of the milk, the pigeon's milk is extremely soft. With the vigorous shaking, it can not be tossed and deformed. The undulations do not make people feel small in size, but rich and attractive.

The stormy winds outside the window drowned Xiao Xi's groan and the sound of their body collision. Next door, Sophie Fei, awakened by the thunder, stood by the window and looked outside, unaware that a more intense storm was going on next door. ——————————————————————————————

Star Lecture Hall Phase 5-Prostitution | Dangling Index Test Dial

Hyun Zixing Lao Wet: "Oh, good afternoon, classmates. With the time of extracurricular activities, let's get to know the latest intellectual and high-tech of our great planet. Well, look at the metal plate in my hand."

The metal plate covering the table was erected, and there were dozens of identical dials inlaid on it. The only difference was that some hands moved fast and some hands moved slowly.

Feng K: "Wow! Teacher Zixing, could you change your watch?"

Xiao Yan: "Ms. Zixing, can we get a 20% discount?"

Whirlwind: "Teacher, you need to be professional in selling watches! Look at your watches, and some go as slow as snails, and some go as fast as grey machines, you cheating !!!"

Hyun Zixing: "(a black line) ignorance !!! Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ don't have general knowledge with your kids. This is high-tech, high-tech knows it! These are not simple tables, These things that look like watches are the latest invention of our 30th century biology ...

Classmates: "... what is that? Sounds **** | slangy."

"Do you know why some of these watches are fast or slow? This is a total of thirty watches, and these thirty watches are connected to all the children's shoes of our Mars class and the teacher's biological genes. Each table corresponds to The slower the index of a person's lewdness, the slower the index, the lower the index of that person, the faster the pointer, the higher the index of that person, the higher the index, understand? "




"Teacher Zixing! Who's the slowest one?"

"Hmm." Hyun Zixing pointed to the top watch and said: "This is a profanity children's shoes. From the turtle's general pointer speed, we can see that Xiaoyao classmates are typical appearance prostitution | swing, pure heart Good kid paper. "

Promiscuous: "I rely on! Who made this watch! So accurate!"

"Then that turns as fast as a windmill? Wow! Which guy is so **** | swinging!"

"This ... I see, oh, this is a monk's classmate. Well, cough, in the future, girls' shoes should always be vigilant and never get alone with children's shoes with dangerous factors."

Monk: Amitabha! Wrong, old wrong! !! The old woman has always been pure and messy.

Despised eyes of the class ...

"Teacher, which is Mars?"

"Oh ... it's getting hot recently, and my teacher's piece was used as a fan in my office."

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