"Brother, are you going out?" Chen Xue ran over, clutching Ye Tianxie's hand and said.

"Well ... but not to go out to fight monsters, but to say that we will take Xingli out to play. Will Xueer be together?" Ye Tianxie said holding her little hand.

"Of course!" Chen Xue cheered with excitement. Ye Tianxie smiled with the excitement she showed, but suddenly she felt guilt in her heart ... Yeah, when it comes to going out to play, she can be so happy and excited. She usually takes her, and Xingli and Xiaoxi Feifei and Chen Xin really have too little time to go out. Except for sleep, most of his time is spent in the world of destiny. Hua Qimeng said that only if he became stronger, could he see Li Xianer earlier, and what she was pointing to at first was clearly the power of the destiny world.

If Xianer could come back and live a life without worries, it would be perfect. At that time, they were free to take them wherever they wanted to go.

"Xue Er, where do you most want to play?" Ye Tianxie asked with a smile.

"I think ... ah! By the way, I haven't seen Salsa for a long time, shall we go to see Salsa?"



Falling wind town.

When the average player's level exceeds level 30, the once-popular downwind town began to be gradually left out, and players who were originally concentrated around Tianchen City also began to move quickly in a further direction. What remains unchanged is the grass and the breeze here, still exuding a breath of freshness. No wonder Chen Xue and Xingli both like to come to this place.

Ye Tianxie lay on the grass and looked at the cloudless sky. The feeling of relaxation in his whole body was extremely wonderful. He enjoyed and loved this feeling. Xiaoxi sat next to him, fiddled with Ye Tianxie's hair with her little hand, and Xingli sat on the other side of him, with the same small and delicate hands as Xiaoxi constantly clicking on Ye Tianxie. , Occasionally a very sweet smile. Not far away, the two girls were talking happily.

"Ah? Haven't germinated yet? It's weird, is it a kind of failure ... Ah! No, it will grow very slowly, so there is no germination. Tell you, there is a seed in my yard. It took several months to germinate today. "Chen Xue explained to Sasa seriously. That seed is the seed of Salsa's hope. Although, perhaps, it is just a very ordinary seed, but it is Sarah's most innocent and sincere hope and desire. Chen Xue wanted to say whether it was a failure, and then realized this, and quickly shook his head to correct it.

"Huh! Salsa will continue to wait. Mom ... Mom, although she has been getting worse recently, Salsa will work hard. Salsa believes that the seed we plant together will definitely germinate, grow up, flower, and then At that time, my mother will get better. "Sasha's face was faintly revealing her whimper ... she was just a small girl. This smearing gesture should not have appeared on a girl of this age at all. It is conceivable that she must have suffered some kind of mental suffering for a long time.

"Sasa, you have to work hard and believe in yourself. At first I thought I was going to die soon, but my brother let me live, look, I'm healthy now and I'm happy every day. They used to say Your mother can't support it for a month, and it's almost four months now. "Chen Xue used her smile to soothe the worry and shadow in Sasa's heart. Her smile was pure and immaculate, and it was indeed the softest and most comforting comfort.

"Uh-huh, yes. Salsa will work hard." Salsa nodded hard and smiled.

"Yes, Salsa, I'll give you something, wait a minute ..."

What Chen Xue thought of, sitting on the grass, trotting to Ye Tianxie, then squatting down, "Brother, give me a 'dew of life', OK, I want to give Salsa,"

"Well, okay." Ye Tianxie immediately understood what she was going to do, smiled slightly, and took out a dew from Chen Xue's life before putting it in Chen Xue's palm.

"Hey, thank you brother!" Chen Xue ran away happily, returned to Sasa, and gave her the dew of life: "Sasa, look, this is something made of the grass of life and the flower of life, you can Injecting vitality into a person's body, maybe it can make aunt's illness much hateful. "

"Wow! Really?" Salsa took the sandy white pill with an excited look on her face. Obviously, she was really worried about her mother's safety.

"Well, shall we go to feed the aunt now?"


After half an hour ...

"Wow! Really, really sloppy! Sister Xueer, mother ate that thing, she looked so much better, just now ... just a few steps out of bed just now. Great, really great . "Sasha said excitedly, then slowly shed tears.

Lying on the ground, Ye Tianxie glanced at Sasa and slowly rose from the grass.

"Hee! Sasha can't cry. Aunt is so much better. Sasha should be happy." Chen Xue smiled comfortably.

"I ... I'm happy, Sister Xueer, I ... I'm so happy, I really don't know how to thank you, now ... I really see the hope that my mother will get better. Before, my mother Although I have been very strong against disease, I feel weaker and better every day. Only today, I have become so much better all of a sudden, ohh ... I'm so happy, ohh ... "

Sasa burst into tears with excitement. When she was crying, Ye Tianxie always looked at her with a smile ... what a kind child. Indeed, with such a daughter, the mother must not be willing to leave, so she has been struggling and refused to return, so she has supported her to this day.

Ye Tianxie got up and walked in front of Sasa, feeling a very large shadow approaching. She subconsciously let go of her hands covering her tears and looked to the front, but she saw an open hand with many lying inside. Just seen the white pill.

"Big brother ..." She blinked and looked at him tearfully.

"Sasa, these are for you." Ye Tianxie looked at her with a smile. The dew of life in her hand was nineteen, which was all he could take out.

"Big brother ... these ... are these all for me?" Salsa's eyes were full | glorious, because of her mother, she matured a little earlier than ordinary children, and she vaguely knew that it would make her mother better at once. A lot of things must be particularly valuable, because so many valuable medicines they used before did not make mothers better.

"Eat one every day for your mother. Then, after ten days, your mother may really be completely well." Ye Tianxie said in the softest voice. If he eats one every day, he won't know if it will really get better after all, at least, this sentence can give a girl the most beautiful hope.

Chen Xue took down Ye Tianxie's life in the palm of her hand, and put it into the palm of Sasa: ​​"My brother is right about everything. Although this thing is small, it can give life to people. If you feed the auntie every day, maybe the auntie will be completely well. "

Sasa covered her hands together and tightly covered the nineteen dew of life. Tears had drawn several crystals on her face. She looked up and looked at Ye Tianxie and Chen Xue with tears in her eyes, with tears Yin said, "Thank you, Big Brother, Thank you, Sister Xue, your mother will be fine, and Sasha will never forget you."

"Hee hee, Sasa said so stupid, we are good friends, good friends, just to help each other in difficult times, you don't need to say thank you."

"Well! We are good friends. If one day ... there is one day, Sasa will definitely help the elder brother and sister Xue."

"Hee hee ..."

Although she lost twenty precious precious dew of life, she could give such a kind girl a beautiful hope, and Ye Tianxie didn't feel any regret or pity. Chen Xue looked at his eyes, and it was obvious that Ying was full of more and more colorful.

Maybe it's really hard for me to be a villain. Ye Tianxie nodded his nose and smiled.

In the distance, when Xiaoxi was facing Salsa, above her closed eyes, her long eyelashes trembled a little, and she immediately recovered her calmness.



The next morning, Tianchen City transferred to the hall.

Ye Tianxie casually made no one recognize him, so he walked in low-key. He still vaguely remembers the crowded and noisy here, and at this time, the huge hall was apparently empty, and the seven transfer mentors were no longer busy, one by one or sitting or crooked in their positions.

Ye Tianxie approached the soldier transfer instructor who was closest to the door, and opened the door and said, "That ... I'll take the transfer trial."

"Trial of transfer? Oh? It's you!" Although I haven't seen him in N months, the warrior's transfer instructor clearly had a deep impression on this person who could not be transferred at first, and recognized him at a glance-or Is his name. Even if the player's name is hidden, they cannot hide the eyes of some special NPCs: "You just said that you are going to undergo a transfer test? Could it be ~ www.readwn.com ~ You have reached level 50?"

"Well, yes." Ye Tianxie nodded and answered.

The soldier's transfer instructor's eyes stared at him for a few seconds, and then nodded: "Yes, yes, I thought your kid was not easy at the beginning. Then, if you can get the brave badge, it is difficult to think of ordinary people. It ’s normal to be the first to reach level 50. By the way, I'm curious, what kind of profession are you now? "

His eyes turned around Ye Tianxie, but with the privilege of the NPC who can peek at the player's profile during his transfer, he couldn't see what kind of profession he was now.

And there is only one reason for this situation ... this kid's profession is too advanced or powerful, and is beyond his scope of peeping! And this is the first time that this situation has happened since the player entered this world!

"Well ... let's talk about trials. After accepting the second transfer trial, is it right for you?" Ye Tianxie asked without answering.

Seeing him reluctant to answer, the warrior's transfer instructor shut up with interest, nodded, and said, "Okay ... well, your kid should also desperately want to go to the Lost City, right? Lost City The scale is several times larger than Tianchen City, and the prosperity level is far more than that. However, it is too close to the Tower of Destiny, and I do n’t know how it has changed in the past three years. But at least, the monsters outside the city must become Fierce and brutal, it is more terrible than before. And also, Lost City is a place where masters gather, the martial arts sensation, the gods of various departments, ghosts, heroes ... even the major emperors of auxiliary occupations, more than half Hidden in the Lost City, the two-, three-, and four-turn mentors are super strong who are even stronger than our seven combined. Ignored by them, you will move towards the true strong The Way of the ... ”

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