The Way of Fire ... The Way of Ice ... The Way of Wind ... The Way of Thunder ... The Way of Earth ... The Way of Light ... The Way of Darkness ...

Everything that happened during these ten days is presented in my mind, even if it is said that the ten days were spent in hell, it is not an exaggeration at all.

With the help of the powerful water magic of the ball, the flame path was the easiest and fastest to pass. It took only ten hours, the other six, none less than twenty-four hours. The most terrible thunder path, he used After two whole days and two nights, and dozens of times in the thunder array that did not know when it would suddenly fall, it was only a line from death.

The way of inflammation is terrible burning and high temperature. For ten hours, he carried it over.

The way of ice is the low temperature below -30 degrees Celsius, and the ice surface that is difficult to move. When he walked out one day and one night, the whole body's blood was frozen almost to freeze.

The way of the wind, the wind that rolled up not only took away his life from time to time like countless knives, but also the sand and dust that it brought up severely hindered his sight and interfered with his actions. It is not the protection of the rampant sky wall, let alone say that day and night, maybe an hour, he can hardly support the past.

The way of thunder ... this is the most terrible one. Everything inside is purple. Over the sky, thunder and lightning will be dropped from time to time. It is a thunder and lightning with great lethality and a powerful paralysis effect. For the safety of his partner, he had to Take back the puppet, the ball, Beckham, fight alone, and walk in the attack of the thunderbolt and the thunderbolt ... for forty-eight hours! When passing, he lay on his back, unable to get up for a long time ...

Sand way, sand drifts all over. If there is no Kaka, most of the body will be trapped in the sand, unable to move! Not only can't act, the slow and sometimes quick and quick quicksand will also force the action of the body, and the demon of the earth is under this quicksand ...

The light way, perhaps, except for the flame way, this should be the easiest one ever, because the light attack is the worst of the seven, but ... Ye Tianxie spends the most time in the light way! Three days and three nights! Because, although the light maggots have the weakest attack, they have the strongest vitality. What is more disgusting is that they can quickly restore life. Even if Ye Tianxie destroyed a small light maggot, it would cost a lot. time.

The Way of Darkness: This should be the scariest of the eight trials, because the space inside is pure darkness, and nothing can be seen. However, with Ye Tianxie's evil dragon eyes, this scene also lost the biggest threat. Instead, the flat ground allowed Ye Tianxie to fully exert his strength. The Dark Capricorn attack inside is not high, but various terrible abnormal states will be attached to the attack. However, there is a trance, and the abnormal state no longer seems so terrible ... Twenty hours later, he got nine A dark pearl, out of the dark.



Ten days, really ten days.

Ye Tianxie leaned against the wall with a smile on his tired face.

He came over ... and it worked!

In any of the trials, a team of twelve people entered, and it was extremely difficult to survive for half an hour. And he was alone ... Seven doors, ten days and ten nights, all passed! The hardship and the thrillingness of it are impossible for those who haven't experienced it personally. Even Ye Tianxie remembered that his heart would twitch violently.

There is one last one-the Golden Way!

There is no doubt that the eighth path after the seven elements must be of the physics department.

"Master, are you tired again?" Guoguo rode on Ye Tianxie's shoulder, eating a bunch of grapes. Ye Tianxie's body always carries a lot of fruit from his own yard, and it is consumed quickly. Chen Xin saw that he liked to eat so much, and every time he took it, he would bring him a lot. Chen Xin certainly didn't know. The reason why it was consumed so fast ... Most of it was for Guoguo.

It's not easy. It's been ten days and I haven't finished.

"... Tired." Ye Tianxie glanced at Guoguo and snorted weakly. Sure enough, people are more popular than others. When they are desperately fighting for their lives, they eat and yell while they eat. They are all eating and watching the wonderful performance. If they are tired, they will go to sleep comfortably. , Then come out and get excited ... well, although she occasionally reminds him that a monster comes out behind him, the negative impact on Ye Tianxie's nerves is far greater than the positive impact.

"The master takes a good rest, and he won't be tired after a while ... Ah, right, peel the grapes for you."

Guoguo floated from Ye Tianxie's shoulders. He held a peeled grape in both hands and floated to Ye Tianxie's eyes. He kept the grapes to his mouth: "Master, open your mouth, Guoguo feed you Grapes, this is not only big, but sweet and sweet ... "

Ye Tianxie opened his mouth, and Guoguo's small body pushed forward, and he put a whole grape in Ye Tianxie's mouth, then he watched with satisfaction.

"Is it delicious?" Guoguo's eyebrows were bent slightly, and he took another grape and held it in his hand.

"Well, it's delicious." Ye Tianxie didn't even vomit, and swallowed it directly ... even if it was really not delicious, he could only say it was delicious.

"Uh-huh! Then ... another one. Master, open your mouth."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

At this time, Ye Tianxie's phone rang, and only Xingbaoer could talk to him in such a closed place as the abyss trial. Ye Tianxie picked up, sat upright, and said, "Boer, what's the matter?"

"Boss! Haven't you come out yet? Brother Zuo and they are looking for you ..."

Following this, the voice of the left breaking army came from the intercom:

"Second Brother, four of us are already at level 50, and we are preparing to form a team to go to the trial for transfer. Er ... Boss, it has been so long, why haven't you come out yet. Is this trial really so difficult?"

Ye Tianxie's mouth showed a bitter smile ... Everyone knows that the abyss trial is difficult, and it can be seen from the abyss trial in Xinshou Village. But no one will think of how difficult the abyss trial of Tianchen City is.

"It's hard." Ye Tianxie could only answer him like that. As for how difficult it is, he has been unable to find the language to interpret. And what he went through was only the first level ... How much terrible the second level would be, he was afraid to think about it.

However, this step has been reached, and all of his strength, conviction, and persistence have been exhausted to the present. No matter what is waiting for him in front, it cannot stop him from moving forward.

"The second brother, when can you come out, we are wondering whether to wait for the second brother to come out, and then take us through the abyss trial ..."

Ye Tianxie smiled bitterly again ... Although he has passed the seven trials by himself, if the four members of the left break army are together, he is extremely convinced that an ice path is enough to make all of them except himself The army was annihilated. And even if he can ... he never wants to repeat the previous trial again, it is a kind of pain. No one wants to experience the second torture-the dual torture of body and spirit!

"Go and challenge the nightmare ... don't try the abyss, don't." He stated to the left breaking army with a weak voice.

The intercom was silent, "Don't," and in his memory, he never seemed to hear Ye Tianxie say these "four words" to him. And from his weak voice, he heard a deep tenderness and exhaustion ...

"I see. The four of us are ready to try the nightmare trials. With the Fairy Shield in hand, I now believe that even the mAb lord BOSS is okay! Second brother, you need to come out sooner. We are more I believe that no matter what kind of trial, it will be difficult for you. "Zuo Pojun said with a grin.

"Well, you guys also cheer up, so Fifi doesn't have to worry, I should be able to go out soon."

Hanging up the call, Ye Tianxie closed his eyes and leaned against the wall motionless. Every time he came out of a trial door, he would spend a lot of time to stabilize his mind and restore his strength. Guoguo certainly knew that after he closed his eyes, no matter how he shouted that he would not speak, he obediently ate the whole bunch of grapes, then yawned, floated on Ye Tianxie's thigh, and lay straight Pulled the hem of his clothes over his body, and soon fell asleep.

after an hour.

Ye Tianxie's eyes opened, and the sharp edge flashed past.

In the center of the gate, the seven holes on the door are all on, red, blue, green, purple, yellow, white, and black. Each way of the Seven Elements will light up. Ye Tianxie's eyes fell on the round hole in the middle of Shimen, and then he went to the far right door, the last one ... the Golden Way!

Checked my backpack ... Only the last ten of the Holy Spirit's medicine were consumed, there were 5 bottles of mineral water, and only twenty drops of Chaoyang dew were left ~ ~ All of the dusk dew Exhausted. Ye Tianxie sighed silently, even if he wanted to resupply, there was no place to resupply. If it hadn't been there, his potion would have been exhausted.

Looking up, no longer hesitated to step into the Golden Way.

After entering, Ye Tianxie stared forward. Unexpectedly, the front is not a piece of gold, but a style that is the same as the outside, but it is a space that is several times larger. The flat ground and old walls are not as disturbing as the other Seven Elements.

Such an environment made Ye Tianxie quietly relieved. For him, the scary thing is not the monster, but the torture of the environment. But he didn't take it for granted. The absence of elemental interference shows that there are equally terrible places in other aspects.

In his thinking, abnormal energy fluctuations finally came in front, the golden shadow in the space in front of him shook, and twelve golden shadows of exactly the same size were discharged there ... unlike the previous elemental magic wand, this time No longer is the irregular body formed by the elements. It's ... one by one golden body, golden shield in one hand, golden gun in one hand-golden warrior!

The Golden Capricorn: Level 50 Lord BOSS, Life: 200000, was originally a gold twelve guard made of pure gold in the cemetery of the Emperor Tianchen City, and was then injected into the golden battle spirit, becoming the golden capricorn of the abyss trial of gold, the gold cast Cheng's body has a strong resistance to physical attacks and magic attacks.

Talent: The Body of the Golden Soul: The body of the Golden Forge can perfectly withstand 100,000 arbitrary damage, and any form of attack below 100,000 is invalidated.

Skill: Golden Gun.

Trick: None.

Hidden skills: None.

Weaknesses: None.

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!!!"

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