Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 568: Huang Yuan and Lubo (3)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at least since the snake is a green body!

In the horror of Ye Tianxie, Guoguo yelled. It was indeed a green wave. Ye Tianxie no longer needed any doubts, but the way he played was enough to make anyone scared ...

The body is green, the green snake scales are faintly flashing, the body is half under the swamp, and the exposed half is five meters long and half a meter thick, with only one eye, releasing the green light that makes the heart cold. At this moment, these eyes stared at Ye Tianxie's body. Rao used his courage to feel the cold air flowing through his body.

Roar! !!

Just then, behind him, a roar similar to that of a bear suddenly came, Ye Tianxie turned quickly, and then blinked his eyes with a golden light. Behind him, I don't know when an extra beast with a yellow light was released. Its body size is not large, its height is three or four meters, but its thickness is amazing ... Under the cover of golden light, it can't see its body clearly, and can only recognize the body shape similar to a bear vaguely.

The yellow light from it shone on him, and a sense of weakness began to become clearer.

"Ding ... You have received the influence from‘ ????? ’, the physical attack power is forcibly reduced by 20%, and the crit cannot be triggered during the attack.”

The beep sounded in my ears ... this is what it released, the weakening effect that even the two masters of the Lost City could not resist, and the weakening degree was as high as 20%! Can't trigger crit yet!

"Huang Yuan appeared! It's not wrong, it's Huang Yuan's spirit ... Oh! Master, there really are two cores of destiny! The master defeats them quickly, and then the moment of destiny can become more Great! Alas! Come on, master ... "

Ye Tianxie :! @ # ¥% ……

Huang Yuan and Lubo surrounded him one after the other, Ye Tianxie leaned to his side, while watching Huang Yuan and Lubo's movements, his mind quickly calculated. It was a nameless help to receive the blood feathers at the beginning. At first, he took Orange Teeth ... but it was the hand of the Underworld ghost king.

Now, this is the first time he has faced the nucleus of fate alone, and it is also two at the same time.

After a few seconds of calculation, he came to the conclusion ... that the possibility of himself defeating these two cores of fate ... is completely 0!

The strength of any one of them must be far beyond Akabuchi! And it's not just a little bit over. Abyss is a beast of mystery and mystery at level 60, and they are advanced beasts of mystery at full level. The coercion from the core of the two destinies, such as two high and unsteady mountains, oppressed his body, the feeling of suffocation and depression was extremely clear and strong.

What should I do? To attack? That's to death ...

escape? Now that you have come here, how can you leave.

Discuss with them? Without the power to subdue them, would they be willing to return to the moment of fate.


Between Ye Tianxie's hair, Huang Yuan suddenly issued a strange roar, and with this strange roar, the yellow light burst on his body, and the dazzling light caused Ye Tianxie's body to take a step back subconsciously. He suddenly noticed something, looked up violently, and found that the sky above him suddenly had a deeper layer of yellow ...

this is?

Wait, is it ...

Ye Tianxie took out the empty bead at the fastest speed and used it quickly. The empty bead flashed white, but his body did not return to the Lost City as he wished. It was a system prompt in his ear: "Ding ... The surrounding 300-meter area has been 'blocked' by force, and cannot be separated in any way unless the blockade is broken. "

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!!!"

"Oh! This is another ability of Huang Yuan, the physical blockade! This blockade is so powerful that the owner must not be able to break it now. Also, this is the physical blockade caused by Huang Yuan's forces. Even the orange teeth can't be broken. "Guoguo dangled his calf and said with a smile in Ye Tianxie's ear. There is no consciousness that his master has been driven into a dead end.

In this way, he was blocked even after the road!

He suddenly understood why Huang Yuan knew about his entry before, and stared at him without attacking all the way ... It turned out that it wasn't hesitation about whether to attack, but introduced him to this place, and then blocked him to prevent him Run away and attack with green waves!

Cunning enough!

Sure enough, after the blockade, Huang Yuan and Lu Bo's breath became more intense. Green Wave ’s body twisted, and an uncomfortable “hissing” sound of the eardrum spread to the ear. Then, a large puff of green smoke, like an explosive smoke bomb, spread to the surroundings instantly. Ye Tianxie could not escape, and was The green smoke drowned ...

"Ding ... You are affected by‘ ????? ’, the defense drops to 0, because you use poison avoidant,‘ deadly poisonous ’effect is immune.”

Ye Tianxie: "!!!"

Defense ... drops to 0?

Roar! !!

A loud roar approached, and a terrible force of coercion fell from the sky like a mountain. The green smoke obstructed Ye Tianxie's vision, his eyes narrowed, the wings of Abyss behind him opened wide, and they shot back at the fastest speed ...

boom! !!

In his previous position, there was already a large bottomless pit. Although Huang Yuan's attack did not have a large scope, it was so destructive that Ye Tianxie's eyes narrowed. His body had just stopped, and the green wave's attack followed, but the turquoise smoke from his mouth took him far away ... But fortunately, the green wave's poisonous mist did not seem to carry an attack It was determined that Ye Tianxie did not cause substantial harm.

If this continues ...

The fall of an attack made Huang Yuan growl in a low voice, his body leaped high, but the heavy body was in front of Ye Tianxie's body in an instant, and his huge fist blasted back with a huge power enough to open the mountain and crack the stone. What Huang Yuan has is the strength of the Department of Physics. The power is huge, which is completely the most terrible that Ye Tianxie has ever seen since he entered the world of destiny. He gritted his teeth hard and called Bingyu Binglin, and at the same time blessed the "Red Wind" at the fastest speed, so that the movement speed soared to 320, and his body reversed, avoiding it dangerously and dangerously, but he had not had time to breathe A huge sense of crisis struck him from all directions, and the feeling of death approaching made him unable to react and think at all. The "soul of the evil dragon" was launched instantly.

Hiss ~~~~~~~~~

Countless green rays hit Ye Tianxie's body, and also covered the entire space blocked by Huang Yuan. The countless green rays all came from green waves. When it realized that its poison had no effect on him, At that time, its attack became a large-scale poison line attack, which would not only be highly toxic, but also have terrible lethal power ...

Ye Tianxie fell from the air and stood on the ground with a frown, Huang Yuan chased him, and his body slammed on the wall of the evil dragon around his body. That terrible force completely shattered the surrounding land, and the reflection force turned it The tremor flew far away, and the venomous rays of Green Wave fell on him like a torrential rain ... Ye Tianxie was motionless, his hands clasped the moment of destiny, and the attack from Huang Yuan and Green Wave was walled by the evil dragon. Completely isolated, his eyes dropped, as if he had completely ignored everything around him.

Are there only two options?

One is death ...

One, maybe more terrible than death ...

But other than that ...

Roar! !! !! !!

A roar, as if from outside the sky. This roar never belongs to Huang Yuan, but clearly belongs to the wolf roar! Ye Tian fiercely looked up, but saw a blue shadow falling from the sky like a meteor, and hit the yellow barrier cast by Huang Yuan severely ...

Ping ~~~~~~~~~~~~

If countless glass is broken at the same time, the sound of the connection and overlap makes the eardrum and heart uncomfortable. There were countless fine cracks in the sky. The yellow blockade that was built by Huang Yuan ’s powerful force turned out to be fragmented under such a blow.

That is……

Blue spirit! !!

Roar! !!

The speed at which the body that had broken Huang Yuan's blockade did not diminish at all, and fell at a speed that was hardly recognizable to the naked eye, and hit Huang Yuan who was too late to respond ...

boom! !!


In an angry roar, Huang Yuan ’s body flew out like a kicked ball, flying far and far, and the location of the collision, the original green land was already a mess, There is no trace of intactness.

The blue giant wolf was standing there, a pair of wolf eyes released a stunning blue light, it glanced at Ye Tianxie, a roar, the body burst out, a blue light suddenly passed, its body , Already hit the green wave's body fiercely, knocked its entire body out of the poisonous swamp, and flew a distance of at least several hundred meters, and the blue soul's body turned into light and shadow. Fearing speed catches up ...

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Oh! It's a blue soul! Why does it appear here?" Guoguo said in surprise.

Ye Tianxie looked up and looked up at the sky. Above him, he really saw a small shadow that couldn't be smaller floating above the sky.

Where there is blue spirit, how can there be no nameless.

What's more, the strength of the blue spirit just shocked him. Regardless of strength, speed, and coercion, it is completely different from what it showed when it fought against Blood Feather ... At that time, it clearly did not exert its full strength at all.

In the distance, there was a roar of power collision, Ye Tianxie's face changed for a while, and he drove the crying feather Bing Lin to the sky, then stopped at a limit of 20 meters, and looked coldly at the yellow, green, and blue. The collision of colors.

There was a flash of white light around him, and an unknown name appeared in front of him. He didn't look at him, but fixedly watched the fierce battle of the three cores of fate. As the core of destiny, Lanmo is one-on-two, but instead of being inferior, he defeated Huang Yuan and Lubo one by one. The roar that belongs to Lanmo brings the imperial coercion and fierce power. The blue eye makes people feel cold, every time the cold and sharp wolf claws are drawn, it tears up the space, and every time its power collides, it brings the boiling of the earth and the trembling of space ...

In Ye Tianxie's memory, when the blue spirit and blood feathers fought, the force shown was the combination of ice and wind, and the ice storm that released the earth was released, but its speed and its strength turned out to be the same. Such horror ... it is indeed the core of fate, the power is second only to the blue core of the mysterious sky heart!

"How did you come here?" Ye Tianxie asked. Although, he knew very well why he suddenly appeared. It's been months since we last saw you.

Anonymous did not turn his head and said indifferently: "You are too chaotic. Now you have no power to subdue the core of destiny ~ ~ Moreover, two of them appear at the same time. You should know your own power, Now that you have sensed the existence of two cores of fate, you shouldn't come here. It's not cowardice to retreat when you have difficulty. "

"..." Ye Tianxie remained silent for a few seconds, his eyes narrowed slowly, and said blankly, "You want to help me conquer these two cores of fate?"

Ye Tianxie's tone made Wu Ming slightly glanced, he said lightly: "This is the last time I help you ..."

"Why are you helping me! When did I say that I need your help !?" No luck, no gratitude, and it appeared on Ye Tianxie's face, but it was an unexpected emotional turmoil.

Anonymous turned around and looked at him indifferently.

"When you first met me, you prayed for me ... yes, you prayed for me to defeat you! I know that you are expecting my strength to grow beyond you! Since you are so expecting ... ... then why don't you think I can face everything alone ... why do you think I can't subdue them on my own !!!


"I can't, always grow under your protection, let alone, let myself, let you, let her down !!"

After he finished speaking, his body suddenly turned back, and rushed to the place where the three major fate nuclear battles at the fastest speed.

Anonymous looked at his back, silent for a long time, deep in his eyes, something was shaking slightly ...

"Dragon Soul Roar !!"

A dragon roar, shaking the sky, Huang Yuan and Lan Po were forcibly stunned, Lan Po also stopped his body and looked at Ye Tianxie flying with doubt.

Ye Tianxie landed next to Lan Mo, without even looking at it. His eyes looked at Huang Yuan and Lan Po who were stunned with a boiling flame. In his mouth, he made a slow and low voice: "Give me-- —Flash—On! "

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