Cang Chen's face completely blacked out, and the demon could not summon it again in a short time. His body backed up, his hand moved, and three silver eagles appeared above his head. With the lesson of the devil just now, he seemed to learn Obediently, the summoning beast is three flying summoning beasts ... God's Runaway has the ability to float, and the summoning beast will not stop without killing the target, and will not obey the caller's command. In the same way, even if he summoned the strongest demon once again, it was useless.

Silver Eagle: Level 54, Life: 9800. The flying summoned beast summoned by the player "Cangchen" has a swift body and can float for rapid pecking.

Talent: None.

Skills: Fei Yu shattered, Silver Wing Tian Xiang

Weakness: The defense is low, and the attack cannot be launched in a non-flying state.

As soon as the three silver eagles appeared, they each uttered a sharp hissing, and then drew three straight trajectories, rushing towards God's pleasure. The speed is significantly faster than the previous demons. When God's body fluttered, the shadows of the three silver eagles had passed by, even his hair. He didn't take the opportunity to attack Cang Chen, but "Hehe" laughed, even the front teeth showed: "Cang Chen, you really think that you can move infinitely on this stage, and I can't help you The thing that my God Xiaoyao is best at ... One is to escape. The other, hehe, is to lie ... I never believe in anyone, and never come and never expose everything in front of anyone, A person who thinks he is invincible in the world of escape can't live without his own hidden killer ... and I have at least ten ways to deal with you! Do you believe it? "

Except for Cangchen, no one else would have heard what God Xiaoyao was saying ... and he would not have thought that there would be another person who heard these words ...

Ye Tianxie!

He is also watching the trends on the stage and paying attention to the conversation between the two ... Not that his hearing is as amazing as his eyesight, but that the call watch that Xingbaoer gave him has the function of forcibly tapping, as long as he is willing , Can hear what anyone is saying. God Xiaoyao's words spoke in a dark and dark tone, and Ye Tianxie frowned obviously.

He knew from the beginning that God's pleasure was by no means simple. Regardless of his mind, mind, strength ... but he still let him join the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps, and never regretted it.

The voice of God's carefreeness dropped, his body suddenly rushed forward, the green dagger pierced the dust, the dust of his eyes flickered, his body moved and flickered, and he had moved twenty meters behind him. God Xiaoyao didn't turn around, and although the stabbing speed just now was fast, it didn't reach his extreme speed, apparently he didn't even think about hitting him. And the position where he stands at this time is exactly the center of the arena. He closed his eyes, raised his right hand, and the dagger in his hand released a green poisonous light like the eyes of a snake ...

"Poisonous mist Tianze !!"

boom! !!

Like a huge balloon suddenly exploding, God Xiaoyao's body suddenly released a thick cloud of smoke, the color of the smoke presented a stunning turquoise, that color ... obviously a poisonous fog!

The green mist spread around the body of God's carefreeness, and it spread quite fast. In a blink of an eye, it was approaching Cang Chen's body. The Cang Chen's body was receding, and it retreated until it reached the edge of the arena. However, The spread of the poisonous mist did not stop, and it wrapped the body of Cangchen, and also wrapped the entire arena ... Then, the spread of the poisonous mist was blocked by the ruthless barriers around the arena, and the poisonous mist quickly filled. The entire space enclosed by the barrier depicts a standard semi-circle.




-380 ...

Three silver eagles, and a dusty head, at the same time, red damage figures floated ...

And these injury numbers clearly mean ...

Every second ... drop 20% of life!

"This ... Xiaoyao still has this hand!" Zuo Pojun stared at the arena that had been filled with poisonous mist, and the sound of surprise among players was already noisy. He suddenly slammed the seat hard: "Fuck! The tension before this guy came on the stage was just pretend, but I comforted him so much."

"It turned out to be such a wide range of detoxification ... In this way, Cangchen could never hide it again ... Oh, poison! Don't let me come across such a thing, this nasty thing It will definitely damage my flaky skin ... Oh, I think I will stay away from that kid in the future. "Murong Qiushui touched his face and made a fearful gesture.

"Not only poisonous but also highly poisonous ... The effect is twice as poisonous as the previous" poison touch ". It is indeed ... a poison killer!" Ye Tianxie whispered as he looked at the **** on the stage.

Since he is a poison killer or a poison killer who can release such amazing virulence, then ... is it possible that he will also release the endless "deadly poison"? No antidote can be used on the arena. If he can add deadly poison, then ...

In five seconds, all three silver eagles were poisoned. The scene was already holding their breath, and now they realized that they had completely looked at God Xiaoyao before him ... his ability was more than just poisoning and escaping!

Cangchen's poisoning state continued. In the fourth second, he was forced to take the recovery potion, otherwise the fifth second was the time of his death. He didn't summon any more, because the demon was led by him to the arena, and he was poisoned by flying ... he couldn't even figure out what to call to deal with him. The summoner, who has no attack ability, is even less likely to attack him with the staff in his hand. He could only look dark and uncertain, staring straight at God's escape, and in his eyes, something terrible was flashing.

"I should have a good smell of poison? Hey ... Do you know why my profession is called Fengying Poison Killer? Because almost all my attacks depend on poison. One month ago, I was even poisonous in my forties. I got a level 60 lord boss, and Fengying is because my speed is like the wind ... No, faster than the wind ... "Speaking of which, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the voice in his mouth slowly overflowed: "But do you think that the speed of movement I showed before is the limit of my speed ..."

Uh ...

God Xiaoya disappeared, disappeared in the position where he stood before ... then at the same time, appeared in front of Cangchen, the poisonous turquoise green dagger had penetrated his body ...

Players in the auditorium widened their eyes ... Before, although the speed of God's escape was amazing, people's eyes could still catch a shaking shadow. But this time God moved, no one could see the displacement of his body. What he caught in his eyes was that he disappeared in place.

Ye Tianxie's eyes flashed ... Just now the speed of God's escape ...

To be above 500! !!

Moving speeds above 500 ...

Could this be his true moving speed? The moving speed shown before is still not his limit!

Or to say ... the speed of 500 is actually not his limit!

God has always been hiding himself, hiding on all sides. This is a distrust of others and at the same time a means of self-protection.


God's fleeing blow hit the dust, killing most of his life. Faced with a speed of more than 500, even Cang Chen has no time to respond.

The cooling time of the recovery medicine is not over. Cangchen can only watch his remaining life swallowed by poison quickly, until he is swallowed up ...

Cangchen's life was emptied, and his body slowly fell to the ground, but then, the moment when Cangchen's body completely lay on the ground, a flash of light flashed, and another Cangchen appeared behind God's leisure Thirty meters away, the fallen dust slowly disappeared like fog.

No one was surprised, because this is the strongest life-saving skill after the second turn of the summoner-傀儡. Xunshu can give the summoner the right to avoid death once a day. The first death in a day will be replaced by the puppet, and the real body can be opened immediately, and life is full. This skill, to a large extent, makes up for the shortcoming that the summoner is extremely vulnerable to being spiked.

The green poisonous mist still did not dissipate, and the fleeing dust still fell into the state of poisoning for the first time. He looked at the slowly disappearing puppet, his face getting darker and darker ...

His goal is the top four, or even the first!

The Thirty-two matches were a simple stop for him. God is at ease ... He didn't look at it at all.

However, he couldn't have imagined that today's game would be such a development, and he was forced to such an extent by an opponent he didn't trust at all. He has even been killed once and has lost his bodyguard.

Seeing God at ease, he suddenly laughed, the laughter was extremely cold, and a cold voice came out of his mouth: "I didn't expect that I could look away, and you could force me to this extent. Your poison is terrible. Your speed is the fastest I've ever seen. No one can match it ... but you really think you can beat me ... "

God is happy: "..."

"I was prepared to deal with evil days ... I didn't expect that you could force me to use them. Although you will die soon, you should feel a glory under the hands of the **** of hell! Hey ... Hehe hehe ... do you know what the ultimate summoning is? "

The air suddenly became chaotic ~ ~ Even the surrounding space was trembling faintly, as if trembling in fear.

"The ultimate summoning is not the summoning beast assisting the attack, but the power of the summoning beast !!"

"The faithful guardian from hell, listen to my call, lend your strength to me, and let the humble soul helplessly tremble under your power ... Hell Keeper God!"

Rumble ~~~~

Ears suddenly heard the sound of a mountain collapse. As Cangchen sang loudly with his staff held flat, a dark circle of light suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. The dark circle of light swirled rapidly around his body, gradually, dyeing his body into It's black ... no, it's not a dark color, it's a dark ... armor!

A terrible black shadow emerged above the staff. It was a shaped shadow with a huge double horn, similar to a cow's head, and a human body. With this shadow, the body of the dust was obvious in the black awn. The number is growing and expanding ... from a normal height to two meters, three meters ... four meters ...

It stopped at a height of five meters, and the dark shadow and the image of the demon completely disappeared at the same time.

Above the auditorium, there was an extremely loud exclaiming sound. All the players stared at each other's eyes, almost their eyes almost fell down.

The dust on the field is gone, and there is a man with huge double horns, the head of a cow, the body of a man, and the whole body painted black magic armor ...

Hell Gatekeeper!

That **** is much colder than the previous demon, and the **** wind blows the air here, and it also impacts the shivering hearts ... In the hands of the **** gatekeeper, above the two huge axes and then the scarlet two It seems that there is blood dripping drop by drop ...

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