Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

: Evil Sky Level 50 All Attributes

Basic attributes:

Character: Evil Sky

Level: 50

Occupation: Inverse Bone Dragon, Fantasy Beast God, Abyss' Claw Emperor

Reputation: 100270, Money: 856657544 gold coins

Hunger: 30/1270.

Basic Attributes: Strength: 1270, Constitution: 956, Dexterity: 682, Spirit: 670

Fixed Attributes: Lucky: 77; Perception: 51; Charm: 62

Health: 15365

Mana: 10109

Physical Attack: 5966

Magic Attack: 1341

Physical Defense: 3227

Hits: 682

Avoid: 791

Responsiveness: 72

Perception: 53

Attention: 42

Attack speed: 100

Movement speed: 160

Fire resistance: 33%, water resistance: 33%, wind resistance: 33%, lightning resistance: 38%, soil resistance: 53%, light resistance: 83%, dark resistance Sex: 83%.





Enlightenment: Common skills for all professions, 1 point of mana loss, detect monster attributes not higher than their own level 10.

other skills:

Unrelenting combat intention: The advanced skill of "furious combat intention" can be launched when the life is less than 20%. After launching, the physical attack power, magic attack power, and movement speed are all increased by 50%, the critical strike rate is + 10%, and the defense power is reduced. 70%, consumes 70 magic, lasts 30 seconds, and when it reaches a certain condition, it can be upgraded to a more powerful runaway technique-Huangquan combat intention.

Wraith: When cast, it will summon the power of the fog formed by the power of death to support the body, slowing down the speed of falling. Consumes 20 mana for a maximum duration of five seconds, which can be interrupted at any time, and the skill cooldown is 30 seconds.

Inverse Bone Dragon:

The body of the evil dragon: The dragon is the creature with the most powerful physique and defense ability, and the evil dragon combining the light dragon power and the dark dragon power will have a stronger body than the ordinary dragon. At the same time, it has strong immunity to light and dark forces. Light resistance + 70%, dark resistance + 70%, water resistance + 20%, fire resistance + 20%, wind resistance + 20%, lightning resistance + 20%, soil resistance + 20%. Increase defense by 5 × level, defense by (0.3 × level)%, and can wear equipment of any profession.

Claws of evil dragons: Dragons are creatures with the strongest power, and evil dragons that combine light dragon power and dark dragon power will have stronger power than ordinary dragons. Dragon claws are a terrible weapon. Any ordinary When the weapon is in the claw of the dragon, it will become a powerful weapon. Attack increases by 5 × level, attack increases by (0.3 × level)%, crit rate is + 5%, and weapons of any profession can be used.

Evil Dragon Eye: The strange dragon eye created by the fusion of light power and dark power, can see through the environment of absolute darkness and light, has a visible distance that exceeds the number of ordinary people, and can see through strength no higher than itself 20 Level monsters, players, NPCs information and even shortcomings.

Soul of the Evil Dragon: The unique and unique ability of the Evil Dragon. After launching, it will burn the life of the Evil Dragon to form the strongest indestructible defense. It completely resists any attack from the enemy. After launching, it reduces the health by 10% per second and the life is reduced. It will be automatically cancelled when it reaches 10% or below. It can also be interrupted at any time during the duration. It cannot be revived in any way during the duration. When the life is below 10%, it cannot be used. It can be used three times a day. The interval between each use must not be less than 1 hour. , Launched by the power of evil dragons, without any consumption.

Dragon Soul Smash: The combined hands of the power from the Dragon Soul, slam the enemies in front of you with double fists with violent dragon power or weapons in your hand, causing 300% damage equivalent to a normal attack to a single enemy, with 35% Probability knocks back the target, 10% probability knocks the target down, 5% probability stuns the target for 3-4 seconds, consumes 25 mana, and has no skill cooldown. It can be cast by fists or by various weapons. "Dragon Soul Slash" will become "Dragon Soul Slash" when cast with a slash weapon, it will become "Dragon Soul Slash" when stabbed with a short sword, and "Soul Slash Sword" when attacked with a bow and arrow. ".

Dragon Soul Break: Pour the power of Dragon Soul onto your hands or weapons and release it instantly, causing a small range of power to blast, attacking all targets within a certain range, causing all targets to have 150% damage equivalent to normal attacks, and having The target is knocked down with a 20% probability, and the target will be stunned for 3-4 seconds with a 10% probability. It can be cast with both hands or with various weapons. Use melee weapons for an attack range of three meters + weapon length. Use long-range attack weapons for an attack range of three meters around the landing point. Consumes 30 mana and no skill cooldown.

Evil? Dragon Soul Roar: Using its own life as its source, using the power of the evil Dragon Soul as its source, exploding life, releasing its power, and issuing a roar of the Dragon Roar that stuns all souls, causing all the surrounding creatures to originate from the source of life. Irresistible damage and forced stun, the damage caused and the duration of forced stun are proportional to the health of the explosion. The health value of the explosion can be any value from 30.0% to 99.9%. It cannot explode beyond the current health value. The damage caused is equal to the life of the explosion. The compulsory stun time is equal to the percentage of the explosion health × 10, the effect range is 50 meters, no magic consumption, cooling time of 100 seconds. The Roar of Dragon Soul can stun all souls, and the roar of Soul of Evil Dragon will cause irresistible effects to any level and grade of creatures, and it is also effective for dragon creatures.

Dragon Soul Breaking Slam: Consolidates the power of Dragon Soul to the whole body, and launches a thunderbolt-like sprint that causes a violent blow to all enemies in a straight line ahead. The sprint distance is 8-10 meters and the sprint time is 0.2 to 0.5 seconds. 30% chance to knock back the target, 10% chance to knock the target to the ground, 5% chance to stun the eyes for 3-4 seconds, causing damage equivalent to 200% of normal attacks, consuming 50 magic, skill cooldown 10 seconds. It can be cast by fists or by various weapons. When used as a slash weapon, "Dragon Soul Broken Shadow Strike" will become "Dragon Soul Broken Shadow Strike", which will turn into "Dragon Soul Broken Shadow Strike" when a short-blade stab is used, and as a long-range attack with a bow and arrow. The "Soul of the Broken Shadow" by Bow and Arrow at the same time.

Dragon Soul Storm: The power of Dragon Soul erupts, spins itself, sweeps up a powerful storm of dragon power, and instantly attacks all enemies involved. Each attack has the same damage as a normal attack. Dragon Force Storm will greatly exclude all enemies within the range effect. After use, it will fall into a stun state for 1 to 2 seconds. The effect range is 5 meters, consumes 150 magic, and the skill cooldown is 1 minute. When certain conditions are met, the inferno dragon dance sky flying splits.

Dragon Soul Burst: Concentrate your mind, burn your life and magic power, focus your own Dragon Soul power on the weapon in your hand, and stab a violent blow that condenses your strength. Single attack, causing 1500% damage, 100% triggering knockback, 20% probability triggering knockout, 35% probability causing wound tearing, the tearing effect lasts for 10 seconds, causing 100% damage equivalent to normal attack per second , 3% probability of triggering is dead, and a medium destruction effect is added when attacking. It takes 1..5 seconds to charge before launching, and it takes 15% of life and 15% of magic to launch. If the health and magic value are lower than 15 % Can also be activated, health and magic will drop to 1 without dying, the effect is unchanged, the cooldown is 1 minute. Can only be launched by weapon.

Fantasy Beast God Envoy:

The heart of the rhinoceros: The phantom orcs have a strong ability to communicate with the beast |, so they have a powerful ability to control the beast or even a phantom beast. Effect: For every level 20 increase, the upper limit of the number of pets that can play at the same time in battle increases by one. The higher the level, the lower the chance of pet rebellion. After the level exceeds 50, the pet partner will never be rebellious. After the level exceeds 50, there will be a certain probability to understand the language of the beast. After the level reaches 80, you can freely communicate with the beast.

Illusion change? Divine Sword War God-Caronandez: Based on the power of the sacred mark, turn into Caronandez, the ancient fighting **** of fantasy orcs. He will have all the power of his heyday. Because the current ability is too low, the level drops 89 levels after illusion, and can maintain the illusion state for up to 50 seconds.

Caronandez: The "Holy Sword War God" of the four deities of the Phantom Beasts destined to fight, guarding the south of the lost continent. He was upright, righteous, courageous, strong, and jealous. He faced his enemies. He never knew what to do. He faced weak creatures. He never bullied with his own strength and was admired by all the residents who lost the mainland at that time. Ten thousand years ago, in the fierce battle of the Sealed Demon God, he and his partner Holy Sword El Cidion shed their lives at the same time, turning into the southern spirit of the Sealed Devil's "Land of Heaven".


Level: 100.

Class: Holy sword Ares.

Life: 1200000000, Magic: 8000000, Physical Attack: 500,000, Magic Attack: 50,000, Defense: 80,000, Hit: 15000, Evasion: 4000. Attack speed: 100, movement speed: 120.

Skills: Shock, Smashing, Severing, Severing Thunder, Sword of Breaking.

Trick: Holy War Soul.

Weapon: El Cidion: Device of Divine Destruction, Requirements: Soul Attachment, Exclusive Divine Sword War God. The sacred sword from the far west of the destiny world is said to contain the sacred power from heaven. Thousands of years ago, Caronandez, who returned from the West, was given by the goddess Xi Yao to become his life-seeing companion.

Attributes: Attack +9999, Attack + 75%, Strength +2000, Constitution +500, Dexterity -300, Spirit +100, Hit +500, Lucky +8, Critical Strike Rate + 50%, there is a certain probability of destroying or attacking Shock the opponent ’s weapon. The lower the weapon ’s level, the greater the probability of being destroyed or flying. When attacking, there is a certain probability of destroying the opponent ’s armor. The lower the opponent ’s armor level, the greater the probability of being destroyed. % With the destruction effect of the destruction scene; the normal attack is a range attack that cuts all enemies within five meters in front.

Talent attribute: The sacred power contained in the holy sword has a strong sanction on the creatures with dark powers of evil. Normal attacks will bring 30% additional damage.

Skills: Demon Killing Realm: Weaving the holy enchantment to cover the target with the sacred power of the holy sword, the soul with the dark nature of evil will be completely locked and cannot escape, and the ensuing violent blow will have evil Dark creatures cause a devastating blow. The base damage is 700% of normal attacks, consumes 1500 mana, and has a 20 second cooldown.

Heavenly Sword: Condensing the sacred power of the Holy Sword, stabbing a sacred blow containing the power of heaven. It has no effect on light creature attacks, causing 400% damage to ordinary creatures and 1500% to creatures with dark attributes of evil. Damage, and a 100% sacred seal for 5-10 seconds, making it impossible to use any dark magic. Consumes 3000 mana and 1 minute cooldown.

Honglian broke the sacred power of killing and burning the holy sword, ignited the karma from heaven on the sword body, threw the holy sword, and burned all the enemies in a straight line of 300 meters ahead with the karma fire of the sword body and was hit. Enemies will suffer 700% of base damage and will suffer the burn of Heavenly Karma for 30 seconds. It will drop 50000 health per second, and life with evil dark attributes will drop 100,000 life per second. It consumes 7000 mana per day. Use three times.

Holy forbidden technology? Heaven's Sin: Heaven comes down to God's punishment. Unleashing the power of the Holy Sword, triggering a big explosion of divine power, ruthlessly punishes all targets within 300 meters of its surroundings. The base damage is 2000%, and it will cause 4000% extremely strong damage to enemies with dark attributes of evil. Consumes 125,000 mana, available every seven days. After use, the Holy Sword El Cidion is unavailable for the next 24 hours.

Illusion change? Abyss Knight-Long Yuan: Based on the power of the sacred mark, turn into Long Yuan, the ancient guardian **** of the fantasy beast, and have all the power of its heyday!

Long Yuan: The "Abyss Knight" whose guardianship is the destiny of the four beasts of the Phantom Beast. At that time, he guarded the east of the lost continent. It is rumored that he could perfectly guard a city by himself. Guardian power. The father of Longyuan was the son of a dragon and a half-man, and he took the last name as a dragon. The tragic death of his family left him with white hair overnight. He stepped into the abyss for the power to guard everything, and went through purgatory baptism. After returning from the abyss, he joined the Phantom Beast for protection, becoming one of the four people who can be transformed into gods. Ten thousand years ago, in the fierce battle with the demon god, he and his companion "eternal death" became the eastern spirit of the seal "departure from the heavens".


Class: Abyss Knight.

Life: 2800000000, Magic: 400,000, Physical Attack: 10000, Magic Attack: 10000, Defense: 300,000, Hit: 15000, Evasion: -3000, Attack Speed: 50, Movement Speed: 50.


Guardian Soul: Passive ability, immune to 60% of any physical damage, immune to 50% of any magic damage.

Immortal Soul: Passive ability. When attacked, it has a 99% probability of being immune to knockback, knockout, and knockdown effects.

Extreme Defense: Burn the guardian soul, increase the ability of the body to offset the damage, increase the physical damage immunity rate to 90%, magic damage immunity rate to 75%, last for one minute, consume magic 2000, and cool down for ten minutes .

Trick: Move the flowers and release the trees: Release the guardian's awn to cover the surrounding space. Within three minutes, all the shielded partners' damage will be transferred to themselves. The enveloping range is 300 meters around itself, it consumes 15000 mana, and it can be used 20 times a day.


Eternal Eternity: Two-handed shield, sacred device, requirements: soul attachment, exclusive abyss knight. The ultimate shield that Long Yuan brought back from the abyss has terrifying defense capabilities. And its power is not only manifested in guardianship, the black thunderbolt above it will be a nightmare for all enemies.

Attributes: Defense +30000, Defense + 70%, Constitution +800, Dexterity -500, Lucky +10, 30% probability to block the attack. When defending, there is a certain probability of shaking the opponent ’s weapon. The lower the opponent ’s strength, the weapon The lower the grade, the greater the probability of triggering a fly.

Talent attributes: Resentment Counterattack: When attacked by any force, forcibly bounce 30% of the damage, and 5% probability to bounce 100% of the damage.

Active skills:

Ultimate Shield Collision: Hold the shield with both hands and hit the front, creating a huge collision gas field. All targets covered by the gas field have a great probability of being hit by a strong force. If it directly hits the target's body, the probability of knocking will increase to 100%. When it is launched, it will cover the range of 50 × 100 in front, plus a random equivalent of physical attack 50%-100% damage determination, 800 magic power consumption, cooling Time is five seconds.

The Ultimate Shield Wall: Throw the eternal end of the eternity, and turn it into a black shield that is three kilometers long and three hundred meters high, blocking it from all attacks from the front. The ultimate shield wall can last up to ten minutes, can be recovered at any time, no magic consumption, can be used once a day.

Holy forbidden technology:

Arriving in the sky: Unleashing all the guardianship of eternity, giving yourself and your surrounding partners an indestructible absolute defense, and completely defending all damage within a certain period of time. The enveloping range is 100 meters around itself, with a duration of 100 seconds. It consumes 5000 mana per second during the duration, and is forcibly interrupted when the mana is exhausted. It can be used up to three times a day, and the interval between use must not be less than one hour.

Claws of the Abyss:

The claws of the abyss: arrogance, anger, jealousy, laziness, greed, gluttony, **** ... The impact of the seven original sins, the attachment of the demon, created the awakening of the magic seal. The sleeping claw emperor returned from the endless abyss with the seven kinds of original sins of red, blue, green, yellow, purple, black, and white. When the seven kinds of original sins burn, the world will stage the purgatory of the claw king's return. disaster.

Talent skills: Claw Emperor's right: Claw Emperor's biggest and most terrifying right is that he can manipulate the legendary demon. The Claw Emperor is also the only person in the world who can manipulate and grow the demon. At present, the demon is attached, and the right of the Claw Emperor will gradually reveal its horrible fangs.

Claw Emperor's Resentment: Claw Emperor is a combination of all negative factors and the worst evil in the world. Except himself, all creatures are the targets of his resentment. Specific effect: At the time of attack, a certain probability is added to the state of "fear" or "extreme fear". The specific trigger probability depends on the opponent's strength, mentality, and fixed talent concentration. When attacked, any form of damage forces a rebound. 20 %, Passive effect, can be closed freely.

Calamity of calamity: the flames of the abyss, the karma of original sin, the fire of all disasters and the root of sin. Once the flame of calamity burns, the Claw Emperor will turn into a terrible disaster. Calamity is a seven-color fire. When launched, it will summon a fire of seven-color to burn itself, causing all of its attributes to soar instantly. The magnitude of the surge is inestimable, but once the calamity of fire is burned, the body's consciousness will also be affected by calamity. Eroded, before the flames extinguish, you will lose all your sanity, and all the creatures that can attack and destroy within the sight of mad destruction. Although it is endless, it will consume 700 magic when it is activated. It currently only lasts for one minute. Life after use , Magic is permanently reduced by 300, Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Spirit, and permanently reduced by 20. Can be used up to once a day.

The plague of seven colors:

Red Flame: The red fire of the original sin symbolizes anger. After burning, the attack power and critical strike rate will be greatly increased, and the increase is immeasurable.

Lan Zhiyan: The blue fire of the original sin symbolizes gluttony. After burning, it will greatly increase the magic attack power and magic value, the increase is immeasurable, and no magic value is consumed when using any magic.

Blue Flame: The blue fire of the original sin symbolizes lust. After burning, it will greatly increase the movement speed, attack speed, evasion, and hit power, and the increase is immeasurable.

Purple Flame: The purple fire of the original sin is a symbol of arrogance. After burning, all the damage it has suffered will be returned to the opponent multiple times or even several times.

Huang Zhiyan: The yellow fire of the original sin symbolizes laziness. After burning, it will greatly increase the defense power and the shock power triggered by the attack. The increase is immeasurable.

Flame of Light: The white fire of the original sin symbolizes greed. After burning, it will greatly increase its own vitality and the ability of automatic recovery of life, the increase is incalculable.

Dark Flame: Black original sin fire symbolizes jealousy. After burning, it will add a great probability to dark, paralysis, coma, freezing, chaos, sleep, petrification, sealing, sealing, fear, curse ... One or even several abnormal states, as well as one or even several ability decline states in which attack drops, defense drops, magic attacks drop, hit power drops, evasion drops, movement speed drops, attack speed drops ...



Weapons and Equipment:

Weapon: Moment of Destiny.

Moment of Eternal Destiny (Disability): Requirements: None. Grade: God. The power core of the destiny world has unknown mysterious origin and unknown mysterious power. Currently in the incomplete state of the loss of the core of fate, the Lord has been compulsorily acknowledged, Master: Evil Sky, cannot be traded, cannot be dropped, cannot be stolen, and cannot be abandoned. The core of the destiny you have: Blood Feather, Orange Tooth, Huang Yuan, Lubo.

Attributes: attack +1200, attack + 30%, four basic attributes +160, normal attacks will cause damage to all targets within the attack range at the same time, 2% probability of absorbing damage when attacking will be converted into own health, 2 during attack The probability of absorbing damage is reduced to its own magic value. 2% probability of attacking triggers double damage, and 2% probability of attacking is added to the deadly poison. (PS: Passive effects can be turned off and on freely.)

Skills: Gift of Destiny: The Lord at the moment of eternal destiny will be blessed by destiny. Improved talents fixed attributes: lucky +40, perception +40, charm +40. (Forcibly added, the effect cannot be turned off. Unless the moment of eternal destiny is removed, the effect will not disappear even if it is not equipped.)

Blood Sacrifice of Destiny: Residual blood is used as a sacrifice to stimulate the fury of energy. When the health is lower than 30%, the attack power is increased by 100%. When the health is lower than 15%, the attack power is increased by 200%. When the health is lower than 8%, the attack power is increased by 300%. When the health is lower than 3%, the attack power is increased. 400% increase. Forced to trigger, not cancelable.

Destiny's Demon: Unleash the magical engulfing ability of Fate's Core Orange Teeth, instantly causing irresistible magical engulfment to all enemies within 50 meters around it. All enemies engulfed by magical enemies will have 100% reduced elemental resistance and suffer 10 The powerful magic seal to 30 seconds, no consumption, can be used once every 300 seconds, each time can last up to 60 seconds.

Flaming Soul of Destiny: Unleash the power of Huang Yuan, burn your own fighting soul, and turn each attack into an overbearing and must-kill blow. After launching, add "absolute crit" status. 5% probability triggers double damage for 30 seconds. Seconds, can be used every 100 seconds without consumption.

Destiny's Poison Lan: Stimulate the power of the green wave, attack the single target with the moment of destiny enveloping the poisonous force, that terrible poison will ruthlessly corrode the target in any form of physical defense (including the physical defense barriers, The Department of Physics absolutely defends), and at least 100% probability will completely destroy at least one piece of equipment (human) or one armor (beast). No consumption, can be used once every 60 seconds.

Seven Kills of Destiny: Use the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny to cause seven consecutive different destiny sanctions on the target. The effects of sanctions are irresistible and cannot be superimposed. At present, blood brakes, magic brakes, **** routs, poison devours, and magic can be consumed at the same time. 1500, skill cooldown is 1 hour.

First kill: Sanction of life—Bloodlock, using the power of sanction at the moment of eternal destiny to launch life sanctions against a single target, regardless of level, grade, and arbitrary defense methods, forcibly depriving the target of 10% of the life value, and adding the equivalent of The damage from normal attacks cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 100 magic when launching with Seven Kills, and can be used alone. No mana cost when used alone, no cooldown.

Second Kill: Magical Sanctions—Magic Brake, launching magical sanctions against a single target with the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny, regardless of level, grade, and arbitrary defense methods, forcibly depriving the target of 10% of the magic value and 10% of the magic Attack power and 10% full magic resistance, plus 200% damage equivalent to normal attacks. The effect cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 200 magic when starting with "Destiny Seven Kills" and can be used alone. There is no magic cost when used alone, and the cooling time is 1 minute.

The third kill: Sanctuary sanctions—God's defeat, launching sanctuary sanctions against a single target with the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny, ignoring ranks and grades, ignoring arbitrary defense methods, forcibly depriving the target of 20% of the attack ability, forcing a 10- 15 seconds of "sealing" and adding 400% of damage to a normal attack. The effect cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 400 magic when launching with "Seven Fate" and can be used alone. There is no magic cost when used alone, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

Fourth Kill: Guardian Sanctions-Poisonous Corruption, launching guardian sanctions against a single target with the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny, ignoring ranks, grades, and arbitrarily defensive methods, and forcibly marching with irresistible force of corruption The target's defense power is swallowed to zero, and the damage equal to 800% of the normal attack is added. The effect cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 800 magic when launching with "Seven Fate" and can be used alone. There is no magic cost when used alone, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

Fifth Kill: Life and Death Sanction-Undead, unknown effect, costs 1600 mana, core of fate is missing, cannot be used;

Sixth kill: Yin and Yang sanctions—kill the soul, the effect is unknown, it costs 3200 mana, the core of fate is missing, and it cannot be used;

Seventh Kill: Destiny Sanction-Nature, the effect is unknown, it costs 9999 mana, the core of fate is missing, and it cannot be used;

Forbidden technique: destiny is forbidden? Skyslaughter: the effect is unknown, the core of destiny is missing and cannot be used.

Equipment: Armor: Soul Iron Armor (Full Body Armor); Helmet: Abyss Helmet, Cloak: Abyss Wings; War Boots: Abyss Step; Neck: Seven-Colored Dusk; Earrings: Abyss Ring, Resistant Earrings Armor: Holy Dragon's Tooth, Demon Dragon's Tooth, Ring: Ring of Life, Badge: Brave Badge, Hero Badge;

Soul Iron Armor: Fairy Gear, Equipment Requirements: Level 50 Warrior, Shield Guard class. The whole body armor made of stainless steel seems to be infused with the guardian power of the soil system, and has strong defense and soil resistance.

Attributes: Defense +500, Life +600, Constitution +120, Strength +95, Dexterity -20, Critical Strike Rate + 5%, Lucky +2, Earth Resistance + 20%, and 3 Magic Attacks from Earth The probability of damage is completely absorbed and converted into your own vitality.

Additional Skills: Soul Iron Royal: Passive, triggered by a 5% chance of physical attack. Within 10 seconds after the trigger, its defense power is increased by 33% for 10 seconds.

Wings of Abyss: Device of Divine Mystery, Category: Cloak, Requirements: No level restrictions, only those who defeat Abyss can be equipped. Three hundred years ago, after Akabuchi evolved into a beast of mysterious mystery, he concentrated his strength and built his wings at the cost of a 50-level drop to give him the ability to fly. After death, he was 100% detached from the body and became Nothing.

Attributes: Defense +500, Life +2000, Strength +300, Constitution +150, Dexterity +150, Avoidance +100, Movement Speed ​​+30. After being equipped, you can float or fly freely at a low altitude of no more than 20 meters. Flying speed is equivalent to moving speed.

Red Cyclone: ​​Open your wings, rotate yourself, roll up the red storm with the blade to attack all enemies around you, each enemy hits three times in a row, each damage is equal to the user's own attack power, and the range is five meters. Consumes magic 120, cooling time 30 seconds.

Red Grudge: Passive trigger. When the enemy's attack falls on the wings of Abyss, it has a 15% chance to trigger. When triggered, it will bounce back any damage it receives.

Special Skills: Red Hidden: Non-flying state, can hide the wings perfectly, the addition of attributes is not affected.

Helm of Abyss: A heavenly weapon, equipment requirements: Level 50 or higher, strength 300 or higher. The magic-weave helmet with the power of Abyss seems heavy, but unexpectedly light.

Attributes: Defense +300, Life +500, Strength +100, Constitution +120, Critical Strike Rate + 5%, Luck +3, All Abnormal Resistance + 15%.

Special Attributes: Equipped with the Abyss Helmet, there will be a certain probability to increase 1-2 manpower attribute points when the level is increased.

Additional skills: Guardian of the Spirit: Passive skills, all damage to the head is reduced by 30%, and there is a 3% probability to completely resist.

Abyss's Stomp: Heaven's End Vessel, Requirements for Use: Level 50 or higher, strength attribute over 300. It is made of Akabuchi's leather armor, and the boots filled with Akabuchi's strength seem thick, but they are light and light.

Attributes: Defense +300, Strength +120, Strength +50, Dexterity +80, Movement Speed ​​+30, Jumping Power +1, 2% Probability When Avoided.

Special Attributes: Red Stomp: Attacking the enemy with your feet will cause a stronger shock force. If your own strength exceeds the opponent, you will have a high probability of flying the opponent. If you step on the ground, it will make it long. Can't stand up.

Additional skills: Red Wind: Awaken the power of light spirit in the step of Abuchi, and greatly increase your own movement speed and jumping ability within a certain period of time. Effect: Movement speed +100, jumping power +3, lasts 30 seconds, consumes 50 magic, and skill cooldown is 600 seconds.

Ring of Abuchi: equipment type: single earring. Celestial Vessel, equipment requirements: Level 50 or higher, lucky value 10 or higher. The black ring that contains the power of Abyss, and the faint dark red magic pattern releases the mysterious energy rays.

Attributes: Four basic attributes +50, lucky +3, perception +3, charisma +3, experience gain + 20% after knocking down monsters, gold coins + 20%, immunity to magic and magic, immune attack decline, magic Offensive power decreased.

Additional skills: Red fog: release a dark red mysterious light to cover itself, 50% probability is unchanged, 30% probability will increase your luck, charm, perception by 50%, 15% probability by 75%, 5 % Probability increased by 100%. After the trigger, the effect lasts for 30 minutes and the cooling time is one hour.

Seven-Colored Dusk: A Vessel of Shenxuan, Requirements for Use: None. Originally a girl named "Dawn" from the elven tribe gave a crystal necklace "Sun Moon Prayer Star Chain" to a man named "Twilight" from the elven tribe. The whole soul power of life has the power of the Seven Lines, and after a long period of growth, accumulation and evolution, it finally grows into a powerful sacred vessel, the "Colorful Twilight."

When he saw the clear "none" behind the usage requirements, Ye Tianxie froze clearly, hardly believing his eyes.

No one can doubt the power of the mysterious device. The more powerful the device, the stricter the restrictions on its use. This strict use restriction is either manifested in high-level requirements or demanding requirements for certain capabilities. And some are more tangled ... must be recognized by the device itself. For example, Ye Tianxie now has the blue dragon ring. If the ability cannot be recognized by it, even if the level is full, and the scary high-level attributes are also not eligible for equipment. And this seven-colored dusk ... is incredible: there is no equipment requirement!

Attributes: water resistance + 10%, fire resistance + 10%, wind resistance + 10%, lightning resistance + 10%, soil resistance + 10%, light resistance + 10%, darkness Resistance is + 10%, damage and effects of all seven magic skills are increased by 10%, lucky +2, perception +2, charm +5,

Additional skills:

Element system:

Water Primer: Calls the seven-colored Dusk Sunflower Primer, which perfectly transforms magic attacks or any physical attacks below the level of intermediate spells into water-based attacks, and adds a "frozen" state of 3-5 seconds with a 10% probability when attacking , Its own water resistance increased by 20%, can be blessed at any time, interrupted at any time, can not be used in conjunction with other elemental skills, the blessing process consumes 10 magic per second.

Fire Soul: Summon the seven-colored Twilight True Soul, which perfectly transforms magic attacks or any physical attacks below the level of intermediate spells into fire-type attacks, and adds a 10-second "burning" state to the attack at a 10% probability. Once triggered, it will be continuously burned equal to the magical attack power × 50% of damage per second, and its fire resistance will increase by 20%. It can be blessed at any time and interrupted at any time. It cannot be superimposed with other elemental skills. During the blessing every second Consumes 10 mana.

Wind Dance: Summon the wind dance of the seven-colored dusk, which perfectly transforms magic attacks or any physical attacks below the level of intermediate spells into wind-type attacks, and adds a "sleep" that can last up to 20 seconds when attacking at a 10% probability. In the state, the resistance of its own wind system is increased by 20%. It can be blessed at any time and interrupted at any time. It cannot be superimposed with other elemental skills. It consumes 10 magic per second during the blessing process.

Thunder Soul: Summon the seven-colored Twilight Thunder Soul, and perfectly transform magic attacks or any physical attacks below the level of intermediate spells into lightning-type attacks, and add a 3-5 second "paralysis" state with a 10% probability when attacking , The resistance of its own lightning system increases by 20%, can be blessed at any time, interrupted at any time, and cannot be superimposed with other elemental skills. It consumes 10 magic per second during the blessing process.

Tusu: Summons the seven-colored Tuhuangsu of Dusk, perfectly transforms magic attacks or any physical attacks below the level of medium-level curse into earth-type attacks, and adds 3-5 seconds of "petrification" with a 10% probability when attacking In the state, the resistance of the soil system is increased by 20%. It can be blessed at any time and interrupted at any time. It cannot be superimposed with other elemental skills. It consumes 10 magic per second during the blessing process.

Light: Calls the seven-colored light of twilight, perfectly transforms magical attacks or any physical attacks below the level of medium-level curse into light-type attacks, and adds a 3-5 second "blindness" state with a 10% probability when attacking. Brightness resistance increases by 20%. It can be blessed at any time and interrupted at any time. It cannot be superimposed with other elemental skills. It consumes 10 magic per second during the blessing process.

Darkness: Summon the dark darkness of the seven-colored dusk, and perfectly transform the magic attacks or any physical attacks below the level of intermediate spells into dark attacks, and add a "curse" state for more than 30 seconds when attacking. Increases resistance by 20%, can be blessed at any time, interrupted at any time, and cannot be superimposed with other elemental skills. It consumes 10 magic per second during the blessing process.

Field Department:

Waters: The power of water that releases the seven-colored dusk floods the surrounding space, causing the concentration and violentness of water elements, forming a field of water in the space around 30 meters. In the realm of water, the damage and effects of all the water skills of the enemy and us are increased by 50%, and the damage and effects of the full fire skills are reduced by 50%. The magic is consumed by 200 per second during the continuous process of the domain, which can be interrupted at any time and cancelled at any time. 30 minutes.

Fire domain: release the firepower of the seven-colored dusk to flood the surrounding space, trigger the concentration and violent fire elements, and build a field of fire in the space around 30 meters. In the realm of fire, the enemy ’s and ours ’full fire skill damage and effects are increased by 50%, and the full mine skill damage and effects are reduced by 50%. The magic is consumed by 200 per second during the continuous process of the field, which can be interrupted at any time and cancelled at any time. For 30 minutes.

Wind domain: The wind power that releases the seven-colored dusk floods the surrounding space, causing the concentration and fury of wind elements, forming a field of wind in the space around 30 meters around itself. In the field of wind, the enemy ’s and ours ’wind skill damage and effects are increased by 50%, and the earth soil skill damage and effects are reduced by 50%. The magic cost is 200 per second during the continuous process of the field, which can be interrupted at any time and cancelled at any time. 30 minutes.

Minefield: The thunderous power that releases the seven-colored dusk floods the surrounding space, triggering the concentration and fury of thunder elements, and building a field of thunder in a space of 30 meters around itself. In the realm of thunder, the enemy ’s and ours ’full lightning skill damage and effects are increased by 50%, and the full wind skill damage and effects are reduced by 50%. During the continuous process of the field, the magic cost is 200 per second, which can be interrupted at any time and cancelled at any time. For 30 minutes.

Soil domain: release the seven-color dusk earth's divine power to flood the surrounding space, causing the concentration and violentness of earth elements, and build a field of soil in the space around 30 meters. In the realm of earth, the damage and effects of all soil skills of the enemy and us are increased by 50%, and the damage and effects of all water skills are reduced by 50%. The magic cost is 200 per second during the continuous process of the domain, which can be interrupted at any time and cancelled at any time. minute.

Light domain: The light power of the seven-colored dusk floods the surrounding space, causing the concentration and fury of the light elements, forming a field of light in the space around 30 meters. In the realm of light, the damage and effects of all the bright abilities (including the light healing abilities) of the enemy and us are increased by 50%, and the damage and effects of the all dark abilities are reduced by 50%. During the continuous process of the realm, the magic cost is 200 per second, which can be interrupted at any time. Cancel at any time for up to 30 minutes per day.

Darkness: Release the dark power of the seven-color dusk to flood the surrounding space, causing the concentration and fury of the dark elements, and build a dark area in the space around 30 meters. In the dark realm, the enemy ’s and ours ’full dark skills and damage will be increased by 50%, and the full light skills and damage will be reduced by 50%. Consumption of 200 mana per second during the continuation of the realm can be interrupted at any time, cancelled at any time, and can be accumulated up to a day. For 30 minutes.


Destruction of the Seven Colors: Simultaneously release the power of the Seven Lines, destroy all the life of the Seven Lines elements, form a terrible space for elemental destruction, and completely cut off the communication between the souls and the Seven Lines elements. Effect: Enemies and enemies are forced to seal the magic, and cannot use any seven-line skills. The spirit of an element that is dependent on an element will cause devastating damage. Consumes 1500 magic. The effect range is 50 meters around it, which can last up to 20 seconds. It can be used up to three times a day.

Holy Dragon's Tooth: Heaven's End Vessel, Use Requirement: Have Holy Light Dragon Soul. Powered by a tooth after the death of the ancient Holy Light Dragon God, it contains a powerful light power. But its power has been silent for a long time and cannot show any additional attributes.

Property: None.

Skills: Blessing of the Holy Light: Release the bright dragon power in the teeth of the Holy Dragon to bless yourself, instantly restore your life and magic to fullness, and you can use it three times a day.

Devil's Tooth: Heaven's End Device, Usage Requirement: Have Dark Dragon Soul. Powered by a tooth after the death of the ancient Dark Dragon God, it contains powerful dark power. But its power has been silent for a long time and cannot show any additional attributes.

Property: None.

Skill: Curse of the Dark Demon: Release the dark magic in the dragon's teeth into the attack. The hit gaze drops fortunately by 10 within 30 minutes. If the lucky value exceeds 10 points, it will also be forced to drop to 0 points. At the same time, A 70% chance of falling into a state of darkness (invisible objects) and chaos (the body is not under its control) for 3-5 seconds. Can be used three times a day.

Resistance earrings: Qingtong's device, equipment requirements: level 10. Earrings with magic resistance have + 3% magic resistance.

Ancient life ring: Bronze vessel, wearing requirements: None. A ring picked by the village chief of No. 60001 in the wild inadvertently in the early years. The root origin is unknown, and after careful forging by No. 60001 novice village blacksmith, the ability has been greatly improved: Attribute: Life +200, per second Automatically restore 5 health.

Brave Guard: Brave Guard: Special mask equipment, which was obtained when Gu Ping obtained the Hero Badge that year. I do not know what material it was made of. It can be attached to the forehead when it is equipped, or it can be pulled down to cover the face above the nose. Requirements: Have one of the Brave Badge, Hero Badge, God of War Badge. Attributes: Strength +10, Constitution +10, Critical Strike Rate + 3% when attacking.

Additional Skills: The Heart of the Brave: Gather strength and conviction, and turn your next attack into a terrible killing blow. The specific effect is: After the skill is launched, the next attack will trigger a 100% crit and consume 20 magic , Skill cooldown 1 minute

Brave Badge: Symbol of the brave, only the brave who passed the abyss level test is eligible to obtain and wear the brave badge, reputation +100 when worn. It cannot be traded, it cannot be dropped, it cannot be stolen, and it will disappear when discarded.

Hero Badge: A badge of heroes. Only heroes who have strong power and pass the cruel trial are eligible to get and wear badges, reputation after wearing +1000. It cannot be traded, it cannot be dropped, it cannot be stolen, and it will disappear when discarded.



Pets and Mounted Pets:

Xuanling Snow Fox (夭夭): Heavenly pet, level: 50. The root cause is unknown. It was sealed by the dragon **** in the stone of the dragon **** 70 million years ago. With the help of the evil sky, the ability was reduced to a minimum. At present, some ability is restored. Exquisite in shape, gentle in nature, and extremely ornamental, he will not actively attack any creature. Host: Evil Sky. Because of the signing of the soul blood deed, never betray.

Attributes: Life: 7200, Magic: 28800, Physical Attack: 1200, Magic Attack: 2400, Defense: 1200, Avoidance: 240, Hit: 240, Attack Speed: 150, Movement Speed: 250.

Talent: The body of the mysterious spirit, an unexplainable special mysterious constitution, can automatically offset all the damage from the outside world, and the physical and magic attacks received are all offset by 30%. Automatically restores 5% health and mana every second.

Xuanling Resurrection: The power of Xuanling grants Xuanling Xuehu the anti-sky privilege. After death, there is a 50% probability of resurrection in place, and the state is full.

Skills: Xuanling Self-Healing: Instantly replenishes your health, and releases all abnormal states and ability declines that exist, consumes 100 magic, and cools down for 5 seconds.

Xuanling Healing: Instantly restore a certain amount of health for yourself and the surrounding partners, the healing amount is magic attack * 3, the healing range is a circular area of ​​five meters, consumes 200 magic, and the skill cooldown is 3 seconds.

Xuanling Recovery: Instantly restore 30% of the health of yourself and all nearby partners, and release all abnormal states and ability declines. The recovery range is within five meters of your range, consumes 300 magic, and the skill cooldown is 8 seconds.

Mystic Wall? Revenge: The red vengeance barrier cast by the power of the resentful mystery, covering a range of five meters around itself, the vengeance barrier flashes once every second, and each flash will bring all into the avenge of revenge. An obstructed enemy forces a distance of three meters and causes magical attack * 3 attributeless magical damage. Consumes 100 mana per second during the duration, which can be interrupted at any time. Each launch can last up to 20 seconds and the skill cooldown is 120 seconds.

Mysterious Wall? Celestial Barrier: A yellow guardian barrier cast by the power of tough mysterious spirits. After being activated, it will protect itself from all external damage. It consumes 100 magic per second during the continuous process and can be interrupted at any time. It can last up to 20 seconds, and the skill cooldown is 180 seconds.

Mystic Wall? Tianze: A white blessing barrier cast by the power of compassionate mystic spirit. After launching, it will cover the range of ten meters around it. All the partners in Tianze's wall will receive any damage. 50%, so all effects of healing skills are increased by 50%. The wall of Tianze consumes 100 mana per second during the continuous process, which can be interrupted at any time. It can last up to 1 minute each time and can be used up to three times a day.

Mystic Resurrection: Resurrect a dead partner with mystic light, and restore 30% of its vitality and magic value. The resurrected target will be exempt from death penalty, the maximum effective range is 5 meters, the magic cost is 3000, and the skill cooldown is 1 hour.

Mystic Wall? Back to Heaven: The blue guardian barrier cast by pure mystic power. After launching, it will cover the range of ten meters around it. All the partners in the back to the wall will recover every second. It is equivalent to the user's own magic attack × 2 vitality. During the duration of the return to the wall, it consumes 100 mana per second and can be interrupted at any time. Each launch can last up to 1 minute and can be used up to 20 times per day.

Mystic Light? Into the Dream: Unleashing the spirit of the unreal invisible mystic power to attack all surrounding targets, 100% makes the target fall into a sleep state of at least 30 seconds. Those who are not higher than the user's own two levels will be irresistible. The effect range is 50 meters, consumes 6000 magic, and the cooldown of the skill is 30 minutes.

God Forbidden Technique? Root's Light: Xuanling Snow Fox's exclusive God forbidden technique can be launched at the level of heaven, releasing a pure and flawless root of light that envelopes itself and surrounding partners, and changes the law of time and power with the force of the root. , To remove all abnormal states and ability decline states, the full skill cooldown is cleared, the full skill effect is doubled, the duration is 100 seconds, consumes 12000 magic, and can be used once a day. Due to lack of ability, the level drops by 10 levels after use.



Beckham: Sky pets, Level: 50, Owner: Evil Sky, Unknown Race, Unknown Category, Unknown Origin, It is preliminarily judged that they suddenly appeared in the alien world of the lost continent.

Attributes: Life: 18000, Magic: 0, Physical Attack: 3600, Magic Attack: 0, Defense: 1200, Hit: 1200, Evasion: 60, Attack Speed: 150, Movement Speed: 150, Full Magic Resistance: 0%.

Talent: None.

Skills: Meow Meow: Wield a cat's claw, and make four violent attacks on a single enemy in a row. The damage of each attack is equivalent to a normal attack. The attack consumes 3% of the health and no skill cooldown.

Meow Meow Claw: Jump up high, accumulate energy on the sharp cat's claws, and use the cat's claws to lie down on the target's body with fierce claws. The base damage is 200% of the normal attack. The attack attribute will be torn by a wound with a 100% additional power, and the equivalent of Beckham's attack damage will be dropped every second for the next five seconds. It costs 5% of its health when activated, and the skill cooldown is 10 seconds.

Meow meow step: Beckham's meow meow walk step, when approaching the target, can use the airflow around the target's body to change the position of his body, and can instantly move freely to the front, back, left, and right of the target, Enemies were dizzying and turned dizzy. It is a very powerful sneak attack, dodge and containment technique. Each activation requires 1% health and no skill cooldown.

Meow meow kick: Jump high, shake cat's feet, and perform violent kicking on a single target. The basic attack damage is equal to 200% of the normal attack. It can 100% interrupt the target's magic chanting or skill accumulation. If the target's defense The attributes are lower than Beckham's attack attributes, they will be kicked out by 100%, and have a 20% probability of being stunned by shock. It takes 3% of life to activate and the skill cooldown is 5 seconds.

Breaking Light: One of Beckham's two violent atrocities, after use, it will cause his violent heart at the cost of burning his own life, and will increase his transfer speed and attack speed to the limit ... Move after launching Speed ​​+ 400%, attack speed + 100% for 20 seconds, skill cooldown is 60 seconds. It consumes 5% of life when activated, and drops 1% of life per second during the skill's duration.

Destroying Nightmare Claws: One of Beckham's two violent stunts, igniting anger and life, and giving himself cruel and violent attack capabilities. Once this technique is triggered, it will be a nightmare for all enemies. Effects: Ignore defense when attacking, physical attack power + 99%, critical strike rate + 50%, 100% probability of attacking with a strong wound tear effect, 100% probability of attacking with a destroying effect, and 5% probability of triggering when attacking That is to death, the knockback and knockout effects added during the attack are doubled. The effect lasts 20 seconds and the cooling time is 60 seconds. It consumes 5% of life when it is launched, and it reduces 1% of life per second during the duration.

Devil's Claw: One of Beckham's two major nightmare skills, he concentrated his strength and anger on the two claws, turning his two claws into death claws that can bring people into the abyss of death. Effects: 15% chance of death upon attack. The effect lasts 20 seconds and the cooldown is 60 seconds. It consumes 5% of life when activated, and reduces 1% of life per second during the duration.

The heavenly heavenly self-respected universe invincible super meow killing fist: Beckham's exclusive holy forbidden technique, formerly known as "Meow Meow Lightspeed Fist", was later renamed "the heavenly earthly self-exclusive universe invincible super meow killing fist" for unknown reasons. Beckham's ultimate technique to break through his limits is a terrible attack that is known to tear even space and chase even the speed of light. When launching, release all of your own strength, increase the speed to the limit, and perform multiple combos on a single target. The number of combos is equal to [level × 10]. The attack intensity of each hit is equivalent to a normal attack. It costs 80% to launch. Of vitality, after using it, it will fall into a vertigo state for at least 10 seconds. It can only be activated by the state of annihilation. Currently, it is forcibly turned on. The level is reduced by 25 levels after use and can be used up to once. After use, the skill will be closed by itself.



Ball (Devil): Faerie's Favor, Level: 50, Master: Evil Sky, body and soul attachment, never betray. Souls of unknown origin, which exist under the magic seal, seem to have extremely horrifying elemental manipulation capabilities. Current status: water.

Attributes: Life: 900, Magic: 18000, Physical Attack: 90, Magic Attack: 1800, Defense: 16, Hit: 16, Evasion: 16, Movement Speed: 160, Attack Speed: 110.

Talent attributes: Demon Body: Immune to any magic attack, automatically restore 5% of magic value per second. When receiving a magic attack, it absorbs magic and converts it into its own life and magic.



Elementary: Little water polo.

Low level: ice blast, water mist.

Intermediate: Ice Ling break, Ice Wolf impact, Broken Ice Arrow.

Advanced: Diamond Stars, Frozen Breath, Reversing Vortex, Snow Blizzard

Low-level curse: Star burst.

Star Blasting: Devil's exclusive spiritual water system low-level curse, using water elements in the surrounding space to condense numerous ices, and then detonate the ice, causing a terrible ice explosion disaster, relentlessly attacking all nearby enemies. The base damage is [9000 + 1.2 × Magic Attack] × [1 + 110%], the base attack range is [100 × (1 + 110% × 20%)] meters around itself, and the attack is [15% × [1+ ( 110% × 50%)] plus a freeze state of 3-10 seconds. Consumes 11000 magic, no skill cooldown, no need to sing, start instantly.

Explosive inflammation:

Elementary: Fireball.

Low level: fire wall, explosive bomb,

From the wind:

Elementary: Wind Spin,

Low level: wind beam, wind twist ~ ~ Lei Yun:

Elementary: Lightning ball,

Low level: Electric Yuanzhu, Shadow of Thunder.


Elementary: Rock Impact,

Low level: barriers of earth, eyes of petrification,

Intermediate: Ground fissure, ground subsidence, ground spur

Holy Light:

Elementary: Light Elemental Sphere,

Low level: Arrow of Light, Prayer of Light

Dark Demon:

Primary: Breath of Darkness,

Low level: Breath of Curse, Dark Eater

Special Skills: Sacrifice of Demon Spirits: Spirit Water, Explosion Flame, Thunder Cloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, Holy Light, and Dark Demon's Power all exceed 20% before opening. Increase your magical attack power and magical attack range at the cost of more magic. After launching, the magical mana cost will increase by 50%, and the magic damage and attack range will be increased by 20%. As the power of the demon increases, the effect will increase. Talent skills, no consumption, no cooling, no restrictions on use.

Special attributes:

Power of Spirit Water: 110%;

Explosive power: 25%;

Power of Thundercloud: 25%;

Power from the wind: 25%;

Power of Tuhuang: 55%;

Power of Light: 25%;

Power of Dark Demon: 25%;



Kaka (Sacred Mark), Heavenly Peerless Mount, Level: 48; Master: Evil Sky, Attribute: Life: 12400, Magic: 14300, Attack: 1620, Magic Attack: 1905, Defense: 1700, Hit: 140, Evasion: 95, Movement Speed: 80, Attack Speed: 50.

Talent: Phantom change, beast spirit that can change (from strong to weak): ...

Skill: Sacred Mark.



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