Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 658: Dongying's Only 1 Holy Beast

When Ye Tianxie was thinking about how to sneak into the Imperial Palace, his speaker suddenly rang. At a glance, it was Sophie's phone ... Although it is not possible to make cross-border calls within the game, the outside phone contact will not be affected. Ye Tianxie picked it up, and Su Feifei's hasty voice came: "Tian Xie, where are you now?"

"In Dongyu ... probably a little north of the center." Ye Tianxie replied.

"So are you okay? Are there many people chasing you?"

Ye Tianxie smiled and said, "Be assured, I'm alone in this place except me. Even if there are really many people coming after me, I will have nothing to do."

"Knowing that you will be okay, people just care about it ... Yeah, evil, how can you come back if you are over there?" Sophie asked. They discussed all morning and found no way to come back.

"This, there will always be a way." Ye Tianxie could only answer this.

"And there is a team match tomorrow ... the team match is not as long as the singles, only five days ... five days later is the singles and team awards ceremony. If you can't come back at that time , There is no way to get the reward ... Also, I will participate in tomorrow's game, I would like you to watch me on the spot. "Sophie whispered.

Ye Tianxie nodded his head ... not to mention whether he could return to the lost continent. Even if he could go back, he would not choose to go back until he got Qinghun. Because after going back, if you want to come to Dongluo, you can only wait until the national borders are opened in the middle and late stages of the game ... that may not be in which year or month.

"Fifi, I just discovered an interesting thing in Dongying. It should stay for a few more days. Besides, I came here once, and just happened to stroll around here, maybe I can find something very interesting. The game will start tomorrow. Although I'm not at the scene, as long as there is a Fifi match, I will definitely pay attention to it all the time and will always watch you. "

Sophie laughed into the microphone, covered her lips and smiled: "Stupid, just wait for your words ... Hey, then you have fun in Dongying, the most important thing is to pay attention to safety, I am Sophie but you are evil Yes ... hmm, genuine girlfriends, won't embarrass you in the game. The game starting tomorrow must be watched ... Well, then I'm hung up, I won't bother you, remember not to forget about eating and sleeping time Or I'll call you a hundred times. "

Not long after the call with Fifi was hung up, Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui also called one after the other, and he explained things briefly. Then started looking around. Then he lifted his watch and downloaded a global map of the East China continent through the virtual network. After studying it for a while, he turned off the map. After thinking for a while, he used the communicator to make an external call to Zuo Pojun. ... It took a while to get through, Zuo Pojun said in a hurry: "Hoo ... I just entered the game within ten seconds, and ran out again ... Er brother, what's the matter?"

"Broken army, you know everything about the game areas in various countries. Do you know where Dongshen has appeared, or there are high-level beasts that humans can't resist ... It is best to be a **** or a mysterious beast. "Ye Tianxie asked.

"Tian Jue and Shen Xuan ... We have the most players in the Huaxia Kingdom, so the area of ​​the lost continent is also the most extensive, and the highest level of Warcraft is also the most. But the entire lost continent also has only three sacred beasts, twelve deities, and no To the one hundred heavenly beasts ... Um, including the crying feathers Binglin and Abyss that were destroyed by the second brother, there are still ten known mysterious beasts. We are still so rare that we have lost the top mainland Warcraft Dong Dong's words are even less pitiful, and the words of the beast of annihilation are also ... oh ... "Zuo Pojun's voice paused, it seemed to be thinking of something.

"Broken army, did you think of it?" Ye Tianxie noticed and asked.

"Second Brother, wait a minute, I'll download and print a map of the Eastern Continent."

From the intercom, the voice of Zuo Pojun was sparsely busy. After a while, Zuo Pojun looked at the map in his hand and said to Ye Tianxie, "Second brother, do you have a map of the East Continent ... eh, Look at the location in the middle of the map ... About 200 kilometers north of the center of the Emperor City, there is a mountain of Baqi ... It is the largest forbidden area in the east of the East. Neither players nor NPCs can approach it. Because it is said that the East of the East is inhabited. The only beast of annihilation-the Hachichi serpent. "

The Yagi Great Snake? Ye Tianxie's expression was clearly turbulent, and then he whispered: "This world really exists in this world."

"Haha, of course. Regardless of the virtual game, as long as it is the site of Dongying, the shadow of the Yaki snake is indispensable."

The Great Huge Snake, the strongest monster in Japanese mythology ever since ancient times, is a giant snake with eight heads and eight tails. It is rumored to have the power of the demon world, and it is the origin and evil representative of the dark power of Hori. Its eight heads represent "Soul," ghost "," evil "," demon "," demon "," slay "," spirit "," death "can be said to have gathered all the negatives and sins. It frequently appears in the myths of Dongzhang, obviously It has become a representative monster in myths and legends. There are many versions of myths and legends about it. In the original version, the Yagi snake was beheaded and killed by the male Susano, and the grasshopper sword was also obtained from its tail.

In the virtual game world, or in many stand-alone or virtual games with the mythology of the East as a world view, most of the Yachi snakes exist as the ultimate boss.

Therefore, I suddenly heard that the strongest beast in the East Continent, and the only beast of annihilation, was the Hachichi serpent. Ye Tianxie was not surprised.

"As for the others, I don't know very well. There will be no more than three beasts of the gods and mysteries in the East Continent and no more than twenty beasts. Now they are only in the middle and early stages of the game world, unless they emerge by themselves. Come, otherwise the player is basically impossible to know where they are ... Er brother, you would not want to go and kill a few high-end WoW players to play. "Zuo Pojun asked suspiciously.

"It does have such a meaning ... But, if this Hachi snake is in a good position, it seems too difficult. Hmm ..." Ye Tianxie looked at the Hachi mountain in the north of the Emperor's City, and said with a groan. With a thoughtful expression on his face.

The beast of annihilation ... that is the strength that has reached the real state of God, the ultimate beast that human beings can't even compete with. In the face of the irresistible Tian Jue or the mysterious beast, Ye Tianxie can still use the illusion transformation to defeat it ... But in the face of the beast of annihilation, even if he launches the illusion transformation, he can only fight it. For a few tens of seconds, you don't even want to receive any substantial results, but you still have to be punished with a level of zero. The beasts of annihilation have extremely strong lives, and at the level of annihilation, except for the natural end of life, it is basically impossible to have anything sufficient to make them die, even natural disasters are no longer possible. In the Lost Continent, if it wasn't for the appearance of the demon **** ten thousand years ago, the four guardian holy beasts of that year would undoubtedly survive to this day.

Ye Tianxie's hesitant tone made Zuo Pojun sweat all over, and he said incessantly: "Second Brother, you won't really want to destroy the Eight-Big Snake ... Ah! Second Brother, although your strength is absolutely abnormal, But that's the beast of annihilation! Don't think about it ... don't say anything else, I heard that the life of a beast of annihilation is at least tens of billions, even if it doesn't attack, it will make people fight ... you can't fight for years! "

"... When did I say I want to destroy it. If the beast of annihilation is so easy to be destroyed, then it is a P's beast of annihilation." Ye Tianxie said with a crooked mouth, and then his eyes turned to the north. ... slowly said: "Well ... I just went to play with it ... Hang up first."

Zuo Pojun: (⊙o⊙)! !!

Have fun with the Hachichi snake! !! ? ?

Zuo Pojun was about to shout a few times to stop, the call had been directly interrupted by Ye Tianxie. Weeping feather Binglin spread its wings and flew to the north under the command of Ye Tianxie-the target, the Bachi Mountain, two hundred kilometers north!



Lost the continent.

"Pray for dreams, this is the first time you have been here since you came four months ago." Sophie Fei said with a hand of flowers and prays for dreams.

Hua Qimeng apologized and said softly: "I'm sorry Sister Feifei, Qimeng ..."

"What's so sorry about this. I'm too late to be happy when you come ... just, hee hee, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, even worse than the evil. With your sister so powerful, I will never have to Worried about being bullied ... If Tian Xie bullies me in the future, you can help him to teach him. "Su Feifei smiled sweetly. Since being with Ye Tianxie, she has almost no negative emotions in her heart, no matter who she is, she is so kind and tolerant.

"Um ... sister, Xingbaoer, is she there?" Hua Qimeng asked softly.

"Well, she's here, and she's working on her invention in the backyard ... But the yard has exploded several times. Few people dare to enter it except herself. Hey? Pray for dreams, do you know Baoer?" Su Fifi questioned. In her memory, Xingbaoer did not seem to have contacted Hua Qimeng ~ ~ Hua Qimeng nodded and shook her head again: "I have only met her once ... sister, take me to see her Alright? I have something to say to her alone ... I thought of a way to get Xietian back, but I need Xingbaoer's help. "

"Ah?" Sophie was surprised, and then nodded hard: "Really? Great ... I've been worried about how to get Tianxie back, let's go, I'll take you to find treasure child."

Xingbaoer was squatting in the empty small yard and swinging the strange pile of stones on the ground. After Sophie brought Hua Qimeng, she didn't stay, but she found an excuse to leave. Because Hua Qimeng said before: she wants to speak to Xing Baoer alone.

Hua Qimeng stood quietly behind Xingbaoer, silently watching her back for a long time, her eyes were extremely complicated, and there was even some erratic.

When Xing Baoer turned around, she found her existence. Firstly, she gave a "squeak" and exclaimed, "Wow! You were the amazing sister who almost defeated my boss during the game ... That's right. Your name is Angel Wings. We've seen it a long time ago ... but I didn't expect you to be so powerful. "

Xing Baoer's binocular crystals sparkled, with a face full of worship ... but I didn't know if it was true or pretended.

Hua Qimeng smiled and said, "I am one year older than you, can I call you Baoer sister?"

"Of course!" Xing Baoer smiled and nodded: "Sister, are you here for me?"

"Well, I want you to help me make something."

"Make something? What is it?" Xing Baoer blinked.

"Scrolls of national borders."

"Huh?" Xing Baoer was surprised.

[Recent status is sparse and needs to be persecuted, um ... I am studying whether to change four times a day ... ………………]

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