Lost City.

"Sister, come on ... the border scroll is about to be done. It's three!" Xing Baoer said excitedly, holding the speaker. Driven by the power of money, Xingbaoer did all three national border scrolls within five days. Now there is only the final finishing work, which is to expand the function of the national border scroll with heavenly skills, so that it can be transformed from a single target teleport to all target teleports in a small range. One back and two backs are enough, and the third one is just for backup. The finishing work can be completed in up to an hour.

Huaqimeng not only gave Xing Baoer a sky-high price, but also gave the eight million to Xing Baoer before the production, which made Xing Baoer excited and almost didn't fall asleep all night. Now Hua Qi Meng is undoubtedly her closest sister ... and a fat sheep.

"Hmm ..." Hua Qimeng responded softly: "If you're done, go to Dongxuan to pick him up ... My sister needs to rest for a short time, so she won't pass together."

"Huh? Ah ... yeah. These three border scrolls were made by my sister's transfer of her space power. My sister must have consumed a lot. But my sister is really good. I can actually release enough three. The power of the national border scroll. "Xing Baoer nodded strongly." The older sister has a good rest. I'll pick up the boss. He will definitely thank her. "

"Don't tell him ..." Hua Qimeng gave Xing Baoer an answer that surprised her: "Don't tell him that those border scrolls are related to me, just say you made it yourself, and ..." Qi Meng smiled: "In this case, you can ask the evil sky for extra gold coins."

As soon as Xing Baoer's eyes lighted up, Liang Jingjing almost did not change into the shape of a gold coin, but immediately wondered and asked, "But why do you do this?"

"Because, I haven't fully figured out how to face him." Hua Qimeng replied quietly.

Xing Baoer: "?????"

Xingbaoer just wanted to ask something, the call had been dropped. Xing Bao'er tilted his head for a moment and thought, and his eyes quickly became cunning: "Wow ... in this case, you can find the boss and ask for a lot of money ... Hehe! After finishing it, you can have more coins It's here! "



The body of the eight-dimensional snake is incredibly large. Such a beast is enough to walk hundreds of steps away from ordinary people ... But surprisingly, the speed of the eight-dimensional snake is not faster than that of ordinary people, but relatively Its body, which is enough for the sky, is almost as slow as a turtle crawling. I don't know if it is the same as the ability to move, or because of the inconvenience of moving just after waking up.

However, relative to its body's slow speed, it is still at least three times faster than Ye Tianxie's exhausted flight speed. The original distance of more than 20 kilometers was quickly drawn closer. Ye Tianxie could not Repeatedly making opportunities, using the conditions of distance to cut off the lock of the Eight-Big Snake in extreme time, and then use the magical beads to move south with this fleeting time, pulling the distance away again. He would never let his distance and Yagi snake stay within ten kilometers ... His feeling told him that within ten kilometers, Yaki snake could easily attack him.

For an hour, Ye Tianxie hauled the Eight-Disc Great Snake southward for nearly a hundred kilometers during a rapid flight. Direction, pointing directly to the Emperor City. Along the way, I don't know how many hills, jungles and villages have been flattened, I don't know how many grounds have been cracked ... and within the emperor city, there is already a mess.

Even though it is more than a hundred kilometers ... The body of the Yagi snake is too large. At such a distance, the image of it can still be clearly seen when standing at the height of the Emperor City, and even the faint snake from the Yaji snake can be faintly heard. Hiss. For a while, the news of the Hachichi serpent awakening and heading straight for the emperor's city spread like a rocket. Numerous residents ran away in horror like a panic, and there was even more chaos within the palace.

That's not an ordinary beast ... it's the Hachichi serpent. It's the most powerful and terrible devil in the history of Dongbei, and even the entire history of Dongbei. It can destroy a city in an instant! The strength of the Emperor City was enough to withstand the invasion of any beast ... but the Hachichi serpent was simply impossible for them to resist.

"Hurry up! Go out and take out the eight-mirror, and open the heart of the eight-mirror ... immediately!"

"But ... After the destruction of the consciousness of the Hachichi snake, the power of Hachiko has fallen sharply, and it has not yet fully recovered. If you forcibly open the Fengxinzhen, it will take at least three days for the power of the inferior people. And time on……"

"Get ready right away, this is the only way !!! That's the Yaki Snake !!!"

The roar sounded again and again in the Imperial Palace, and all the city guards and guards blocked the south of the Imperial City ~ www.readwn.com ~ awaiting the nightmare in their trembling, they are now praying in their hearts. The Great Snake could suddenly turn around and leave, or the legendary family would seal it again ... or simply disappeared.

Under the guard of the entire city of the Emperor's City, the Yachi serpent finally approached the gate of the Emperor's City. It was greeted by the countless city guards and court guards in front of it ... but these people were humbled like dense ants in their eyes, both in shape and strength. As it approached, countless attacks smashed at it, and some of them were extremely powerful attacking props ... but even the intensive attacks failed to block the steps of the Yagi snake, but made it angry ... A kilometer-long snake tail fell from the sky and slammed in the front. Numerous city guards were buried in the explosion of power, and the sturdy city gates and walls were smashed like unbearable dead wood. Nothing left. The casual sweep of the snake tail destroyed not only the city gate, but also spread to hundreds of meters in the emperor city, turning large buildings into ashes, and letting countless residents and players die in fear.

A heavy artillery blasted from a distance, right in the middle of the Yagi snake, and then, successive energy cannonballs flew from all directions, bombing the Yaqi snake ... It was the strongest defense force of the Emperor City. An energy cannon motivated by the cores of the strength of many super-beasts ... The body of the Yagi serpent was bombarded several times in succession, and finally became completely angry, covering the sky with a harsh hissing noise. I do n’t know where the flood came from, and rolled to the Emperor City ...

At this time, Ye Tianxie had already appeared in the Imperial Palace. As a recidivist, once stepping in, it will definitely cause an alarm ... But now, the invasion of the Hachichi serpent puts the entire emperor city into the shadow of death, who cares about him as a small invader.

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