Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 764: Chen Long, Li Xian

When the Emperor issued an order to kill Jiulong that day, the entire sky domain was silent.

No one will forget, nor will he deny how much the dragons have contributed to Tianyu. If it weren't for Dragons, Tianyu would tremble in the shadow of the Molu tribe for a long time. Everyone understands what it means for Tianyu to lose Xiaolong ...

However, they knew more clearly what the Claw Emperor meant.

It is also the power of the Claw Emperor exposed on Chen Long, which perfectly relieves the doubts of the people in the heavens. It's no wonder that when the dragon was born, there were so many strange behaviors. No matter the combat strength, brain power, even appearance, and courage, all aspects were far beyond ordinary people, even far more than the dragons of the same family. It turned out that the reason turned out to be ... the power of the Claw Emperor was deep in his body! !!

Claw Emperor, this is a terrible name, a terrible title. The memories he left reminded me that both words would tremble. Since the history of the disaster caused by the claw emperor, God and the demon have reached a consensus. As long as there is another breath of the claw emperor, it must be strangled as soon as possible, and he must not be allowed to grow.

Therefore, people, gods, and demons born one after another with the breath of the Claw Emperor suffered a tragic death on the day they were born. For them, this is also helpless. After all, once the Claw Emperor has grown, the consequences will be irreparable.

The power of the dragon's claw emperor is hidden so deep for some reason. After so many years, it was exposed because of the rage of the sneak attack ... No one cares about this reason, but the death of the dragon is heaven. Domain must do. He is a dragon general and the first hero of Tianyu ... But the more powerful he is, the more he must die. None of them are willing to let the dragon die, but if the dragon does not die, let it go and it will be a terrible disaster that is much more terrible than the entire Molu tribe. So even if they are sorry, even if they are distressed, they can only make this choice ...

As a result, the identity of General Xiaolong changed dramatically overnight. Just like a nightmare, suddenly came.

Everything has changed.

The people who praised him, the people who respected him, the people who looked up to him and worshiped him ... became the people who wanted him to die.

His mother Longci and sister Longxi were detained. He was surrounded by thousands of soldiers ... He didn't capture it, he didn't break it because of loyalty, but he held up his dragon gun in a sad sad laugh ... Now that they have forgotten all the old feelings, they have forgotten all his standing Thanks to the credit for letting him die, what else does he care about ...

Either friends or elders ... whoever lets him die, he will let anyone die! !!

So, a fierce battle than the battle between Tianyu and the Molu tribe began inside Tianyu ...

However, if the dragon is strong, it is only a person after all ... standing behind him willingly to be the enemy of the entire sky and defend him, only the three dragon generals of the Dragon Army who were born and killed again and again, and ... General Li Tian's two daughters.

The Shenlong tribe was born to protect the Tiandi tribe. The Tiandi tribe has a natural ability to suppress the dragon power of the Shenlong tribe ... Finally, after the **** battle. Chen Long finally died, and the three war generals who knew he was going to die together with him also preceded him. All died without resentment.

No one has forgotten that terrible battle, even after a hundred years have passed.

After the death of Jiu Long, a more tragic scene shook the hearts of all the people in Tianyu ... The three thousand close-up Shenlong soldiers under Qiu Long all died after the death of Qiu Long ... When Qiu Long was attacked, they No shot, no help to the dragon, and no attack on him. Because that was the death order of General Dragon Dragon ... no one can do anything, because they have family members, and if they die in the hands of the people in the heavens, their family members will also be implicated.

After the death of Chen Long, in this way, they expressed to him the loyalty that accompanies them to death ... Three thousand dragon soldiers, none of them hesitated.

Their death left the entire Heaven Realm dead for a long time. Even the most cruel people were throbbed by the heartbeat of this tragic scene. It was also at that moment that they really understood why the Dragon Dragon's Dragon Army would always be It is invincible. At the same time, it also shows how powerful the power of the dragon is ...

The battle of the dragons made the realm tremble for a long time, and was greatly affected by it ... learned that the death of dragons, the mother of dragons, was mad overnight, and then stayed in that dark cage and refused to come out. A hundred years have passed. And Long Xi, the sister of Xun Long, did not know where to leave Tianyu, and did not know where he was.

Since then, Chen Long has become a constant topic in Tianyu, a name that cannot be forgotten.


At this time, the emperor's second son, Tianba, from heaven, even fingered Ye Tianxie, with a look of shock and horror, and shouted the name of "Xiaolong"! It is also the name that makes the calm 3000 soldiers instantly panic. Even after a century, the name is too powerful ... not to mention, this is called out from the mouth of Ertianzi!

Because the Ye Tianxie in front of him looks very similar to the dragon that died at the time ...

Face shape, features, hair, body shape, height ... even eyes, temperament ... Tianba is extremely impressed with Chen Long. It can even be said that it is difficult to find a person who can better remember Chen Long's appearance than him, so face This incredible Ye Tianxie, who resembles Chen Long, was shocked as if he saw Chen Long standing in front of him, instinctively panicked.

However, after the subconscious panic, he calmed down at a very fast speed, lowered his face, and covered his deep-seated horror with a deep look: "No !!!! Impossible! Dragon is already dead, not only dead. Now, it ’s not possible to live forever, and your strength of breath is not likely to be a dragon ... It turned out to be a person who looks a lot like the dragon ... hehe, hahahaha ... "His heartbeat is still because of the sudden just now Seeing Xiaolong's rapid beating did not calm down, and the laughter in his mouth was mostly to conceal the ingredients that were just flustered: "Ha ha ha ha! It really opened this eye, and there will be people who look so similar in this world. Hey ... You make me a little bit reluctant to kill you. You have to know that my elder brother hates Dragon Dragon. Although you are not really Dragon Dragon, but if I take you back to my brother to dispose of it, hey, hey, presumably he will be happy. very."

"You ... who ... who!" Ye Tianxie stared at Tian Ba, his voice was low and harsh.

Can anyone tell me what exactly happened! !! What happened to these people, where did they all come from! ?

Is it really just a dream ...

In the end what happened! !!

"Me?" Tian Ba ​​smiled coldly, staring at his face that resembles Chen Long: "It's a good look, oh, this look is a bit similar to the original Dragon, even the sound is exactly the same. Interesting, ha ha ha ha, it is so interesting, I have decided not to kill you now, I will take you to my elder brother, he will be happy and crazy, as for who I am ... you, do not have the qualifications to know . "

Suddenly, the giggling on Tian Ba's face stopped, his eyes moved away from Ye Tianxie's face, and he shot directly at Li Xianer, who leaned his body against Ye Tianxie's chest. With turbulent eyes ...

This breath is ...

impossible! !!

but why……

It seemed to feel his gaze, the quiet Li Xianer quietly grasped Ye Tianxie's cold and terrible hand, slowly turned back, letting the flowers fade, the dim appearance of heaven and earth, and immediately made all the heavenly soldiers who saw her , Like a puppet, completely stagnate, forget to blink, forget to breathe, and even forget their existence ...

Tian Ba's eyes widened in the incomparable huge shock. He felt the dryness of his throat, his breathing, all of a sudden became extremely difficult, and his mouth was overflowing with the words "Li ... Xian ... er ... "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

He knows Xianer's name ...

Li Xianer gently held Ye Tianxie's hand, and his body moved closer to him. A cold smile appeared on his face. Although the smile was still beautiful, it was not when he faced Ye Tianxie. The soft smile on her face was a smile with taunt and hatred. Her lips moved slightly, her voice was charming and cold: "Tianba, I haven't seen it in 100 years, it's really hard for you to remember me."

Tian Ba's brain was blasting, her already widened eyes were even bigger, and her eyes could burst out almost at any time ... because she even called his name! !!

"You ... you are really Lixianer! Aren't you already dead !!!"

The fierce ~ ~ he turned his eyes back to Ye Tianxie, their snuggle, and the hands they clasped together ... The horror in Tian Ba's heart had swelled to the greatest in his life: "Don't ... is he really a dragon !!!"

Chen Long is dead, and countless people in Tianyu have witnessed his death. Ordinary people die, and the soul returns to reincarnation. After reincarnation, they can be reborn and reborn. When they are reborn, they are either humans, beasts, insects, birds, or flowers ... After the dragon died, his body was incinerated and the soul remained It was completely annihilated, and there was no trace of it. Therefore, after the initial shock, he was completely convinced that he was just the man imagined with Chen Long. The dragon is dead and can't die any more. It disappears without any residue.

And Li Xianer, too. Both the body and the soul are completely annihilated, and it is impossible to re-enter the cycle, nor to be born again.

And one million steps back, even if they really enter the reincarnation, reincarnation, they will be completely another person, except for a "reincarnation" bond with the previous person, regardless of body, soul, strength ... Everything will be completely different.

And now ... this is obviously Li Xianer who died with Luolong of course. In addition to her, who can have such a shocking face. Her looks, her voice, her temperament, her energy breath ...

Also, she called out his Tianba name.

She is really Li Xianer! !! !!

Well, this person who was converted by her and looks like a dragon is also ...

It's really a dragon! ?

[Seriously pushing the book ... The author of this book just wrote me in, and Nima wrote a strange uncle! !! It was unbearable, unbearable, unbearable, unbearable ... Exploded his book review area with a message, and clicked to put him on the new book list ... Well, it's gone. The title of the book "Online Games Wanzai Warriors", please see below for direct trains ↓↓↓]

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