Li Xianer's dead eyes turned slightly turbulent. She stood up holding Ye Tianxie and shouted softly, "Aunt Long ... is that you?"

The man was dressed in dirty white clothes, his hair was messy and long, almost dragged to the ground, and was half white, covering her entire face.

In this prison of heaven, she has the most special existence. Because she wasn't locked up here, but she wanted to stay here, no matter who it was, don't want her to go out. Later, the Emperor ordered to stay here at her will, and no one was allowed to hurt her or interfere with her freedom. Perhaps because of the owedness to the Shenlong clan, and the shadow and fear of the dragon spirit, no one objected. So she stayed in this prison of heaven for a hundred years. In fact, she was not detained. She could go anywhere in this cage. Even if she was being held, no cage could stop her.

Because of her strength, it is comparable to the dragon battle that died!

And she is the sister of Long Zhan, the mother of Long Tian and Long Xi-Long Ci.

For a hundred years, she stayed here for a hundred years, and she was crazy for a hundred years. The death of her husband, the death of her son, the disappearance of her daughter ... This series of huge blows finally broke her spirits. The Shenlong tribe that once made people look up, now she is the only one left. Who can bear such a blow. So after her madness, people sighed with grief and sadness.

Hearing Li Xianer's words, Long Ci turned slowly, her hair was too long and covered her face, and people couldn't see what she looked like. She laughed, and the smile was extremely strange, and the terror was also revealed in the monster. Coupled with her ghostly appearance at this time, she was enough to twitch anyone inside. Li Xianer didn't show the slightest fear, because she was the mother of Chen Long and the aunt Long who loved her most. No matter what a mother becomes, let alone a madness, even if she becomes a demon, she will never harm her own son.

She slowly walked over to Li Xianer and Ye Tianxie, and then stopped there, her eyes fell on Ye Tianxie's pale face, silent for a long time.

"Mother Long ..." Li Xianer tentatively shouted again.

Long Ci still didn't move, so he looked at Ye Tianxie so stupidly, and looked at his son.

Li Xianer reached out and pulled Long Ci's forehead hair away. Her jade fingers were smoother than the perfect jade in the world, showing a sharp contrast with Long Ci's dirty and messy hair. She was not disgusted, Longci's hair was pulled away, revealing the face she was so familiar with.

Long Ci finally looked at her, with tears in her eyes. She looked at Li Xianer and said softly, "Xian Er, do you want to call me ... Aunt Long?"

Li Xianer's heart was suddenly warm and sour, and he stepped forward and hugged Longci tightly, crying and crying, "Mother, Xianer misses you so much."

Longci hugged this girl who was destined to owe a lifetime, her voice was low and sad: "Xianer, although you haven't gotten married yet, as early as a hundred years ago, in your eyes, you are already Tian'er's wife, I What I like the most is that you call my mother, but it ’s me, I am sorry for you ... ”

"Don't say that, to be able to meet him is the happiest and luckiest thing in my life. You haven't been sorry for me, really not." Li Xianer shook her head vigorously, in front of this "mother" she could talk to , She cried pear flowers with rain.

"Good fairy ... Although Tianer's fate is rough and sad, but he can meet you, how lucky he is." Long Ci patted Li Xianer's back.

"Mother ..." Li Xianer let go of Longci and stared into her eyes: "You didn't ... crazy like they said, right?"

"Who said I wasn't crazy?" Long Ci laughed, and smiled miserably: "I'm crazy, I'm really crazy. At that time, I obviously could save Tianer's life, but in all hesitation, waited After he detonated the dragon soul, and you died with the news ... I am crazy, completely crazy, I am sorry for my husband, sorry for my son, sorry for you, sorry for my daughter ... Forgive sinner, ha ha ha ha ... "

Longci laughed, laughing like crazy, and the laughter was even more desolate than the ghost crying.

Li Xianer stared at her, unable to understand what she was saying.

"This time, I won't let Tianer die. If he still dares to kill Tianer, I will blast Beitianmen that was blown up by Tianer into an ashes! Let the Molu tribe enter the heavens freely and let them forever No peace !!! "

She wants to scream with the dragon soul ... Li Xianer thought silently. And this may be the only way to save Ye Tianxie.

Li Xianer picked up Ye Tianxie and said to Long Ci: "Mother, after so many years of life and death, your mother and son can finally be reunited. You must have a lot of things to tell him ... you hug him, I believe, he heard."

Long Ci's eyes wavered and shook out her hands, but immediately she retracted and shook her head in pain: "No ... I am not qualified to be his mother again. All of today is because of me. What else do I have to do to be his mother, to hold him ... and to my sister, self-injustice, not to live, why do I still have such a living face ... "

Long Ci burst into tears, crying extremely sad and painful.

She has been blaming herself, making Li Xianer incomprehensible. She hurried forward and said, "No, mother, it's not your fault. Even then, even if you threatened with a dragon soul, nothing will change. It's really not your fault ... and Xiaoxi her, She's fine now, but ... In short, as long as Tian Xie can safely return to the home on Earth this time, Xiao Xi will always be happy and never be sad again. "

Long Ci froze, grabbed Li Xian'er's hand, and asked with a trembling voice: "Really? Are you talking about it?"

Li Xianer nodded vigorously: "It's true, how can Xianer cheat her mother. Xiaoxi is really good now, and she has been with her brother all the time."

"With Tianer, together ..." Long Ci muttered softly, thinking in disappointment: "Yes, as long as she is with Tianer, she will be happy with everything. In those days, she dreamed With the ability to marry Tianer, Tianer died, she passed out crying, and since then ... "

Long Ci's face was already full of tears. She looked at Ye Tianxie, who was held by Li Xian'er, and said a word, her voice was indifferent: "Heaven ... son, I ... one ... definitely ... no ... Will ... let ... you ... die ... of ... "



Day and night go by. This day and night, Li Xianer told Long Ci about Ye Tianxie of this life, and about the bits and pieces of this life together ...

Today is the day when Tianzi Tianshuo was officially baptized.

The iron gate was opened and four gold armored guards came in. All they had to do was take away the dragon. Because while the emperor is being baptized today, there is also a project that will publicize the dragon, and all the highly respected people in Tianyu will decide his life and death.

When Li Xianer refused to let go of Ye Tianxie, Long Ci shook her head: "Let them take Tianer."

In a word, Li Xianer chose to obey, and she and Longci followed, and their eyes did not deviate for a moment.

Tianyu Central Square.

At 9:22 in the morning, the Tianyu Plaza was crowded with people. There are countless guards of heaven, and masters of heaven are gathered. In Heaven, the baptism of Heavenly Son is a major event only once in five hundred years, because the Heavenly Son who receives baptism must be the next emperor.

Today, all the heavenly domains guard the King of Heaven, the masters of various regions, and the lords of all parties. Many countless heavenly powers, generals, and priests have all gathered here, occupying the huge Tianyu Center. The center is a large high platform. The center of the high platform is equipped with a crystal ball with a diameter of about one meter. Inside, there is a white flame burning quietly ... that will reignite once every five hundred years. Heavenly Emperor Sacred Flame. Only the Heavenly Son who has received the sacred flame has the qualification to become the Emperor of Heaven. At the same time, only the Celestials are eligible to receive the Divine Flame. After accepting the sacred inflammation ~ ~ the ability of the emperor will also soar several times, even dozens of times.

When Ye Tianxie was put on a high platform, and his unconscious body was fixed on an iron frame, a chaos suddenly occurred in the entire Tianyu Central Square, and noisy noises were heard everywhere. They all heard that the dragon that had died in the past came back through the blood chakra, and killed the second emperor with a dragon soul explosion. At this time, they saw the real person, and they were still shocked in their hearts.

When people saw Ye Tianxie, they quickly saw Li Xianer. She was standing in front of the crowd, her eyes staring at Ye Tianxie on the high platform, her eyes were bewildered and quiet, beside her ... It was like Long Ci who had never walked out of the prison of heaven for 100 years.

A heavy drink suppressed the noise of the audience. The emperor stepped out, his face was heavy, and he was completely without the joy of the baptism of the emperor. However, the day of baptism cannot be changed. Bendi does not want to say anything, let's start ... Shuoer, go up. As for the dragon, he is alive or dead, and Shuoer will have his own decision. "

As soon as the Emperor's voice fell, the audience again cobbled. Originally it was rumored that Li Long's life and death were decided by the will of the people, but now it has been changed to Tianshuo's will. If the life and death of the dragon is determined by Tianshuo, then it means that dragon must die. Everyone knows that because of Lixianer, Tianshuo can be said to be the most hated dragon in Tianyu.

Li Tian's hands clenched tightly, and he did not dare to touch his daughter. Li Xianer closed her eyes silently, and conveyed her voice to Ye Tianxie in his heart: Tianxie, don't be afraid, whether it is life or death, heaven or hell, abyss or reincarnation, I will accompany you .

Only Longci ... she was a little abnormal. When she heard the words of Tiandi, instead of panic, she smiled slightly, her smile was extremely cold and ridiculed.

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