"Then ... why do you want me to see you?" Li Xianer asked puzzled. The goddess Brah never appeared before her, but she appeared in front of her today, and even at that moment, she was able to see her face clearly, which made her all surprised.

The Brahmin did not answer him, but looked up and looked at the boundless sky, and said coldly: "I can save him and let him be a normal, but not ordinary earth person. Normal, is his physique It's just like a normal person, but his Ssangyong Soul is completely explosive. It is impossible for him to have power all his life. I also cannot have the ability to recover the Dragon Soul. His new body will become weak after too strenuous exercise. Not ordinary ... A strange light flashed in the eyes of the goddess Borne: "I can give him more than 100,000 years of life!"

The joy in Li Xianer's heart almost made her tears. She knelt down in front of the girl with a strong cry, and said, "Thank you, Goddess Brah, for your kindness, I will never be in this life. forget."

The goddess of Brah gave a "hum" and turned away from her courtesy, saying, "You don't need to thank me, I'm more for my daughter."

I heard the word "daughter" from the mouth of such a small girl, not to mention the people of the earth, even in Li Xianer, who grew up in the heavens, had a quite strange feeling. As soon as she was about to speak, the cold voice of the goddess of Brah had sounded again: "But I have a condition! You must agree to the condition. If you do not agree, I would rather destroy my daughter's consciousness and let her start all over again. Will save this man I ’ve hated for more than 20 years! ”

Li Xianer nodded strongly: "You said, no matter what the conditions, I will promise you."

"Really?" The girl's mouth showed a ruthless smile, half closed her eyes, looked at the sky, and slowly said, "In your opinion, what is the struggle between Tianyu and the Molu tribe over the years?"

Li Xianer wondered why she asked such a question. She replied: "Before today, I thought it was a fateful struggle, or that the Mora tribe intended to annex the heavens. Today, I know that everything is due to the fault of the two hundred years of the emperor and the hatred of Mora. . "

"Hate of Mo Luo? Hahaha ha ..." The goddess of Bora laughed: "Indeed, the root of Mo Luo's attack on the realm of heaven is indeed the fault of the emperor, hatred of Mo Luo. But it has passed two hundred years, no matter how big The hatred will also be diluted by time. Now Mo Luo has the wisdom and courage, and the ability to control the people of Mo Luo is far better than that of Long Mengchen, and the relationship with Mo Luo has no gap. Two hundred years later, Mo Luo has a long dream The feeling of dust will always fade away, and the hate of that year will also dissipate. Is the current battle really because of the hate of that year? "

Li Xianer: "..."

"The current dispute between Tianyu and Mo Luo has evolved into an unreasonable one. They are fighting for the fight, fighting for the war, and they are no longer fighting for any specific reason. If you must find one The reason is that the war of dignity between the two races, and which side voluntarily ceased, means giving in to the other side. Therefore, the struggle between the two races has never ceased for a full 200 years. Today, the emperor has also been revenge ... The retribution that he will never forget in his life, this struggle between Tianyu and the Molu tribe should have ended. "

The goddess of Brah dropped her head, and with her white hair flowing, her body has turned: "I want to seal off the space between the Celestial and the Mora tribe, so that they will never have to communicate with each other, and it will be over forever. Ending grievances! "

"Block off Heaven and Mora?" Li Xianer froze, then nodded slowly: "The people of Heaven are unbearable by Mora, and the people of Mora never desire war, when the Mora tribe separated from Heaven. , Vow to no longer communicate with the heavens. If the two communities are separated, although some unseverable links will be broken, it is a good thing for the people of the two communities in the general direction. At least, two People of the tribe no longer need to worry about the fighting between the two races, they can live in peace and harmony. And those who can isolate the two races can only be done by your goddess Brahma. "

"No," the goddess of Brahma shook her head, and her eyes fell on her face. "If it was only me, I could not do it. Although I could set up a space barrier to isolate the space between the two races, Tianyu and The size of the Molu tribe is so large that even though I have the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible for me to erect such a large and unbreakable space barrier. Therefore, to completely isolate the two tribe, I need to take the lifeblood of the two tribe as the A carrier of strength and a special space barrier ... Unless the lifeblood of the two races is completely broken, they will never reach each other's space! "

"The barrier with lifeline as the carrier?" Li Xianer whispered, a concept she had never heard of.

"And such a barrier is not simply a space ability or a divine power to complete. It also requires a person ... a willing person." The goddess of Borneo looked at her, her voice relentless and cold. "This person will become the core of the lifeline power that connects the heavens and the molu clan, and will always be locked in the center of the locked space. Unless the heavens and the molu clan are all cut off, the life will never come out. You, listen Do you understand what I mean? "

Li Xian'er's eyes waved, and she gently moved Ye Tianxie closer to her, trembling, "Did you let me ... be that person?"

"Yes." The Brahmi answered coldly, "I wanted to block the two races a hundred years ago, but my Brah never asked for and was not aggressive. It was difficult to find a person who would willingly trade for one of her life in exchange for the two races. . And you are the most suitable. You can promise, when promised, when the seal of lifeline is formed, I will naturally recover for him. You can also refuse, I will not stop you, not to force you. The latter is to leave Door, you can leave at any time. "

"I promised, why didn't I promise." Li Xianer laughed, and there were tears all over Xueyan: "If ... if he didn't forget me, even if I accompany him into endless reincarnation, I won't I will promise you, but after the dragon soul explodes, he has forgotten his love, there is no more my existence in life, without me, he will not miss, he will not hurt, he still has Mo Er, and Xiao Hope, there are many girls who are willing to accompany him all his life ... "

She smiled, but tears fell on Ye Tianxie's face, her eyes looked at him, and she never wanted to leave. Because after a short, short time, she would never see him again and never hear him again.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha ... It's a picture that makes people laugh. For this man, you are willing to be blocked by eternal life? Have you ever thought that after you are blocked, he will completely forget you after he recovers, and will be on earth. Shang and his women are merry and happy, and they will never remember any shadow of you. But you have to bear it all alone in the eternal blockade without freedom, but with complete consciousness, where you are alone and quiet, maybe I can't even stand it ... are you really willing? "

"I do ... why I don't want to." She replied without any hesitation.

The girl's eyes became slightly complicated. Even if she had such powerful power and profound experience, at this time, she could not understand why Li Xianer was so willing. She frowned and asked, "I love you forever, I am reincarnation, eternal blockade ... You can have a perfect life, but completely ruin your life for this man, what do you get from him by doing so?"

"I just think he can be good, forever, and always be happy. If he can be carefree all the time, even if I am blocked by Eternal World, what will she have ... She has Mo Er to accompany him and Xiao Xi to accompany him. With him, his friend is the most powerful person in Huaxia. He has no power, and they protect him. What else can I worry about, what else can I care about. "She wept silently, crystal tears, Wet Ye Tianxie's chest little by little, and her hands clasped him tighter and tighter ...

"So why are you still crying?"

"Because, I can't bear him ... I really can't bear him. I don't want to be separated from him, I really want to be with him forever ... even if it makes me ugly, even if it only makes me into his yard A small grass, a stone, as long as I can see him every day, I will also be thankful to the sky ... I really ca n’t bear him. "

Li Xianer finally cried and burst into tears. She was rejoicing, rejoicing that he could finally be made alive, and sad that she would never see him in the future. But ... as long as he can be good, he can be with Moer on the earth happy and worry-free, no matter how sad, no matter how reluctant, the eternal blockade, she is willing to ... all are willing.

"Sure enough, you are the most idiot woman I have ever seen ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sacrifice yourself for such a man. Is he really more important than your life?" Goddess Borneo looked at him, presenting With a look that others cannot understand.

Li Xianer looked up and looked at the goddess of Brah with tears in her eyes: "God of Brah, can you agree to my last little request?"


"Please ... please restore him first, and then allow me to send him home ... I will return immediately after returning him, and I will never break my word. If I break my word, you can always me and you The dragon obliterates from this world, please promise. "

"I've recovered him, at least five days, as many as ten days, and he will wake up." The goddess of Borne glanced at Ye Tianxie and said expressionlessly. Then she turned and frowned and waved, "You go. You let me know that my daughter is not dead, so I promise you your request. The time limit is three hours."

Li Xianer then began to notice that Ye Tianxie's originally cold body had begun to recover the temperature. That was not the burning heat caused by the sacred inflammation before, but the normal body temperature of normal people. She began to feel his heartbeat and could almost hear his heartbeat.

"Thank you, the goddess of Brahma." Li Xianer smiled happily. In this world, there is nothing that can satisfy her more than Ye Tianxie's recovery. She lifts up Ye Tianxie to the goddess of Brah Saluting, taking him, step by step out of the door of Mount Borneo. How much she longed for time to suddenly become extremely slow ... three hours. After three hours, she would never see him again.

Borneo returned to peace. The goddess of Brah closed her eyes and stared into the sky. The girl's voice reached the sky with a strange penetrating power: "Jiaolong, if you want to get my daughter, let me break this day, otherwise you are not qualified Protoss son-in-law !!! "

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