Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 847: Mu Xiaoxie's Perseverance

This is Mu's first concert in the world of fate. But now, people have basically forgotten that this is a concert, and their hearts are all violently turbulent because of Mu Xiaoyue's confession. It is conceivable that after the news came out, how great a response would be.

"Little devil ... you can't do this, we don't allow it, no one is worthy of you."

"How can this happen, my heart is completely broken, ah! Which man is it!"

"You, you will hurt a lot of people, you can't imagine you being blasphemed by a man!"


The reaction was strong and beyond anyone's expectations. Generally speaking, when a public figure explodes into a relationship, it is more people's feelings of freshness and surprise, and many people will be lost ... And those words of Mu Xiaoyue, that song, give them the feeling Heartache. Because the image of Mu Xiaoyue in their minds is so perfect, they really can't imagine, dare not, and don't want to think about her being possessed by a man, which is really totally unacceptable to them.

Yes, it is unacceptable. Perhaps only Mu Xiaoyue can give them this feeling and such a response. Too perfect a picture, sometimes it will bring a lot of negative restraints to yourself.

And such a scenario, how could Mu Xiaoyue never imagine. But she still spoke in front of them bravely and decisively, without giving herself a little back road ... She was talking to them, and she was also talking to her parents and family, telling them that she had The person she likes will never obey their plans for her future. As for how her family would react ... excited or angry, she couldn't care less. Some time ago, she left Tiancheng Entertainment and joined the July Chamber of Commerce. Her family ’s reaction was as fierce as she imagined ... because her father dreamed that she would be able to enter the Dugu family. She could sing and completely It was because of the original Dugu City. Because in the entire South, the Dugu family is the real overlord who can only cover the sky. No one dares to mess with it, and no one can mess with it. Therefore, at the time, Dugu City showed affection for Mu Xiaoyue, and Mu Huazhen was ecstatic. Let Mu Xiaoyue marry Dugu City almost became his biggest goal in his life, and watching this goal getting closer and closer, almost It will be realized soon, he even prepared the dowry of Mu Xiaoyue.

Now, she suddenly left Tiancheng Entertainment in Dugu City. He had already been violently thunderous, but now he was obviously confessing to another man. It is conceivable how fierce he would be.

Looking at the restlessness in the audience, listening to the increasingly strong voice, Mu Xiaoyue knew that this relationship she confessed was difficult to be blessed. For a long time, she no longer lives for herself, but has become a perfect shadow in many people's hearts. But today ... When she found her true love, today she is only for herself, even if she loses a lot of what she has ...

Gently, she made a hazy look and made a sound: "I'm sorry ... I'm sorry everyone, it's the little demon that makes everyone sad. But the little devil has always been an ordinary girl, longing for friends, longing for love, too I will dream of the future I want and the appearance of Prince Charming in my dreams. I originally thought that the concert is the biggest dedication of my life, but when I met him, I knew that when I really encountered everything that made myself all People who are lost, their attachment to emotions, even more than music, more than all ... if, if the little demon really makes everyone sad, the little demon will be willing to quit the song forever, and no longer make everyone sad because of the little demon. He wants me, or I don't want me, all my life ... just singing for him. "

After a while, the scene became dead again, and people looked at Mu Xiaoyue in front of them, at a loss.

Mu Xiaoxie ... withdraw from the music scene?

A deep panic, quickly lingering in people's hearts.

Around the world, some giants in the music industry even stood up excitedly and looked at Mu Xiaoyue on the screen with trembling, hoping to rush into the screen and begged Mu Xiaoyue to take back his words ...

Without Mu Xiao Yao ... it means that they can no longer hear her singing.

There is no longer the kind of enjoyment that makes the soul stir in resonance.

I can no longer appreciate that the original music can really wash people's hearts.

Why does she have such a touching song ... Because her emotions are so real, no matter sadness, joy, anger, calm ... are pure without any impurities. Today, her unleashed emotions did not leave herself a public statement of retreat. The same purity made it impossible to find any trace of falsehood. Only the deep affection that made them feel irritable ... this is Mu Xiaoyue.

It is because she is so serious about each emotion, and she is so pure and flawless that she can have such a singing voice, otherwise, she is not the little monster in their hearts.

The excitement just turned into a panic quickly under Mu Xiaoyue's words, because they found that, compared to Mu Xiaoyue being occupied by a man, they couldn't accept Mu Xiaoyue to disappear into their world. She was saying "I'm sorry" to them, her voice was so euphemistic, yeah ... she, too, is a girl, with the same emotions, a longing for love, and a heart that needs a lover. What loves a person is her freedom, a freedom that no one can interfere with, and how can she say so boldly, how many girls can do it? She is so kind and brave ... but instead, they are so selfish, instead of giving her blessings, she is resisting, making her sad, and even having to say something to give up her favorite music ... ...

Ask yourself ... Is this really enough to say I love her? It was a love for her ~ ~ or a selfish love to satisfy her.

"No! Little demon, don't leave us !! We can't live without you!"

"The little demon can find his love, we should bless and be happy for her ... why should we resist selfishly, little demon, really don't leave us, if I can't hear your singing, my life will become dim. "

"If Mu Xiaoxie quits the music scene, I don't think I will listen to music anymore. Little demon, as long as you don't quit the music scene, no matter what decision you make, we will support you and bless you, just ask you not to leave us. "

"Woohoo ... little devil, the boy who you can look up to will be the best, we will never ... never say resisting stupid words again, please don't say anything about leaving the song world, we Need you ... or we would really cry. "

"Little demon, please forgive our selfishness just now, we really love you too much ... those words, we will never say it again, we will only sincerely bless you and be happy that you have found your loved one Please don't leave us ... "

"Everyone has the right to pursue love. We will deeply wish our little demon to be with her loved one and be happy forever. I am even more eager ... I can still listen to the little devil on the day I die. Singing ... "



Looking at the eyes full of panic and begging, even tearful eyes, Mu Xiaoyue burst into tears.

[I ca n’t come out, this chapter has fewer words. Tomorrow seems to be leisure. If there is time, it will burst out. If there is no time, it will burst out. If time can't be spared to make time go back, it will explode. Yes, it is bound to erupt tomorrow. 】

[What is the best thing for mystery merchant No. 3 ... plane? cannon? tank? Huh? 】

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