Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 871: Dragon Soul Formation, Beckham's Divine Evolution (middle)

Dragon Soul Formation, the last formation to guard the Dragon Realm, is also the strongest formation. The power of the first Dragon Squadron made him embarrassed. Passing was absolutely impossible, not to mention that this power was bound to far outweigh the strongest of the Dragon Squadron.

Ye Tianxie stood before the Dragon Soul Formation, and the power of the dragon behind him was getting closer. He looked up and said, "Yaya, what kind of formation is Dragon Soul Formation?"

"Hmm ... let Yaya think ... yes! Dragon Soul Formation is a guardian formation built by the power of Dragon Soul. Stepping into the soul of Dragon Soul formation, unless it is equipped with Dragon Soul, it will be The soul of the dragon forces to destroy the spirit forcibly. The slightest thing is to make the creature comatose immediately. Seriously, it will cause his consciousness to collapse and become a living but unconscious living dead person ... wow, it is really terrible. The soul power of the dragon is the strongest of all known souls, just like ... the dragon soul roars released by a young dragon, and can stun an adult sacred beast. So, the dragon The soul power is irresistible. No one can pass this dragon soul array ... just like the demon **** of the year, it dare to fight the five guardian holy beasts alone, dare to provoke the fantasy beasts, but they dare not provoke the dragons. , Because he knows he ca n’t get through this Dragon Soul array ... oh, it ’s really terrible. The owner must not step in, otherwise, he may become an idiot who knows nothing! "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Roar! !! !! !!

A deafening dragon roar came, and Ye Tianxie turned, and in his sight, the shadow of three dragons had once again appeared. It seemed that they were chasing before, because they knew that there was a dragon soul array that could not be entered by creatures other than dragons. At this point, they had forced Ye Tianxie to the front of the Dragon Soul Formation, and the three Shenlongs occupied one position each, sealing all his way back ...

Over the sky, Long Er's Longkou opened wide, and a huge dragon flame shot at Ye Tianxie. Dragon three and dragon four hovered down from the air, but the momentum was not locked in the position where Ye Tianxie stood, but his side and rear ... Only when Ye Tianxie walked backwards or left and right, their offensive will be real At the start, if Ye Tianxie was forced to pass, even if the speed was extremely high, it would basically be a life of nine deaths. The only way to avoid it safely is to scoop forward as before. But if forward ...

He hesitated for less than half a second, then took Beckham and Aunt, and rushed forward swiftly ...

boom! !! !!

The burst of flame sounded behind him, the hot air waves grilled his back, and now he, as well as Beckham and Aya, have stepped into the range of Dragon Soul Formation. He just had no time to move Aya夭 and Beckham retracted.

Dragon two, dragon three and dragon four in the air were shocked.

"Evil days he stepped into the Dragon Soul array!" Long Moya said in astonishment. At this moment, he, the bright dragon god, and the dragon one all stagnated in the sky, opened the eyes of the dragon and looked at the distance. When Long Moya spoke, there was a worry in his heart, and the terribleness of the Dragon Soul array, he couldn't be more clear.

"Yes, if his consciousness is completely destroyed ..." Long Yi also exclaimed.

"No, not necessarily." The bright dragon **** shook his head, Xu Xu said, "Did you forget, just now, even the Dragon Soul Roar did not help him ... or the Dragon Soul Roar released by the five of you at the same time! Dragon Although the soul spirit is strong, can it be stronger than the dragon soul roar released by the five of you at the same time? "

Long Yi and Long Moya were suddenly silent.

"Ahhhh! Big Brother, this is Dragon Soul Formation, Dragon Soul Formation!"

As soon as Ye Tianxie rushed in, Yaya was a long exclamation. Her exclamation lasted for five seconds, and she stopped slowly, because she had stepped into the Dragon Soul formation, and it had been so long, Ye Tianxie's body still held Beckham in one hand and 夭夭 in one hand. Running at high speed, the look is the same as before, there is nothing different.

"Huh?" Yaya made a questioning voice, and she asked tentatively: "Brother, don't you think there is anything different?"

Throwing away the three dragons again, Ye Tianxie's footsteps stopped, he took a breath and sat down on the ground, then glanced at the cooling time of "looking through the autumn water". Hearing Yaya's words, he closed his eyes and felt for a while, shaking his head and saying, "It seems that there is nothing different."

"Well? But, this is Dragon Soul Formation, which is a Dragon Soul Formation that even the demon **** did not dare to step in. Hey ... Big Brother, look at Beckham, it seems a little bit wrong Then. "

He jumped from Ye Tianxie's body and landed next to Beckham on the other side of Ye Tianxie's body.夭夭 Like Ye Tianxie, he looks nothing strange. When the soul power is large enough, the outside soul power will not have any influence on it at all. For example, if there is a hard door, all the outside power will be turned away.

And Beckham ... Its body relies on the trees behind Ye Tianxie, her eyes closed, there is no movement.

At the reminder of Yaya, Ye Tianxie quickly looked at Beckham, and at first glance he found the difference. He quickly hugged his body, shook it and shouted, "Beck, Beck?"

Without a response, Beckham was now in a deep sleepiness. Ye Tianxie shouted several times in succession, and Beckham still did not respond.

Ye Tianxie's brow tightened ... Dragon Soul Formation, destroying the terrible formation of other souls with the power of Dragon Soul. Because he resisted the roar of Dragon Soul before, he is confident that he has a good chance to resist this Dragon Soul formation. Sure enough, after he entered, except that he felt a slight dizzy head at first, after that he had no discomfort at all, but Beckham, did it ...

Behind him, the dragon's coercion approached again. Although Ye Tianxie's speed is fast, the speed of the three dragons after transformation is definitely not slow. Ye Tianxie quickly got up and initiated a thought to recall Beckham ...

"Ding ... Your pet 'Beckham' is in an unknown state and cannot accept your call."

Ye Tianxie: "!!!"

Is it ... Beckham's consciousness is really affected by this Dragon Soul Formation, and even ... destroyed?

He had no choice, picked up Beckham, and walked deeper with his uncle. Gradually, ten seconds passed, twenty seconds passed ... One minute passed ... One hundred seconds elapsed since the last use of Wang Chuan Qiushui, Ye Tianxie raised his right hand, rushed up against the three gods, and stood still The best attack position, "Wang Chuanqiu" shot out.

Even with the most complete preparation, no one can avoid the beam attack of looking through the autumn water, even if Ye Tianxie faces it, there is absolutely no possibility to avoid it. Dragon two and dragon four passed by the beam. And a hundred meters away, even with their attacks, it was difficult for Ye Tianxie to reach him before he fled.

If so, they will take Ye Tianxie in no way, but they will be deprived of life a little bit under the beam until they are defeated. Retire? Ye Tianxie can keep up to 100 meters to catch up, and at his moving speed, if they retreat, he will simply catch up.

Once, twice, three times, four times ...

At the end of a quarter of an hour, Ye Tianxie shot ten consecutive shots of "looking through the autumn water" at Dragon II within the huge dragon soul array, destroying their vitality to about 30%. In this way, in another hour, you should be able to shoot them down from the air one by one. The cost is an hour-long expense of Divine Flame.

The biggest hidden worry of Ye Tianxie is that ... Dragon Soul Formation cannot affect him, but there must be an end to Dragon Soul Formation. What kind of array should it be outside of Dragon Soul Formation? He resisted the Dragon Soul Formation attacked by the Dragon Soul power, so what about the formations outside the Dragon Soul Formation? If it is an attacking array like the dragon scale array, how can he go and take the nose of San Shenlong in this way.

Ye Tianxie frowned while he was moving forward. Suddenly, an amazing burning sensation came from his arms. He actually felt the pain of conical heart when he burned the sacred inflammation, and his arm was released subconsciously. .

Passing through, Beckham's body fell to the ground. It was still motionless, but his body was surrounded by a strange white light.

Ye Tianxie stopped his body and returned to Beckham's side. Just before approaching, a heat wave rushed towards him. The that releases the intense burning sensation turned out to be Beckham's body ... or, in other words, the strange light on his body. This light is similar to when it releases the light of *, but it is indescribably different. Beckham's ability lies entirely in violent physical attacks. There is no fire elemental power at all, but why does it release such a hot light.

I also trot to Beckham's side, but was immediately forced away by the burning sensation.

"Beckham." Ye Tianxie was horrified and shouted tentatively. Beckham did not answer, but the circle of light on it was obviously getting stronger and stronger.

Rumble ...

A dull sound came from the ear, letting Ye Tianxie's action stagnate, and let the three dragons approaching quickly get into the air. If their ears did not deceive them, the sound was clearly from a distance Came from underground.

Rumble ...

Rumble ...

The ground began to tremble slightly, more precisely, the land covered by the entire Dragon Soul Formation was trembling with fear. In the tremor of the ground, Beckham's body slowly stood up from the ground, standing very straight. The strong light on her body completely drowned its entire body ... a stream of invisible airflow Gushing from all directions, if forced to be pulled by some invisible force, it usually flocks to Beckham's body. The speed is getting faster and faster, and gradually, it becomes like a wild wind ...

"This ... this is ..." Ye Tianxie was forced back several steps by the sudden flow of air, staring at Beckham with a shocked look, totally unaware of what happened.

In front of Longyu Gate, the bright dragon **** and Long Moya changed their faces at the same time. They looked at each other and rushed towards the direction of Dragon Soul array.

Because, they clearly felt that the power of Dragon Soul Formation was disappearing rapidly. It seems that something is absorbing the power of the Dragon Soul Formation crazy!

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