Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 873: Heaven's brake

From Tian Jue to Shen Xuan ’s power, Beckham ’s vitality has skyrocketed, his attack power has doubled directly, and his attack skills have all been improved. The meow meow boxer has changed from four to five combos, but his life consumption has been greatly reduced. The duration of each powerful assistive technology has been extended by 50%!

Although the previous Beckham attack was strong, his vitality was relatively fragile. Ye Tianxie did not even dare to face it with a stronger BOSS. And this time the power advances, its vitality has been several times, making up for its biggest disadvantage. And the three exclusive skills it opened—Paradise Warfare, Heavenly Fist, and Heavenly Brake—their powerful effects made Ye Tianxie shocked.

Shen Xuan's Beckham really revealed its horror. Comprehensive ability, compared with the previous is simply not the same.

However, the battle at the moment is still not over, and Dragon II, Dragon III, and Dragon IV are above him, which can give him a fatal blow at any time. Ye Tianxie Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Beckham and Luan, rushed sideways, and widened away. Under the scattered spirit of the three dragons, they successfully bypassed their siege and ran towards the gate of the Dragon Realm in a roundabout way.

The change of the Dragon Soul Formation caused a chaos in the entire Dragon Realm, and they rushed out from the door of the Dragon Realm. For a time, the dragons of countless human and dragon forms were blocked in front of the gate of the dragon realm, and remained there because of the orders of the bright dragon god, without rushing to the dragon soul array.

One minute ... five minutes ... very kind ...

Ye Tianxie broke away from the Dragon Soul Formation at the same time as he had traveled to the Dragon Soul formation before, and approached the gate of the Dragon Clan. Behind him, the Three Dragons had been closely following. Ye Tianxie controlled the speed so that they could see him, but could not cover his distance with attack. The front of the dragon domain has been reflected in the front sight. At this moment, there are a large group of people standing below it, and there are floating true dragons of different colors and sizes floating above them. As he approached, all the dragons also saw him, one by one surprised ... this is a person, there is no dragon breath on his body, but behind him, there are two dragons, three dragons, and four dragons together. Chasing, and still in the form of becoming a dragon, this man is ...

Ye Tianxie's footsteps stopped at this moment, and he turned to face Sanlong ...


With Ye Tianxie's light call, I jumped from his body, and a white light was released from his body, covering the three dragons in the air.

Thirty minutes have elapsed, and the "Xuanling Light? Into Dream" has finished cooling down. As the light spread, the three dragons in the air didn't even have time to make a sound, so they fell down from the air and hit the ground fiercely.

"Beck, come on !!!"

With a loud shout, Ye Tianxie and Beckham rushed towards Rongji at the same time ... At this time, Beckham's body was surrounded by a white dazzling halo ... That was the strength of the twenty heavenly wars The halo is also the maximum that Beckham can achieve. In the process of running back here before, Beckham attacked nearby trees by the way. Through twenty attacks, he accumulated 20 auras of power, and the overlapping auras of power were particularly dazzling. In the course of running, the "light of *" and "claw of nightmare" blessed themselves and entered the strongest state of violentness ...

boom! !!

hiss! !!


-38400,76800, -76800, -38400, -38400, -76800, -38400 ...

Ye Tianxie's Yan Soul Kill and Beckham's Meow Meow Boxing fell on Dragon II's huge body at the same time. Yan Soul Killed once, but Meow Meow Boxing was three consecutive times ... a total of fifteen attacks! Rongji was awakened from his drowsiness. He was about to fight back with his wings, and Beckham's "Paradise of the Heaven" was launched. His body turned into a white meteor, and he struck the body of Rongji ...

boom! !! !! !! !! !!

The sound of the impact is like a mountain crashing, the aura of power on Beckham's body disappears instantly, and Dragon II ... its 100-meter-long dragon body is like a kicked ball, in the sound of the roaring wind. Zhongyuan flew into the sky.

In this scene, the dragon of the clan of dragons made a large exclaiming sound ...

The one who hit Feilong II turned out to be a weird cat with a bigger body than his nails! !!

In the middle of Long Er being smashed and flying, Ye Tianxie also rushed to Beckham's body, grabbed his body, and put all his efforts into throwing it into the sky ...

"Go, Beckham !!"

With Ye Tianxie's strength of more than 2,000, this throw is enough to throw Beckham to a height of 100 meters. After throwing Beckham, he stood in place, looking over the sky, silently calculating the time ...

The height of Ryuuji being smashed by the moment of heaven surprised everyone who saw it. Because it is clearly close to a height of 100 meters. Before Long Er's body was close to the highest point, Beckham's body that had been thrown out quickly had been caught up, and Meow Meow fist attacked on him like a storm ...

-19200, -38400, -19200, -38400, -38400, -20160, -20160, -40320, -40320, -20160, -42240, -42240, -21120, -21120 ...

In the first meow boxing, Beckham's body appeared with a white halo. Every time he attacked the meow boxing, that aura would deepen, and the damage caused by the meow boxing also increased significantly. Under the attack of fifteen-second attack in one second, its own attack is getting higher and higher, the aura of strength is getting stronger and stronger, the life of Dragon II is falling quickly, its body begins to fall rapidly from the air, Beckham also With its body falling freely and falling, it always stays on the same plane with its body. The storm-like attack does not stop momentarily, and the aura of power builds up, five, ten, fifteen ...

When Long Er was attacked by Beckham the first time, he woke up from drowsiness. He was severely smashed into the air. He wanted to shake up and turn around ... But he was shocked to find that there was an invisible force He froze his body so tightly that he couldn't control his body at all, and only allowed Beckham to attack madly in its whereabouts ...

-32640, -65280, -65280, -32640, -32640 ...

With the increase of Beckham's aura of strength, Dragon II's life is falling faster and faster. Under 15 attacks per second, its falling life per second starts to approach one million ...

From the first second of Beckham's attack on Dragon II, Ye Tianxie began to count the time ... one second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds, six seconds ...

Seven seconds! !!

boom! !!

Long Er's body was so **** the ground.

"Beckham!" Ye Tianxie shouted.

boom! !! !! !!

Almost when Ye Tianxie shouted, Beckham's body had turned into white light, and he struck heavily on Long Er's body that had just landed. With the cancellation of the twenty auras of power on his body, he was again fierce. Boom fly above the sky. Ye Tianxie stepped forward, grabbed Beckham, and threw it into the air like before ...

Seven seconds, just right! !!

After blessing the light of *, Beckham can launch three attacks in one second ... Seven seconds, he can launch twenty-one attacks, which is enough to fill the circle of twenty powers again, and then he can launch the "Paradise of Heaven" again.

In other words, during the time of Beckham's "Light of Light", as long as it hits the moment of its heaven, don't even think about turning over. The only thing you can do is to withstand Beckham's volley attack until it * Light's effect is over, the attack speed has dropped by half, and it is no longer possible to refill the twenty auras of strength during the time when the target is vacated.

If "Light of *" can always bless himself, Beckham can complete the infinite combo that he can't turn over until he dies!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Uh ...

The vacated Beckham's attack fell on Long Er's body again, and the heavenly warfare shone again. In the tearing sound of the cat's claws cracking the air, the injury figures floated quickly on Long Er's head. Seven seconds later, it landed again, and before it turned around and greeted it, it was another moment of heaven, and it was hit into the air for the third time ...

The Dragon Dragon looked at it blankly, watching that the tiny creature under the contrast of Dragon II's huge body smashed its body into the sky again and again ~ ~ the speed of its attack, The intensity of the attack has made many dragons startled.

When Long Er landed for the third time, Ye Tianxie's body rushed forward, shook it out with a blast, and called Beckham back ... At this time, Long Er's vitality had fallen to 10% the following.

The huge dragon body quickly transformed into a human form in the light. He stood up embarrassedly, still retaining the softness after three heavy blows. He stared straight at Ye Tianxie's location ... but instead of staring at Ye Tianxie, he stared at Beckham who was shining with twenty heavenly wars. After a brief silence, he said nothing, and He breathed a sigh of relief, said, "I'm defeated," and turned and walked back.

Dragon Three and Dragon Four also woke up from their drowsiness at this time. They did not attack, but glanced at each other, and returned to human form in the light. At the same time said: "Xie Tian, ​​don't have to compare, we confess."

"Admit defeat?"

"Yes, admit defeat. With my dignity, I would never admit defeat easily. But now ... it doesn't make much sense anymore. With your speed, attack ability, mental ability, beam attack ... and you The two partners around us will lose us, but it is a matter of time ... and at your speed, if you want to run away, we have no ability to follow ... "

For more than half an hour, Dragon One lost first, Dragon Five lost, and now Dragon 2 with the strongest vitality has also lost its retreat ... And from beginning to end, none of them could touch his horns. Their tricks one after another, all failed to hurt him, Dragon Soul Roar could not help him, and even the Four Dragon Lock Magic Array was cracked by him, incarnation of the real dragon, but all led by his nose to walk, helpless ...

They couldn't see any chance of winning him.

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