The items sold in the Dragon's major stores are powerful, but the price is so cheap that it is unacceptable to Ye Tianxie. He walked around in each of his shops. In the foundry shop, he spent 1,000 gold coins to buy a piece of dragon scale that had fallen off from the adult dragon ... and these dragon scales are precious materials that can forge the magical artifact. After a circle in the equipment store, the armor, helmets and boots are also silver and gold. Even the masks sold inside are added with a small amount of attributes! The number of masks with attributes appears in the player is even less than that of the heavenly device ...

These are huge business opportunities for Ye Tianxie with a million profits.

One morning passed like this. At noon, the voice of Long Moya came from his ears: "Xie Tian, ​​come to the main hall on the first floor of Dragon God Castle, and Lord Dragon God has returned."

Ye Tianxie returned to the Dragon God Castle and entered through the gate. The cold and huge hall on the first floor stood alone with the Light Dragon God alone. Hearing footsteps, he turned around and nodded, "You're here."

"Dragon God." Ye Tianxie stepped forward and called out.

"I already know the purpose of your coming here. Admittedly, whoever loses his original power will first desire to be able to recover the lost power, or even do whatever he can. You have the courage to let other humans dare not step on it. The place I came to was worthy of appreciation. Your performance yesterday surprised me even more. Since yesterday, I had to re-evaluate you and change the original decision again. "When Bright Dragon God spoke, he kept Look up at him.

Ye Tianxie said bluntly, "If my dragon soul is indeed detonated, is there any way to recover?"

"I checked your body yesterday. Your dragon soul has indeed broken into pieces. The only possibility is that the dragon soul exploded. However, although you lost the dragon soul, your ability is still very strong. Yesterday, you defeated the dragon alone. One or five people joined hands. Even if they face each other, the three gods of my dragon tribe, it is difficult for them to give up all of them in such a short time. This ability is enough for you to run across the continent. It seems that you don't seem to have the need to restore the Dragon Soul. "Said the Bright Dragon God, with great meaning in his voice.

Ye Tianxie shook his head and said, "I have a reason to restore the Dragon Soul."

The ability he showed yesterday is completely supported by his powerful equipment and sacred inflammation. If these random pieces are enough to shake the lost continent and leave him, the sacred inflammation will burn out. Off ...

Then, no matter the real world or the game world, he will become an ordinary person. How can he accept.

"The reason why the dragon soul must be restored? Hehe ..." The bright dragon **** laughed. "Although I don't know what the reason you said, but since you said this, it also means that you acknowledge yourself It is a member of the Dragon family, not a human being. Long Moya told me that when you awakened the Dragon Soul, you did not know the existence of the Dragon Soul on your body, and you never considered yourself a dragon, but now it seems that Time has started to make you gradually accept. "

"... Maybe. But these are not important. I just want to know if there is a way to restore the Dragon Soul. Even if it is difficult, I will try it." Ye Tianxie said firmly.

The bright dragon **** turned to his side and slowly said, "Nothing in this world has ever been absolute. It is rumored that there is a high-level light curse called" Angel's Tears "that can resurrect dead souls. "Even the dead can be resurrected, the broken soul of power, why can't there be the possibility of recovery."

Ye Tianxie's expression was turbulent and he came forward and said, "You mean ..."

The bright dragon **** waved his hand and said, "However, despite the truth, there are many self-dragons who have detonated dragon souls in a desperate situation. Some of them died on the spot, and those who survived by chance will use their remnants Life to find a way to restore strength, from a powerful dragon to a disability that is difficult to move, no one can accept it ... but, from ancient times to the present, there has never been a dragon who can detonate a dragon. Soul recovered. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"But, in each generation of the dragon family secrets that only passed to the dragon god, there does exist a method to repair the dragon soul. However, although this method exists, it has never been used by countless years. You can tell that Why? "Said the bright dragon **** looking at Ye Tianxie.

Hearing that the bright dragon **** said that there was indeed a way, Ye Tianxie felt a turbulence in his heart. He shook his head.

"Because, the cost of using that method is much greater than the restoration of the original damaged Dragon Soul! And that method is only a theoretical method. It has never been really tried, and no one can guarantee whether it can really succeed. So, Although that method exists, it has always been the same as non-existence, and no dragon **** has informed anyone of that method. "

"What method?" Ye Tianxie asked anxiously. He said that no matter how difficult he would try.

"It's also very simple to say." Bright Dragon turned and looked at him, slowly speaking two words: "Dragon ... Pearl."

[Ye Tianxie: Ah? Dragon Ball? Is it possible to gather seven dragon **** and summon the dragon to make a wish to resurrect the dragon soul? 】

[Bright Dragon God: Go to your uncle, you have watched too much anime! 】

"Dragon Ball?" Ye Tianxie whispered the strange name.

"Yes, Dragon Ball." The bright dragon **** explained: "In the body of the dragon, the carrier that bears the power of the dragon is originally the dragon soul. If the dragon soul explodes, all its power is lost, and life may also disappear. If the dragon's power reaches the peak of the annihilation level, then outside of the dragon soul, another carrier of the bearing power will be derived from the dragon's body ... that is the dragon ball. Among the dragon balls, a dragon is carrying After the annihilation, the purest and most powerful power ... Because the annihilation is too powerful, if there is no dragon ball and it is completely carried by the dragon soul, it will easily become out of control. However, even if there is a dragon ball on a dragon , When the dragon soul explodes, it will also explode together with the dragon ball, which is the same ending as the dragon soul explosion without the dragon ball. "

Dragon Ball ... Holy Destruction ...

"You mean, Dragon Ball can repair the broken Dragon Soul?" Ye Tianxie said: "The Holy Destroyed class will give birth to Dragon Ball. Then, the only one who has lost the entire continent and possesses Dragon Ball is you, and the legendary Dark Dragon has left the Dragon Race. Dragon?"

"Yes, in the whole world, only me and him have dragon balls. The dragon power that the dragon **** can carry is not only extremely dense, but also pure and free of any impurities. The dragon power within the dragon **** penetrates into the dead dragon soul fragments. Use the purest strength to make them briefly regain their vitality, and then slowly join them ... Although there has never been any attempt, with the power of Dragon Ball, it is indeed possible to restore the broken dragon soul. However, this is also the same It is accompanied by great danger. If the power of Dragon Ball is out of control in the body or is strongly rejected, it is likely to completely destroy its body. "After finishing the bright dragon god, he looked at Ye Tianxie's reaction .

"Let me try." As if he hadn't heard the danger of the Bright Dragon God at all, Ye Tianxie said directly. Then, with a frown, he suddenly asked, "Dragon God, what would happen if a dragon that reached the annihilation level lost the dragon ball?"

The Bright Dragon God glanced at him, grinned, and said, "Strength, return from Divine Destruction to Shen Xuan. And once Dragon Ball leaves the body, it will not be able to be recovered at all."

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!!!"

From holy destruction ... to Shen Xuan! ?

Ye Tianxie suddenly understood why he said that "the cost of using that method is much greater than the restoration of the Dragon Soul that was originally destroyed." No one knows how difficult it is for a dragon to rise from the power of Shen Xuan to annihilation. That requires not only tens of thousands of hours, but also powerful talents and opportunities. Even after a lifetime, the entire lost continent ~ ~ is rare. From the perspective of losing the mainland, there are only three beasts of annihilation. The Dongbei continent he has been to has only one sacred beast, the Yachi serpent, and it is also powerful due to the power of the devil. It has evolved unnaturally into a sacred beast.

In order to achieve the hope of repairing the Dragon Soul, it is not possible to downgrade a annihilated dragon from annihilation to Shen Xuan ... no matter who it is, it will not be worth it. Moreover, he is only a human from a different world, just a dragon family who has just entered this world. The bright dragon **** is the master of the dragon domain. He must support and coerce the entire dragon family with great strength. How can he bear it for him as an outsider? That huge sacrifice.

Ye Tianxie was silent for a while, and didn't know how to speak. Let the bright dragon **** surrender the dragon ball? Such a request is overestimated that no one can say.

"Previously, when Long Moya talked to you about me, I had a huge interest in your double dragon soul, and later learned that your dragon soul had exploded, and I expressed my deep regret. Before you came to my dragon realm yesterday, I knew you Will come, know more about your purpose here, and even, have already thought about how to answer you. "Bright Dragon God's voice paused and smiled:" Evil heaven, yesterday you've failed to put up your own will " One or five people, I do n’t know if it was you who was reckless for a while, or if you were arrogant. Then your decision yesterday was one of the most correct decisions in your life, because the result that surprised me a lot, let I changed my mind ... "

He looked at Ye Tianxie and said earnestly: "I can sacrifice my dragon ball and try to repair your dragon soul, and ... without any conditions!"

The words of the bright dragon **** made Ye Tianxie stay there. He knew exactly how great a sacrifice this Bright Dragon God was, and couldn't even believe that he would make such a decision for his own life ... or promise.

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