Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 882: Dark Dragon God (1)

"However, it seems that the mysterious stone was given to you by my elder brother. How can it be sold so expensively?" Murong Qiushui said entangled.

"Yes, yes, Shenhuangshi was given to me by the boss ... Since it was given to me, it belongs to me!"

Murong Qiushui: "I ..."

"One energy bomb requires only ten gold coins. It is already very cheap, and no counter-offer is allowed! And oh ... look at this magazine, this one is also made of special materials, one magazine can hold 130 energy bombs, When the energy bomb is exhausted, you only need to change a new magazine quickly, which is equivalent to adding 130 bullets at once, it is very convenient! The price of the magazine plus the price of 130 energy bombs, even if Two thousand gold coins are fine. "Xingbaoer nodded.

"Two ... two thousand gold coins, you grab the money!"

When Xingbaoer tilted his head, he took the magazine back and said, "If you don't want a magazine, it's okay. It's voluntary, but if you run out of heavy bullets, you need one. Come here. "

Murong Qiushui was completely speechless.

There are magazines, you can quickly take out the original magazines and replace them with new ones. If not, you can only insert one by one, and you won't know how many times you can be killed after the stuffing. Murong Qiushui's depression almost burst into tears. But at present all the dominant power is in the hands of the little fox Xingbaoer, even if he wants to attack.

"Can't ... be cheaper? I'm your eldest dear fourth brother. If you give me a little cheaper, my second brother will definitely like you more, and your brother Qiushui will be better for you in the future. When Murong Qiushui spoke, he was five points of resentment and five points of resentment, just like a deep lady complaining about a woman.

"No! This is something I worked so hard to do, that's not it ... And, hum, you're so embarrassed to say that it's my eldest brother, who never bargains when he buys something, you and me The girls are still stingy, and they are ashamed of the boss. "Xing Baoer said with ruddy lips.

In terms of sharp teeth, Xing Baoer did not lose to Situ Luoyu at all. If she wasn't smart enough, how could she become a heavenly engineer so quickly, and she would follow Ye Tianxie so desperately.

Murong Qiushui was stunned by her two words, and she was speechless.

"And oh, the gold coins that the Chamber of Commerce receives every day are big and big numbers. The gold coins that people want are not even a little drizzle. The Chamber of Commerce in July is the boss. You are the brother of the boss. Why? Can I be ashamed to be so embarrassed to the boss ... Okay, okay, that's all right, after you run out of magazines, I can spend the money to recover, now I am happy. "Xing Baoer said with a smile.

"... how much money is recovered? Original price?" Murong Qiushui finally found some psychological comfort.

"Well ... three gold coins."

"Three ... three gold coins! You sold 700 gold coins for that broken magazine!" Murong Qiushui almost did not growl again. 700 gold coins were sold, and the recycling price was less than 1%!

"Yeah! Used second-hand goods, it ’s not worth anything at all, I ’m not willing to buy gold coins. It ’s stingy and stingy! Okay, okay, do n’t buy it, so people can save a lot of production energy When you play, do something else, huh! "Xing Baoer retracted his hands and turned to ignore him.

Murong Qiushui turned and looked at Ye Tianxie pitifully: "Second Brother, look ..."

"Buy 10,000 sets of magazines first. Will it take a few days to make it?" Ye Tianxie walked over to Xingbaoer.

Xingbaoer turned around and said with a smile: "As long as the gold coins are in place, it will be ten days. I can pay a thousand groups a day, which is enough. Wow! It's the best of the boss, the most generous!" "

"Well, I'll give you the gold coins soon. You first give Qiushui the energy that you have prepared." Ye Tianxie nodded.

"Uh-huh!" Xing Baoer nodded his head vigorously and promised to take out all the energy bombs and lahulas that had been packed in the magazine. A brain jam was given to Murong Qiushui: "I'll give it to you, the boss speaks, these I ’ll give it to you, the boss is a great man, and he wo n’t pay for it ... Yes, brother Qiushui, I forgot to tell you that Elysium has a soul, so if you want to use it, You must first get the approval of Gunsoul, otherwise you wo n’t be able to carry out sniping, even if it can be equipped. "

In fact, there is no need to remind Xingbaoer that Murong Qiushui already had such an awareness when the Bliss World started. If you want to use a device with a soul, you must first be acknowledged by the soul, just as if you want a person to obey your words, you must first conquer him.

Xuan Baoer: Xing Baoer uses Shenhuang stone as the dying child gun-a special energy bomb designed by Elysium World. It has a small body, but has terrible lethality. Effect: Damage is + 25%, and the probability of triggering undamped penetration when hitting the target increases by 10%.

Small bullets have attributes that increase damage by 25%. Such an attribute made Murong Qiushui, who had a grievous grudge, take a moment, and then all the grievances disappeared. Although Xingbaoer sells expensive and outrageous products, its functional attributes are equally eye-catching. Strictly calculated, it is actually worth the price she gave. He retracted the energy bomb, raised his two guns, and proudly said, "In this world, there are no guns that I can't conquer.

"Is that? Conquer it quickly and show it to me, but that's the gun I made! It's not so easy to conquer!" Xing Bao'er was excited.

Murong Qiushui glanced around casually and shook his head: "It doesn't seem to work here, but you can rest assured, little princess Baoer, in this world, there are only guns that I can't conquer, and really no guns that I can't conquer. "

His violent remarks, Ye Tianxie and Zuo Pojun, took it seriously. Murong Qiushui's accomplishments on guns are truly unparalleled in the world. Anyone who has seen him playing with a gun will be shocked to heaven ... and the strange abilities hidden in his body have been gradually revealed by him through the guidance of Ye Tianxie, no longer deliberately suppressed, let him start a step Step towards the "inhuman" direction.

But then again, with this gun in his body, his overall strength is already enough to reach an inhuman level. The only flaw may be his profession. Bliss World doesn't seem to have the restriction of being able to work in the same way as blood and empty teeth. So, what decision and choice will Murong Qiushui make on this?

For many people, today is an ordinary day. Except for a few people present, no one knows ... The Chinese "Evil Emperor" who later trembled the whole world really showed his horrible fangs on this day.



Long Yu, where Ye Tianxie goes every day, but his only purpose of going to Long Yu is to "stock". Going to buy dragon blood, keel meal, and various high-end equipment in weapon shops and equipment stores have always been bought out at once. The owners of the several stores in Longyu also became rich overnight, and their money was rolling. Every time they saw Ye Tianxie, they were as happy as seeing their dad. Ye Tianxie is not short of money, especially after he has more money, he has basically lost the concept of money ~ ~ he is more, enjoy the kind of profitable sense of achievement.

However, he also knew that he could not run a trip to Longyu himself every day in order to "stock". Although he can post a Miles Tracker on the pharmacy owner or other grounds, let others come here with empty magic stones, but he has not been in Longyu shortly, and he is not yet fully acquainted with the people here. It is easy to be disgusted, so in the short term, he still needs to run by himself.

However, it has always been the same that every time he comes to Long Yu, the most he encounters is to introduce him to the Dragon Girl.

It has been half a month since entering Yuyu for the first time. Stepping into Long Yu today, he finally entered the Dragon God Castle again. It seemed to be felt that when he was near the Dragon God Castle and Ye Tianxie entered the hall, he saw the Light Dragon God at first glance.

The bright dragon **** was standing in front of the statue of the golden dragon, watching silently, hearing the footsteps behind him, he did not turn around, and said, "You are here. I have been waiting for you for many days."

"Take me to the Dark Dragon." Ye Tianxie said as he opened the door.

Bright Dragon turned and stared at him, "Do you want to do something?"

Ye Tianxie shook his head and said, "No ... and I can't think of it. These days I have been thinking about how to attack my heart and how to stir it up, but in the face of overwhelming strength, any calculation can only be a joke. If the Dark Dragon is so easy to count, it is not worthy of the beast of annihilation. Therefore, I just want to see him now, and I will not talk about Dragon Ball. "

The bright dragon nodded and said, "It is true that you think so. However, although you didn't think about how to do it, but you are so calm, you should have some ideas that haven't taken shape yet. Well, if you are ready If so, I will take you to find the Dark Dragon now. "

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