Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 906: Arguing among the nations

The registration of the second demon martial arts competition in Destiny World Huaxia District has finally officially started. In this competition, the system also determines the opening time based on the level distribution. In this way, the vast majority of players can be given cards and registered. The only qualified players are those who have reached level 80 for the first time, which greatly reduces the registration pressure and the problem of bursting matches.

Because Huaxia District has the highest theater honor value, it also has the highest experience bonus. Therefore, the country with the highest average level in the world at present is Huaxia, and Huaxia has naturally become the first to open the second magic in the world. Armed nations. The second-ranked United States of America, if calculated in the same proportion, they want to meet the conditions to open the second magic martial arts meeting, at least half a month, the gap is obvious.

Let Hua Xia Guo throw away other countries so far ... The whole world understands that it is basically relying on evil sky alone. This also determines his unparalleled prestige in Huaxia District. It's just that he is accustomed to acting alone and has no ambition, otherwise no one will doubt it. As long as he raises his arm, he can form a huge organization that can completely defeat the wings of the sky and the League of Gods overnight.

However, the excessive strength of the players in Huaxia Country inevitably caused the uneasiness of players in other countries. The most basic prerequisite for stability in any world is balance. But in today's destiny world, the total number of players in China is almost one-fifth of the total number of players in the world. Nowadays, the average power has greatly dropped players from other countries. As a result, the overall strength of China players A solitary situation emerged. Today, national borders have not been opened, and they have developed independently without infringing each other and naturally calm. However, if the national borders are opened and the national war breaks out, the Huaxia country will inevitably become a well-deserved country. No country can be a giant to shake. After all, the world of destiny is not a science and technology, a real world with weapons of mass destruction. Quantity represents strength ... not to mention the average strength is also high.

And this has also led to an inevitable result ... a multi-national alliance for China.

Because if there is no union, they will fight for themselves. When facing Huaxia Kingdom, Huaxia didn't want to bully anybody.

Speaking of which, it seems that the time for the opening of national borders is not too far away ... because the era of the three revolutions has come.

The average time that humans spend in the world of destiny has long exceeded the time in the real world. With the influence of the destiny world, personal strength in this world has directly related to the overall ability of a person, and the strength of the theater in this world also affects a country's international influence. Therefore, the opening of national borders is approaching, and governments of all countries have to focus their attention here ... More attention than players. In a country with strong ambitions, the first obstacle that China wants is Huaxia ... because it is the biggest obstacle. If there is an opportunity to weaken the power of the China Theater, then I believe that many countries will take action after they are about to move.

Lost the continent, the tower of destiny.

"Ding ... Your level has been successfully upgraded to level 80 ..."

"Great!" Su Feifei dazzled with a bright upgrade halo, and her level finally rose to 80 as she wished. And Meng Yuyi has reached the 80th level before her. Seeing the upgrading aura on Sophie Fei, Meng Yuyi quickly cleared away several werewolves around, and returned to her and Ye Tianxie ... All day, Ye Tianxie was unconscious, and he was usually regarded as a wolf by him. There are several times that I almost lost my life under wolf paw ... Surrounded by werewolves, I will forget to make a siege with a blast and mechanically slash the sword. If it is not a double cure of cricket and Sophie, Beckham ’s cleaning of heaven ’s fist He has hung up several times today. In the end, he simply retreated to a safe area, leaned on the wall, and silently watched Meng Yuyi shuttle through these terrible monster groups, with Beckham and Hei, plus the powerful assistance of Sophie Fei and the strength of Meng Yuyi itself. And he basically doesn't have to worry about her safety.

In his head, the string of light blue wind chimes remained in his thoughts every minute. Even if he didn't think about it for a while, he couldn't do it at all.

If he can be easily dismissed, how can he deeply touch his heart.

Sophie Fei was raised to the 80th level. Ye Tianxie did not respond. Obviously she didn't notice it at all. She was so excited that Sophie's mood was lightened. Her lips flattened and she walked over and dragged his hand. Evil, I'm eighty. "

"Eh ... oh." Ye Tianxie looked up and reacted for three seconds before he said, "Then ... let's sign up for the competition. There aren't many people now. Then go to the three-turn task."

Sophie didn't say anything, nodded. Together, the three returned to the Lost City with empty magic beads.

The registration method for the second Mowu contest is exactly the same as the first Mowu contest. After getting the number plate of the game, Ye Tianxie just took a casual look and put it away-No. AA006008, indicating that 6008 people had registered in front of him. Although the way the game is started has greatly limited the number of registrations, in a country such as China, the number of players participating in the game will still be a very large number. The first day of registration is like this. Seven days after that, I do n’t know if there will be How many players reach level 80.

"Mine is AA006009, Yuyi's sister is AA006010! It just happened to be linked together, Tianxie, look at it." Sophie Fei brought her number plate to Ye Tianxie. This time, she also signed up for the individual competition. The sacred word sacrifices itself has a "sacred word" far beyond the ordinary sacred arrow "sacred arrow". A larger reliance is her fairy pet, ice and snow wolf. Now that the ice and snow wolf has grown up, the strength tends to mature. In this game, Sophie Fei is confident that it will be remembered by players across China.

"Is the registration for the team match the same as last time?" Ye Tianxie asked the reception official.

"Hello, heroic evil ... The biggest difference between this time and the last time is that the team battle was cancelled, and only the single-player tournament was retained." The official said respectfully. With a hero badge on his body, Ye Tianxie was respected and greeted everywhere he went.

"Canceled the team match? Why?" Ye Tianxie asked.

"This ... I don't know much, but it seems that it is because of the World Demon Conference between humans in other worlds ... the debate between the nations is about to start. Therefore, in order to improve efficiency, extend judgment and preparation time, the team tournament was cancelled. The team test is more about teamwork ability, and the participating countries cannot be originally fixed teams, but the strongest in the first battle zone. The combination of the strong and the strong, the ranking of the team competition will cause a certain interference in the judgment result ... Hero, evil sky, can you understand what I mean? "

Debate among nations! ?

Is it about to start so soon ...

However, it is true that exactly four years have passed since the last debate among the nations in another virtual world.

Alas, time is like an arrow, so unknowingly.

Ye Tianxie did not have much interest in the chaos of the countries. He had never participated in the chaos of the countries before, and he had not even paid much attention to it. The last time he attended the Mowu Conference, his only purpose was to send a scroll from that novice village, otherwise there was no interest in signing up. This time, he was to accompany Sophie Fei and Meng Yuyi, and he was also looking forward to meeting them on the arena ... Intuitively told him that they would come back to participate in this game. Otherwise, with the strength he now has, in fact, he has no longer bothered to compete with those ordinary players.

In this debate among nations, he also has little interest.

And the debates among nations are not just the nature of the World Demon Assemblies ... because each debate among nations will be the prelude to a large-scale national war.

"Okay, I see." Ye Tianxie nodded in response.

"Wow! The debates among the nations ... are we really going to start? Someone had previously predicted that due to the influence of the world of destiny, the influence of the current debates among the nations might be comparable, even more than the Olympics! At the same time ~ www. ~ The result of the competition will likely affect the political structure of the world, and will greatly affect a country's international status. Tianxie, sister Yuyi, will you participate this time? " The four words made Sophie Fei, a girl, obviously excited. It may not be an exaggeration to say that the chaos in various countries may receive more attention than the Olympics.

Meng Yuyi did not speak, looking at Ye Tianxie ... now she is completely centered on Ye Tianxie. Although she has no interest in any country debate, and has never participated in it before, as long as Ye Tianxie wants her to go, she will definitely go.

"This time, let's talk about it. Let's take the three transfers task first ... yes ... how are you going to transfer your job?" Ye Tianxie asked. Su Feifei-Holy Word Sacrifice, Dream Feather Garment-Demon Shadow, are all special occupations, and cannot be transferred three times by the transfer instructor in the transfer hall.

Meng Yuyi shook her head, saying she didn't know. Her profession was born from her own strength, not from external forces, tasks or career scrolls. She never knew how to advance her career. There is also a possibility that after her level is reached and she completes three turns, she will naturally advance her career.

"... I don't know. However, the sage who transferred me to this profession should know, shouldn't she go to her? God, do you know how to find her?" Sophie also shook her head, she His profession is from the Sages of the Word. Only she knows how to advance this profession.

Ye Tianxie groaned and said, "Let's go to the transfer hall and finish the task before talking."

Turned around and looked forward, there was still a string of light blue wind chimes in my mind.

He seemed to be hit by an unsolvable spell. As if the soul was firmly blocked by the wind chimes, it couldn't escape ...

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