Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 909: The door of memory (below)

Xiaoxi already swears to herself that she will never let Ye Tianxie know the truth.

Even if others wanted him to know, she would desperately stop it. Because if he forgets all of them like this, he can always live so freely like he has been doing for the past six months. Although occasionally he will be confused by the blank memory, but Sophie is with him, and Chen Xin secretly likes it. With him, she and Chen Xue are accompanied day and night, and Situ Luoyu and Meng Yuyi are not far away for him ... beside him, Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui are good friends ...

Even if he doesn't have the Dragon Soul, even if the sacred flames are burned, and she is protecting him by the side, above this earth, she will accompany him and do it for him. It can be said that in this world, he can do whatever he wants, whether he wants stability or rampage.

She likes this state, and can be with him without pressure, without barriers, and then watch him so happy no matter day or night.


If he remembers what he has forgotten, all the peace will be broken. He will live in the thoughts of Li Xianer, and he will never extricate himself. At the same time, he will blame himself for not being able to save her ... His dragon soul has exploded, and there is no possibility of recovery. He must let Li Xianer out of the blockade. The only possibility of detachment is to cut off the lifeline of Tianyu and Molu, which is equivalent to destroying both Tianyu and Molu ... This is not even the original dragon dragon, let alone Ye Tianxie. What's more ... without the divine power, from the earth to the heavens or the mo Luo, there is no way to enter.

If Li Xianer dies, even if he remembers ... it will be painful, but over time, he will bury the pain for the people around him, so that Li Xianer will always be in the memory. However, Li Xianer did not die, but spent every minute and every second without freedom in another space. If he knew ... how his world would become, it would be conceivable.

Therefore, she didn't want Ye Tianxie to remember things she forgot.

However, listening to him begging, with a deep heartache, but the phrase "always immersed in my heart" that made her panic ... Her heart trembled in confusion.

Xiao Xi's body shuddered. How could Ye Tianxie not feel it? He said softly again: "Xiao Xi, listen to my brother and help my brother open the door. Since you know what's inside, you must also know How important is that to my brother ... If I ca n’t know what it is, I will feel that my life and soul are incomplete. You must not like my brother to go on like this forever, right? Maybe, lose those things It ’s a good thing for me. Remember, maybe it ’s a painful memory that has left me. This memory will accompany me for a long time, but ... even if it really does, I would like to know "He took the wind chimes in his hand and put them in front of Xiaoxi:" This bunch of wind chimes must have been given to me by someone who is important to me. I know the truth of losing some of my memory, and they said, I will Forget the person who is most important to you ... but you and Fifi are all around me. Even if I am confused, I don't let myself care, because I have forgotten and I am not It ’s a silly thing for people in life to affect their lives and those around them. But when I saw the wind chimes, I really realized that the person I forgot was to me. How important ... it must be more important than my life. I want to remember her and find her ... "

"Xiao Xi, I really understand that the reason why you don't want to open the door is to be afraid of me remembering things I have forgotten, and I can feel that it will be a sad memory for me. But I would rather bear This sadness, don't forget something more important than your life ... "Ye Tianxie raised Xiao Xi's face, looked at her closed eyes, and said gently," Xiao Xi. Are you ... will you forget your brother? "

Forgot ... brother?

As a child, she had a very good vision for the future. Because the person she will marry in the future is her favorite person. Thinking that she would always be with him in the future, even when she was sleeping, she was so happy. Later, he lost in her world, she suffered a sense of collapse like the world collapsed, until the day when she met Ye Tianxie again, that period was the most painful part of her life.

And compared with that kind of heartbreaking pain, if let her forget him ... completely forget ...

A deep sense of fear filled Xiaoxi's heart, and that huge fear made her almost stop her heartbeat ... Losing her brother, she would bring his memories and thoughts to him, and go all out to find him The method of resurrection, and if he is forgotten ... she can no longer find the reason for her existence in this world, her world will be blank, because almost all her memories that she does not want to forget are all about him All kinds of spelling ...

"Brother ... don't forget brother ..."

Xiaoxi hugged him and cried in fear. This girl was affected by the curse and almost never shed tears. At this time, a word from Ye Tianxie brought tears of fear. Ye Tianxie quickly hugged her and comforted her softly: "No, I won't, I'm right next to Xiaoxi, how can Xiaoxi forget me ... Forgetting Although you can escape a lot of good and bad memories, But at the same time, it is tantamount to taking away a person ’s soul and making him an incomplete person. Xiaoxi must not be willing to forget his brother, right? If his brother dies someday, Xiaoxi is more willing to I completely forgot, and still want to keep this memory, which may be very sad, Xiaoxi ... "

Xiaoxi didn't answer, and still hugged him tightly. Ye Tianxie felt that her body was shaking more violently ... He didn't talk any more, so she hugged her exquisite and soft body so quietly. Gradually, he felt Xiaoxi no longer crying, and his body became quieter little by little.

Finally, Xiaoxi raised her head, her face still dotted with tears. At this time, Xiao Xi looked like an ordinary girl. Usually, she was too quiet and too indifferent, and the dangerous breath she released made people subconsciously afraid to approach. The crystal tears represent her emotions that are not much different from ordinary people. She raised her face and said slowly with a jerky voice: "Brother ... don't leave ... I ..."

Ye Tianxie smiled, and wiped away the tears on her face with her fingers, and said, "Why would I leave you ... Rest assured, I will always keep Xiaoxi by my side, always with Xiao Hope is together because Xiaoxi is my closest sister. No matter what I remember, I will not leave Xiaoxi. "

Xiaoxi listened quietly, and then made a strong "um", the petal-like tender lips moved slightly, it seemed that she was trying hard to laugh out ... but in the end, it was still unsuccessful. In Ye Tianxie's memory, Xiao Xi never smiled.

Xiaoxi took his body away from Ye Tianxie, then took his hand, left the balcony, and came to the door of the room that Ye Tianxie could not open anyway.

She did have the ability to open the door. To be precise, it is to eliminate the divine blockade that closed this room.

Xiaoxi releases his hand holding Ye Tianxie, hands stretch out at the same time, presses on the door, and draws a very strange shape on it with white and delicate fingers. After three twists and turns, both hands are retracted at the same time ...


Ye Tianxie clearly heard the sound of a strong wind blowing, and looking at it, there was some distortion in the space in front of him, as if some transparent gas was rising quickly into the air, and then quickly dissipated. This distortion did not last long, and it disappeared without a trace. Xiaoxi returned her body and stood beside Ye Tianxie, pulling his clothes tightly with her hands.

"Is it open?" Ye Tianxie asked.

Xiaoxi nodded gently, her hands squeezed tighter. In front of Ye Tianxie, she was too docile ... even though she had made up her mind, she still had no strength to refuse in the face of his request. Only so silently felt that Ye Tianxie left the room, and the last trace and breath left by Li Xianer were getting closer and closer ...

Ye Tianxie walked forward ~ ~ and pressed his hand on the door ... The door handle was twisted very early. Ye Tianxie's hand gently pushed and opened a door gap easily.

Ye Tianxie's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. At this moment, the tension in the chest was filled, more than any time on the edge of life and death.

This mysterious room he couldn't open anyway was opened.

Inside, what is there ... why is it closed, what is its mysterious power?

Will the things in it remind me of those memories I forgot? can you……

In the rapid heartbeat, under his extremely careful movement, the door was opened little by little ...

Xiaoxi has turned away and walked away quietly. Now that she has made a choice, she still wants to open the door, so she will obediently let her brother see and remember alone, and no one else can disturb him.

The opening of the door brought a small breeze, which caused a slight turbulence in the wind chimes. The sound of the crystal and metal slamming Ye Tianxie's eyes suddenly fell in front of the bunch of purple wind chimes hanging there ... ...

The wind chime in front of him was exactly the same as the light blue wind chime in his hand ... The only difference was the purple crystal on the pendant. Ye Tianxie's gaze fixed on the wind chime, and he walked towards it in dismay, then reached out his hand, and gently touched the purple crystal above ... At the same time, a fragrant smell came slowly, this taste lingered from his nose And then, then ... heavy bombardment in his heart.

One second, two seconds ... five seconds ... ten seconds ...

He can no longer tell how fast the time is flowing.

He reached out and nodded to his own face ... I don't know when, there were already tears on his face, tears after tears.

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