Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 942: combustion! Unyielding Heaven Soul! (under)

"I'm going to ... kill the funeral **** !!" God Xiaoyao grabbed the demon snake with a grudge.

"Now there is no time to manage him, the Dongjun Army is approaching soon! He ... unless he disappears from the earth, he cannot escape!" Zuo Pojun gritted his teeth.

"With the shrewdness of the god, he would not know that he would offend you all by doing this ... If he is known by the evil brother, he will never forgive him, and the evil brother will never care about other people's thoughts, only Would you like to ... The funeral **** has always carefully maintained the relationship with Brother Xietian, even Mu Xiaoyue gave up ... Why now ... Do n’t he understand that it is easy to use Brother Xietian ’s ability Killed him? Not to mention you. "Ling Jie still said with deep confusion.

"Never mind this now." Zuo Pojun stared at the front, everyone's eyes were focused on the front.

"What to do?" Blood Wheel said.

"Block! Fight!" The words in Zuo Pojun's mouth were like iron.

"Good!" Blood Wheel nodded strongly. Behind him, he is a member of the three thousand immortal reincarnation ... three thousand, against thirty thousand ... and it is the defensive side. This is a showdown without any hope.

"Can we really stop them?" Sophie bit her lip and said uneasily. In the distance, the sound of stepping on the ground has been heard more and more clearly. According to the description of God Xiaoyao, the welcoming team has at least 30,000 people. By contrast, their team is simply too small, and it is a rush.

"Sister Feifei, we are the only one left here now." Murong Qiushui sighed: "Because of this, the next battle of defending the city is not just as simple as guarding Tianchen City, but also related to the reputation of our heavenly soul ... ... if Tianchen falls, we who are here will be pointed at by thousands of players. "

"Victory or defeat, don't care ... But the glory of our heavenly soul must not be trampled! Joining the heavenly soul is the most glorious thing in my life, how can I allow it ~~~~" Ling Jie clenched his grassy sword and face It was full of anger, determination, and perseverance.

"If they want to enter Tianchen ... step on the body of my God's escape first."

Situ instantly looked like a morning star, looking at the distance: "The head has told us time and time again, as long as life has not passed away, even in the face of great difficulties, the most hopeless abyss, never really Give up hope ... Any 30,000 players from Dongying ... As many as they come, we will kill as much as ... let them all die back to Dongying! ''

Click! Situ's hand tightened tightly.

"I will blow them all up one by one!" Xing Baoer took out a bunch of star super bombs, and said with high spirits.

The heavy stepping sound was approaching, and the wind sound became disturbed. They all stared at the East, and the original chaotic heart calmed down little by little.

Because they already know what to do.

Several men looked at each other, and then smiled the same.

"Speaking of it, it seems that we haven't been killed for a long time." Murong Qiushui raised his two guns and said slowly.

"Have you had any missions before? I don't seem to have seen any of you die." Ling Jie said curiously.

"Ha ha, Jie Jie, I am very lucky, your wish should be realized immediately." Situ Mo said.

"No! We must not die." Ling Jie shook his head vigorously.

"If we run away, if we retreat while fighting, if we get together, a simple fight without worries ... how can they treat us even ten times more people?" Situ Sha said slowly. . He shook his head and said with a smile: "We cannot escape, we must use our bodies to stop their siege. When we finally support them, we will become corpses ... "

Ling Jie: "The last thing I fear is death."

"Then, for the glory of our heavenly souls, let us release all our will, faith, soul, life .... Never have any reservations. We do n’t need any kindness to treat them, and we are not afraid of death. , What else can we be afraid of. "


Everyone nodded heavily, then turned around and looked at the east. The hot flames were burning and boiling in their chests and in their hearts.

None of them said the worst result, and what is the most likely result ...

But they know that unless there is a miracle next ...


In the deadly silence, they can only use their bodies to hold time, longing for the miracle.

In this defensive battle, even under the calculation, their lineups are so different, they can never be defeated. No matter for whom ...

How crazy this is, what a ridiculous decision outsiders seem, but they are so resolute, no one escapes, but they choose to use such a weak force, but to meet the attack ten times their lineup.

When everything was set aside, and only the convictions in their hearts were left alone, they were completely free from tension and embarrassment ~ ~ accepting the reality in front of the calm, waiting for the arrival of the Eastern Army.

"All the brothers of Immortal Samsara, you already know who the enemies we are going to face ... This is an undefeated battle. Use your body and life to resist them and keep them away from the gate. One step, use your life and weapons to annihilate their lives and smash their ambitions. This is our battle of honor and dignity. Although they have 30,000 and we have only 3,000 ... but I believe you, you Believe in yourself too! Because we are all elites who are indestructible to reincarnation !!! Do you understand me? "

The blood chakra's voice was not loud, but was rather low, and after he had finished speaking, he did not get any echo.

The eternal rebirth elites all answered him with stern as swords, without fear.

They have never feared reincarnation who never feared them ... and they will not fear these Dongmen, even if they are ten times their number!

"Okay! The whole team switched to defensive mode, let these East people know what is the strongest defense in the world!"

With the order of the blood wheel, the team of immortal reincarnation moved quickly, showing a semi-arc shape surrounding the city gate at the center of the circle.

"Are you ready?" Zuo Pojun whispered. In the distance, the dark squadrons of the Dongying Army finally appeared in sight, and the distance was less than three kilometers.

"I will use my strength to protect everyone ... Xiaoxue, let's cheer together." Su Feifei held the colorful stick of the Word in one hand, and caressed the body of the Frozen Snow Wolf with one hand, showing exceptional calm.

"Drink blood, my partner." Murong Qiushui turned and ran towards the gate of the city, followed by a jump, a gorgeous jump, fell on the wall, his hands were raised at the same time, the muzzle pointed at a distance. The only thing he can be sure of ... he will kill madly today.

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