Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 984: The Judge from Heaven-The Blue Demon Emperor

"You say, what method will the head take to dispose of this scum?" Looking at the crowd below, Situ Mo said casually.

"I don't know ... But Brother Xie Tian will be able to defeat them all. There is nothing that Brother Xie Tian can't do!" Ling Jie said excitedly.

At that moment, Situ moved his corner of his mouth and said, "Well ... is this the so-called blind worship of hopelessness? Boy, sober, 100,000 people in front of the head ... 100,000 people have wood! They are really 100,000 dregs, and drowning can drown people! "

"Anyway ... Brother Xietian must be able to do it." Ling Jie said stubbornly.

All the players around the world focused on Ye Tianxie, the head of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps, and the last person to stand in front of the gate of Tianchen City. When he appeared at the threshold, his appearance trembled the hearts of countless people. Many people are holding their breath, watching silently ... waiting for what he will do ...

"You shouldn't have come." Looking at them squinting, Ye Tianxie made a candid voice, and his voice was transmitted to Huaxia, Dongzhang, Korea, and the United States through the camera in the blood wheel. Liguo players, and all the players who watched here: "Because, not only will you die ... all die, but you will also be remembered by the whole soul of heaven ... After rolling out of my Chinese territory, silently I look forward to the day when my heavenly soul stepped on your land ... you better go to pray prayerfully that day will come later ... because our revenge will be unbearable to you! "

Sophie: "..."

Zuo Pojun: "..."

Murong Qiushui: "..."

Listening to what Ye Tianxie said, they stayed a while.

In the past, if Ye Tianxie wanted to kill people, he would always do it directly, and there would be no nonsense ... and except for the time when he faced the king during the trial of the Seven Deadly Sins, he would not pay attention to these The players here make such a somber and ruthless voice ... What he just said seems to be hating these people.

At that moment, they probably didn't feel it. However, Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui have known him for many years. Although this change can be said to be slight, it is enough for them to notice.

The words he spoke made all Dongdong, Korean, and Murray players who heard in their ears unable to help but have a chill. In particular, the players of the East Rugao, the shadow of the disaster that he created in the East Rugao continent clearly appeared in their minds. If he did come back to the east, once again, they would trample the last time ... they would not dare to think about it. Silently, in their subconscious, they have begun to deeply regret this action against the Huaxia Kingdom ... Because this Heaven Soul mercenary regiment is too terrible, it is simply a nightmare regiment!

"Now, all die!"

In the cold voice, Ye Tianxie raised his left hand.

His change is because now he is not only Ye Tianxie, but also the dragon with lots of blood in his hands! I don't know how many people have died under his dragon gun. On the battlefield, facing his enemies, he never knows what kindness is, and being kind to the enemy is cruel to himself. This is the basic principle of the battlefield. What's more, because of Li Xian'er, he will never know what kind of compassion is for those he is hostile to. Because he can no longer afford any loss.

Without much hesitation, he froze his eyes coldly, using his heart to communicate with the power breath that had been attached to him a long time ago, feeling the majestic magic that spread throughout his body in an instant, and started the magical magic skill from the devil. On the left hand, a white awn rose from above the stigma ...

The surrounding space stirred up uneasily. When Ye Tianxie's body flashed white light, like numerous invisible forces exploded in the air, the space was caused by various irregular and fierce distortions, as if it could be broken and collapsed at any time. In the trembling of space, Ye Tianxie's body shrouded in the sacred light unique to the transformation of the illusion. The holy sword war **** and the abyss knight were white, and the shattered Shura was blood. At this time, it was pure blue. . At the same time, all his equipment was taken back in an instant, and his body became taller and bigger, getting bigger and bigger ...

The blue light belongs to the blue demon emperor-the vicissitude of strength! !!

At first, the power of the Blue Demon Emperor followed him because of the broken sacred marks on him, but he could not use them because of the broken sacred marks. Now, in this special situation, this long-lost power has finally erupted under the guidance of Ye Tianxie's stigma ... In the past, the power of illusion was used to deal with extremely strong opponents when it was critical. This time, in order to face the countless players in the mountains,

In the north of Tianri City, the ruined half of the Phantom Orc ruins was underground. In the first hall where Ye Tianxie stepped in, the statue standing in the north suddenly glowed white, as if suddenly from a deep sleep. wake up.

It is also at this moment that the four **** statues that had been silent for thousands of years, the holy sword war **** in the south, the blue demon emperor in the north, the abyss knight in the east, and the shattered shura in the west ~ ~ all seem to have life Generally releases in addition to glaring white brilliance.

It was also at this time, when the statues of the four gods all shone white, suddenly this quiet underground space heard a sound similar to the friction of slate. In the middle of the hall, a piece of floor that looked like any other place was strange. Faded, disappeared, revealing a dark hole ... I do not know where to go.

"Ah! It's changed again and again ... the master is going to be a monster again!"

Every time Ye Tianxie launches the magical transformation, she will yell with Guoguo, but this time it is clearly louder. She is now digging into Ye Tianxie's clothes and refuses to return to the destiny. Going in for a moment, afraid that after falling asleep, I can't see my master again ... this time, it was the first battle they experienced together after reunion. She likes it and loves to do anything with him. a feeling of.

The four illusion gods have similar body shapes. In the mixed light of blue and white, Ye Tianxie's body has grown to a height of five meters, and the crying feather Binglin under him still grows as he grows. , To change to match his shape. When the body is shaped, Ye Tianxie feels a surging sea, full of mysterious power in every corner of the body. At this time, he was covered with a dark cloak, and his entire body and half of his face were covered under the dark cloak. He didn't have a weapon, but in his hand he was holding a blue book, one meter high, half a meter wide, nearly half a meter thick, with a mysterious moire like water waves flowing around him ... A book, but it releases a mysterious aura that makes your heart beat faster.

The invading players were stupid again there, and countless players around the world stayed again, staring at the evil sky that became another person in the blue and white awns, speechless at all.

what is this!

Is it summoning, or ... transformation! ?

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