But something strange happened to Xu Ran.

Until I picked up this item, the only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward] showed no reaction.

This staff still looks as simple and dim as before.


Xu Ran saw this.

I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart.

He had a vague guess.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the [Ten Thousand Times Reward], but something wrong with the staff itself.

Thinking about this.

Xu Ran simply focused his gaze directly on the staff.

[Endless Calamity Freezing Staff (God Level)]

Requirement level: None

Occupation in demand: Legal profession

Quality: God level

Type: Staff (can grow)

Part: Weapon (under seal)

Current growth stage: Level 1

Durability: Never wear out

Effect 1: (This effect can be activated after the shackles of the staff are released!)

Effect 2: (This effect can be activated after the shackles of the staff are released!)

Equipment skill (unique): [Freeze of Calamity Silence] (This effect can be activated after the shackles of the staff are released!)

Equipment advancement requirements: Freeze 1,000 legendary bosses whose level is not lower than your own, and you can enter the second stage of growth!

Introduction: It can bring endless disaster silence and freezing, but it needs to pay a certain price.


After seeing the specific information about this staff, Xu Ran finally understood everything.

turn out to be.

I really don’t blame the [10,000 times reward] for not taking effect.

But this staff, it itself has not lifted the shackles!

In "Eternity".

Equipment also has many states.

For example, commonly seen equipment is often tradable.

There are also mission rewards or equipment given by NPCs, which are all non-tradable.

at the same time.

There are other types.

Such as sealing equipment.

Also called encapsulation.

In itself, it is often of a non-tradable type.

But after paying a high price, this piece of equipment can be converted into sealed equipment.

At this moment.

You can pick it up and trade it freely.

This [Endless Disaster Freezing Rod] is obviously a package.

"Who is it that makes such a big move?"

Of course Xu Ran knew.

Regarding sealed equipment, the price to pay is really too high.

Even if it is an ordinary gold-level equipment.

It can empty the pockets of ordinary players.

And the encapsulated artifact...

It seems that no one has done such a crazy thing in the past life.

The most memorable thing is that a wealthy man sealed a legendary ring for a girl.

It is said.

He consumed a full third of the resources of the top forces.

But reality is often full of drama.

After the girl received this priceless gift, she disappeared without a trace.

Countless players were shocked.

Therefore, this "feat" is also known as the greatest grudge in history.

So even if you think about it with your toes, you can understand how much it costs to encapsulate this artifact.


It is worth mentioning that.

The method of releasing the seal is much simpler in comparison.

Just equip it directly.

But this way.

This piece of equipment is also bound to yourself.

If you want to trade and pick up freely, you need to package it again.

For Xu Ran.

This wasn't something he should be worried about at all.

He has no intention of handing over the artifact to others, nor does he have the habit of being a bitch or a scapegoat.

[Tip: Whether you equip this staff or not, the encapsulation effect of this equipment will be automatically released! 】

[Tip: The equipment is in a damaged state, and this move will have certain risks. 】


Face the prompts.

Xu Ran ignored it directly.

Damaged status?

He was completely unafraid.

There is [10,000 times reward] in hand.

As long as this piece of equipment is of god-level quality, it can be upgraded to the point where the gods will be moved by it!


Xu Ran had just finished speaking.

The seal of this staff was slowly opened.

In an instant.

The bright and scorching light completely illuminated his body.

Even the surrounding darkness.

They all retreated to the farthest distance!

[Tip: Moving quickly to the Shadow of Time - the Dawn Empire Monastery Rebellion! 】

As the beep sounds.

The second before Xu Ran's body slowly disappeared.

He found that Carol was awake.

Unexpectedly, this beautiful figure did not make any move.

Instead, he was watching Xu Ran leave with a calm expression.

[Hint: You discovered the Dawn Empire Monastery! 】

[Hint: You have entered the Scarlet Monastery! 】


The moment the prompt sounds.

The staff in Xu Ran's hand also regained its original luster.

Under the bright and shining light, an extremely clear staff was lying quietly in his hand.


A ferocious crack penetrated the staff itself from beginning to end.

It directly destroys this beauty.

[Tip: Successfully equipped the Endless Calamity Freezing Staff (god level), you have released the seal of this equipment! 】

[Tip: The ten-thousand-fold increase is successful, and the quality of the reward you receive has been upgraded from god-level to myth-level quality! 】

See here.

Xu Ran was stunned.


He was astonished.

In his previous life, he had never heard of mythical equipment.

This incident.

Let Xu Ran have a vague guess in his heart.

It is very likely.

Above the god level, there is not only the quality of [myth].

There are even higher ones.

Regardless of whether this guess is accurate.

One thing is beyond doubt.

Mythical equipment must definitely crush artifacts!

Without any hesitation.

Xu Ran set his eyes directly on this staff.

[Endless Disaster Freezing Staff (Mythical)]

Required level: None

Required profession: Magic profession

Quality: Mythical

Type: Staff (growable)

Part: Weapon (bound)

Current growth stage: Level 1

Durability: never worn

Effect 1: Intelligence +1999, magic value limit +99999, effective after wearing.

Effect 2: The richer the ice element in the surrounding environment, the higher the magic penetration, magic recovery speed, magic critical hit rate and other attributes of the magic will be, with a maximum limit of 80%!

Equipment skills: [Disaster Freeze] activates the power contained in the staff, which can burn its own health and magic points. By continuously waving [Extreme Ice], it can mobilize endless frost laws and bring a rain of disaster freezing to the specified range, which can bring endless freezing effects, with a cooling time of 12 hours.

Note 1: When in the [Disaster Freeze] state, burning health points can increase the freezing effect and range, and burning magic points can increase the duration of the freezing effect, with a maximum limit of permanent.

Note 2: When holding this equipment, you can be immune to all ice magic damage, and you can convert an ice attribute skill you have mastered into a field skill!

Equipment advanced requirements: Freeze 1,000 legendary BOSSes with a level not lower than your own, and you can enter the second stage of growth!

Introduction: It can bring endless disaster and freezing, but it requires a certain price.


The moment I saw this equipment.

Xu Ran was shocked by the two numbers.

1999 intelligence bonus.

99999 mana bonus.

This terrifying bonus is just one of the effects of this equipment.

The most outrageous thing is.

This mythical equipment actually has the attribute of growth.

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