[Tip: Since your current level has reached the upper limit (level 30), you are temporarily unable to obtain experience points. 】


"Is this going to level 30?"

"It's really outrageous..."

That being said.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ran still had a happy smile on his face.

You know, this is an equipment copy.

Under the influence of the talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward], the accompanying experience reward alone allowed his level to soar directly to level 30.


How generous the other drops will be!

After gathering his thoughts, Xu Ran looked at the corpse of the BOSS on the ground.

"Destiny chips."


As soon as he finished speaking, the chips of fate were gently moved.

The reminder sound came as expected.

[Tip: There is a 30% chance of triggering, and you will get a special effect - "Lucky Favor". 】

"I'm lucky this time."

Fortunately, Xu Ran decided to start touching the corpse!

As he picked it up, bright and gorgeous lights emerged again.

[Hint: You have obtained the Apoptotic Longbow! 】

[Hint: You have obtained the Robe of Apoptosis! 】

[Tip: You have obtained the set advancement stone (legendary)! 】


The moment the drop occurs.

[10,000 times reward] takes effect!

[Tip: The ten-thousand-fold increase is successful, and the quality of the reward you receive has been upgraded from purple-gold level to legendary level! 】

[Tip: Ten thousand times increase...]

[Tip: You have obtained the Death and Decay Longbow! 】

[Tip: You have obtained the Robe of Poetry of Lament! 】


"The Poetic Robe of Elegy!"

Looking at the dazzling legendary light in the backpack, Xu Ran secretly thought it was not easy.

The last piece of the Poem of Elegy set is a revelation.

[Tip: You have successfully collected all the parts of the "Elegy Poem Set". Do you want to wear this equipment to trigger the full bonus of the 7-piece set? 】

"There's no rush at the moment."

Xu Ran is not an impatient person.

I successfully assembled the Elegy Poem set, but it was just a pre-dinner dessert.

What's really exciting is...

Another tip -

[Tip: The ten thousand times increase is successful, and the quality of the rewards you receive has been upgraded from legendary to epic quality! 】

[Tip: You have obtained the set advancement stone (epic)! 】



The 10,000x reward never disappoints.

The first pass reward for killing the final BOSS - [Set Advancement Stone (Legendary)].

At this moment, it was truly upgraded to epic quality.

This also means one thing.

Once the set advancement stone is activated, the [Elegy Poem Set] will be directly upgraded to epic quality!

And, it doesn’t cost anything!

[Tip: Do you want to use the suit advancement stone (epic) to upgrade the Elegy Poem suit? 】


Xu Ran made a decisive decision.

[Tip: The advancement is successful and you obtain the Endless Elegy Poem Set (Epic)! 】


The brilliant luster that only appeared in rumors filled every inch of the empty palace.

Advanced successfully.

The epic is coming!

Xu Ran suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and turned his gaze to the magic robe in his hand.

[Poetry Robe of Endless Elegies (Epic)]

Requirement level: Level 20

Required occupation: Legal system

Quality: Epic

Type: Armor

Part: top

HP +4000

Intelligence +200

Physical defense +429

Magic defense +432

Equipment durability: never wears out (special attribute of epic equipment)

Equipment skills: [Endless Mourning] activates the power contained in the equipment, which can put enemies in the designated area into a special state - endless mourning; during this period, the enemies cannot move or attack, and all attributes are weakened by 30%, lasting 5 seconds. (Equipment skill cooling time is 3 minutes)

Introduction: Psalms from life, playing the lament of the passing away.



Even if you have already prepared yourself mentally.

But Xu Ran was still shocked by the epic equipment.

Good guy.

The attribute bonuses of these 7 pieces of equipment have been doubled.

But that's not the most exciting thing.

When the Poem of Elegy was upgraded to an epic suit, the corresponding attributes of the suit also underwent earth-shaking changes.

One piece: Increase own defense by 20%.

Three pieces: Increase attribute resistance by 25%.

Five pieces: Reduce control time by 40%.

Seven pieces: Playing the sigh of lamentation, the next attack has a 30% chance of hitting a one-hit kill that ignores defense, and the cooldown time is 5 minutes.


Ignore defenses.

One hit kill!

This——is the attribute of the epic suit!

No hesitation.

Xu Ran decisively took off the [Shining Robe of Wisdom] and threw it directly into his backpack.

The 50% damage increase provided by the equipment skill [Wisdom Inspiration] is indeed very good.

But compared to the terrifying bonus of the epic suit.

It's true that it's not enough.

[Tip: You are wearing the "Poetry Robe of Endless Elegy (Epic)", which meets the set requirements and successfully triggers the seven-piece set effect! 】

Of course, the moment you finish putting it on.

The silent world announcement actually sounded again at this moment.

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the player "The Chosen One" for successfully unlocking the epic suit, becoming the first player to obtain epic equipment and receiving enhanced rewards! ]

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the player "The Chosen One" for successfully...]


Three world announcements in a row caught all players around the world off guard.

From the server launch to now.

The [World Equipment Ranking] that has been ignored has directly attracted the attention of countless players.

Clicking on the ranking, they were all stunned.

On the list.....

There was only one player, Xu Ran.

Countless other players did not even qualify to be on the list.....

For a moment.

The entire world channel was in a clamor.

"Fuck, getting an epic suit at the beginning of the server is outrageous!"

"Haha, you are so shameless, right? You can't log me in!"

"I'm asshole, you asshole, from the server opening to now, the world announcement has been monopolized by this guy, right?"

"The Chosen One is a friend of the Night Rain Guild, those who insult him, please be careful."

"Boss, did you watch the last hi video I posted? I changed it to a white one this time... [Video attachment.MP4]"

"Boss, please take care of the kids..."





And all kinds of solicitation and requests for support.....

For a while, the eyes of players all over the world fell on Xu Ran.

However, it was different from the past.

A few minutes later.

Many people sent temporary private chats, revealing a heavy news.

It is said that seven of the top ten large forces have united to form a special alliance.

Some people speculated that this was aimed at Xu Ran, and they wanted to kill him in his novice period.

Hearing this news.

Xu Ran was not angry, but wanted to laugh.

This alliance was also jokingly called the fastest disbanded alliance in history in the previous life.

It only lasted for three days, and the major forces began to suspect each other.

Finally, they separated and collapsed.

Instead, it was the Night Rain Guild that caught his attention.

If I remember correctly.

In the previous life, the Night Rain Guild acted low-key.

Relying on a large number of players who first reached level 10, they madly brushed the level of the mercenary guild, and gradually mastered the real power of the mercenary guild.

Became the most terrifying first force!

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