[Tip: The Lost Kingdom is being branded with your personal aura, and the current progress is 5%! 】

[Tip: The Lost Kingdom is being branded as yours...]


As the beep sounds.

The progress of the branding aura is also constantly rising.






In the process, Xu Ran suddenly realized that he had some resonance with the river of time.

Although it is too weak to be noticed.

But it does exist.

This made him feel a little surprised.

This also reminded him of something.

【Eternal Law】.

This is an extremely special law that combines the laws of order and chaos, beginning and end, life and death, light and darkness, etc.

It can be said without exaggeration.

The origin of the entire world comes from the [Eternal Law].

Including time!


All this was unexpected.

But it is also reasonable.

Everything is just his personal guess.

Perhaps the final answer will be revealed when the progress is completed.


at the same time.

All players who saw this scene through visual sharing were dumbfounded.

From the very beginning, Xu Ran unleashed the mythical staff skill, freezing the entire [Lost Kingdom] in this abyss that would never see the light of day.

Later, he activates the [Frost Lord Godhead] and temporarily transforms into the Frost Lord God.

And completely imprinting his own aura on this vast country where countless bones are scattered.

this process.

In fact, it only took a few breaths.


The visual shock is absolutely beyond words.

"My dear, what is going on?"

"I just sent a kiss emoticon to my girlfriend, but why can't I understand what happened?"

"I suspect I played a fake game."

"Tell me, what rewards did the Chosen One receive to have such a large formation?"

"Who knows, I guess it's a divine weapon."

"I guess it's a divine pet!"

"Haha, I think it should be the sealed god, oh my wife..."


All players.

Everyone held their breath.

No one wants to believe this.

At the same time, no one could imagine that someone could create such a shocking scene at this stage.

Just look at it from a distance.

It was enough to give them a tingling sensation.

If these players were to know, Xu Ran would soon own the [Lost Kingdom] as his own exclusive private territory.

I'm afraid countless people will break through the defense.

To know.

At this current stage of the game.

He is the only one who has a private territory exclusive to players!

Just when the players are still numb.

Xu Ran's branding progress is already close to full value.




As the progress bar reaches full value, this territory that has been lost for hundreds of years is completely imprinted with Xu Ran's personal atmosphere.

The prompt tone also sounded.

[Tip: You have successfully imprinted your aura on the Lost Kingdom. From now on, this area will only be open to you and become your exclusive territory (special)! 】

[Tip: You have obtained an exclusive special territory - the Lost Kingdom! 】

same moment.

The only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward] also emitted a bright and dazzling light.


In an instant.

Make the entire dark [Lost Kingdom] shine as bright as day again!

Ten thousand times the reward.


[Tip: The ten thousand times increase is successful, and the quality of the reward you receive has been upgraded from the country to the world (the highest quality)! 】

[Tip: You have obtained an exclusive special territory - the Lost World! 】

this moment.

Including [City of Bones], [Lost Kingdom], and even the entire Endless Abyss, it seems as if a earth-shaking change has occurred.

Everything is moving away from each other at an unimaginable speed.

It's not actually moving.

Instead, the entire [Endless Abyss] expanded countless times in an instant.

From the original national territory.

It transformed directly into a world!

This kind of thing.

Xu Ran has lived for so many years.

Never heard of it.

Now, it really happened before my eyes.

He was a little stunned.

On the contrary, the players still haven't figured out what happened.

"Hey, hey, can you still see the picture?"

"Brothers, why is my vision blacked out!"

"Hey guys, the private territory cannot be viewed?"


for a while.

Countless players were stunned in place.

They were shocked to find that they could no longer view everything that happened in the [Endless Abyss] through the shared perspective.

The sight has turned into pitch black.

However, just when they were at a loss, the sound of the world announcement came as expected.

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the chosen player, who has obtained a world-class territory - the Lost World, and won the title of Creation! 】

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the player selection...]


I brushed it three times in a row.

The world announcement was like a blow to countless players.

It added another unsolved mystery to their already scarce game knowledge.

"World-class territory?"

"Is there such a saying?"

"Doesn't it mean that the territory can only be upgraded to the national level at most?"

"I don't have much education, is this world announcement wrong?"


For many people.

Territory is an extremely distant term.

Perhaps they may not own a small town in their lifetime.

So they are not very sensitive to world-class territories.

But it is different for major forces.

They know the importance of territory.

If they can buy it with money, they will even take a piece of territory at all costs!

Xu Ran heard about it some time ago.

There is a local tyrant who wants to buy a small town as his own territory.

As a result, he was ruthlessly rejected by the main city where he was.

As a result, this local tyrant not only did not give up, but also released a large reward on the forum.

Unfortunately, there is no player who can take down a town-level territory at this stage.


Territory is an eternal pain for all the major forces.

Especially when this world-class territory appeared, they were completely broken.


Throughout human history.

The game between all forces is not only war and confrontation.

It also includes alliances.

When the gap in strength is too great, they don’t even have the idea of ​​uniting to fight against Xu Ran.

Instead, many forces have decided to make friends with Xu Ran.

After all, for them.

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

But according to various previous signs, the Chosen One is quite cold.

It seems that so far, only a girl tycoon guild can talk to him a little.

For a while.

Many presidents of large guilds were caught in entanglement.


On the other side.

They didn’t know.

Just when they racked their brains and thought hard about how to get in touch with the Chosen One.

Xu Ran, who had just completed the breath imprint, was also worried about how to conduct a pleasant and wonderful "transaction" with all major forces and all players.

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