
Xu Ran's eyes suddenly froze.

The waves in my heart surged instantly.

Looking at this fragment that exuded special luster and endless pressure, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Who would have thought.

This is the first random treasure box, and it’s already shipped?

[Tip: The extraction is successful. The props randomly selected this time are-talent law fusion fragments (god level)! 】

"Talent Fusion Fragments!"


Xu Ran changed from his usual calmness and suddenly became excited.

Who is this instead?

I'm afraid I can't even calm down.

Because this is not only a god-level prop, but also an extremely rare pet prop.

Its function is to allow pets to obtain an additional talent out of thin air!


Pets are an extremely important game "resource".

A nice pet.

It can even play a role that countless players cannot match.

Xu Ran remembers a player in his previous life.

I accidentally got a gold-level [Wild Lion] as my pet.

After a week of simple cultivation.

This pet, with average qualifications among the beasts, actually surpassed its owner in strength.

Even enough to beat ordinary players.

At this time, many people realized the importance of pets.


As the game progresses, more and more excellent pets are emerging.

Players found out.

Even pets of the same race have different talents.

And can get a top talent.

This often means that this pet will have the possibility to become a top combat power.

So that period.

It is also nicknamed the "Beast Control" expansion pack by players.

The most outrageous thing is.

[Talent Fusion Fragments], which has an impressively low yield rate, was once sold at a sky-high price.

There was once a dark gold quality [Talent Fusion Fragment], which actually fetched a price that no one could have imagined.

The value is comparable to a piece of legendary equipment!


[Talent Fusion Fragment] also proves its terrifying bonus.

Even if used on the most rubbish pet, it is enough to provide it with a talent corresponding to the quality of the fragment.

That is to say.

For example, use a god-level quality [Talent Fusion Fragment] for a black iron-level pet.

Then it will definitely get a god-level talent!

Although the combat power is still not comparable to that of a divine pet.

But the effect of his talent is no less impressive!

So how lucky is this draw.

It goes without saying.

No hesitation.

With excitement, Xu Ran turned his attention to this prop that exuded a soft, god-level glow.

[Talent Law Fusion Fragments (God Level)]

Type: props (disposable consumables)

Quality: God level

Target: pets

Usage requirements: Level 20

Effect of use: [Talent Law Fusion] activates the power of this fragment and fuses it with the pet you own, which can provide it with an additional law-level talent, and there is a chance that a talent corresponding to the main god-level law will appear. After use, this prop disappear.

Introduction: It is recommended to use it on high-quality pets to increase their upper limit of qualifications.


"Be good!"

have to say.

The god-level quality [Innate Law Fusion Fragment] still brought Xu Ran a complete surprise.

This law-level talent alone is enough to make any pet the top divine pet!

And there is a chance to obtain the rules corresponding to the Lord God.

In "Eternity".

There are also differences in strength between gods.

Among them, laws such as poison, shadow, and ordinary frost, fire, etc. all correspond to ordinary gods.

It's like Carol who is still in a frozen state.

This former god originally mastered the ordinary laws of frost.

Laws such as space, time, death, life, light, darkness, order, chaos, etc. that tend to the origin are also called main god-level laws.

Gods who master these laws will obtain the godhead of the main god.

Elemental laws such as ice, fire, wind and thunder are often part of the origin of the world.

As long as strict conditions are met.

According to its mastery level, it can be promoted to the terrifying existence of the main god level.

But [Eternal Law] is an exception.

Just one [Eternal Godhead Fragment] is enough to obtain the evaluation of mythical quality. This can prove that its true rank should far exceed that of the main god!


If a pet can obtain the law corresponding to the main god.

Once it is fully grown.

Its own strength and role can definitely crush ordinary gods!

To this.

Xu Ran can only say that it is easy to smoke.

Because there is a [Random Pet Treasure Box] lying quietly in his backpack.


It’s god-level quality!

No hesitation.

Xu Ran struck while the iron was hot.

He had a vague premonition.

Perhaps because he had just completed the main mission, his luck value seemed to have been raised to the extreme.

So he decided to open all the remaining treasure chests one by one.

[Tip: Whether to open the random title treasure box (god level), you will randomly select this title from the god level quality titles! 】

[Tip: Due to the quality of the reward opened in the treasure chest, the special effect of the talent 10,000 times reward has been triggered, and it cannot be triggered again this time! ]


No problem.

The god-level title is enough to make his hard power rise again.

So, he decisively chose to confirm.

As a burst of brilliant light emerged, the dim and lightless [Lost Kingdom] was once again illuminated as bright as day.

At the same time.

The unique brilliance of the god-level quality illuminated Xu Ran's face.

[Tip: The draw was successful, and the title randomly drawn this time is - Thunder Words (God-level)! ]

"Thunder attribute?"

Looking at the name of the title, Xu Ran was confused.

It seemed that he had never obtained thunder attribute skills.

This title might not be as beneficial to him as he imagined.

But it was not a loss.

After all, as a mage.

In addition, [Eternal Law] represents everything about the origin of the world.

Sooner or later, he will unlock thunder attribute skills.

So whether it is used as a "cushion" or as a means of increasing skills in the future, this title is enough to attract his attention.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran set his eyes on this title.

[Word of Thunder (God-level)]

Type: Title

Quality: God-level

Special effect: This title can be superimposed with other titles.

Unique passive effect: When the title takes effect, every time the enemy is damaged, there is a 20% chance of a thunder attack, causing 5% to 50% of its maximum health. The passive effect has no cooldown.

Note: When the target is above the legendary level, the effect will be weakened to a certain extent, and the same effect will be achieved according to the target's mastery of the thunder attribute law.

Introduction: The lightning flashing across the sky is the unchanging whisper of thunder in this life.



When Xu Ran saw the detailed attributes of this title, he couldn't help but stand in awe.

After all, it was a wrong accusation.

This title does not require him to have thunder attribute skills, nor does it even require him to master the thunder attribute law.

Every time you attack, there is a 20% chance of being struck by lightning.

Not only are the special effects extremely gorgeous.

The effect can definitely be called terrifying.

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