Just when Xu Ran was riding the ancient ghost dragon, it was like a dark cloud rushing towards the [Ice City].

In this main city that is said to never melt.

There was a strange and special magic wave.

After some arrangement.

After investing a large amount of magic crystals and magic materials, complex and complex magic arrays emerged one after another.

Like stars in the dark night.

These teleportation arrays suddenly lit up, and then they were connected in series one after another.

Forming a circle.


This huge city lord's palace is directly surrounded inside.

"It's done!"

Eveya stopped her movements and clapped her hands excitedly when she saw the veins of the magic array that had been lit up.

behind her.

An increasing number of onlookers were clapping their hands in excitement at this time.

"It's done!"


After saying this.

Only then did the players realize that things seemed to have entered the next stage.


The main quest can now be triggered.

If he becomes the "Chosen One", wouldn't he just take off?

do not miss it!

Even if you are rejected by the NPC, you will persist to the end!

Think of this.

They all came together.

"By the way, Captain of the Guard, do you need any help?"

"Yes, yes, we know all kinds of skills, we can resist and attack, and we can also deal damage, and our salary is only 80% of other people's!"

"I only want half of the market price!"

"I only want 30%!"

"Haha, I don't want money!"


Amidst the commotion, the players began to involute.

One bid is lower than the other.

What's more.

He took out a few gold coins and handed them to Eveya, patting his chest to express his willingness to pay for help.

See this scene.

Eveya was completely stunned.

Although he is also very popular in the dark camp.

There are many adventurers who often want to receive quests from their side.

She is bored sometimes.

Occasionally, some innocuous tasks will be released.

I saw the players working hard and then running back excitedly to receive the rewards.

Eveya's mood will be much better.

But who would have thought.

This damn group of adventurers from the Light camp are so stubborn.

And the lower limit is extremely low.

Not only that.

They are so stupid that they fall into pieces.

Obviously the magic teleportation array, magic shielding array, and magic confinement array here have been activated by themselves, but this group of adventurers is still thinking about searching for mission clues.

I can't stop Yifuya directly.

"Your Majesty, Captain of the Guard?"

"See if I can do it. I've completed the second mission and my attributes are awesome!"

"Yes, although I harassed the bard of Frozen City last time, I think I am still a good person. I think you will give me a good chance to change my ways..."

"By the way, Guard Captain, I haven't introduced my skills and attributes properly yet..."


And this time.

The players were still surrounding Yifuya, making endless noises.

A few seconds later.

The "guard captain" came to his senses and finally spoke.

"You ask me, what help do I need?"

Eveya's words.

Like the melting frost in the cold spring, it is cold and full of chilling meaning.

And as her voice sounded.

All the magic formations roared.


Everything has been fully activated!

See this scene.

The players became more and more excited.

no matter who.

I'm afraid I won't think about the enemy at this time, I can only think that this is a sign that the mission is about to be triggered.

So hear this.

They all nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Yes, yes, do you need any help?"

"You just say it, my brothers and I will try our best to handle it."

"Count me in!"


for a while.

The players raised their hands and came together.

It's getting closer to Eveya.

"very good."

"Just right." Eveya pursed her lips and smiled at the players: "Then I want-"

She didn't finish her sentence.

The surrounding air instantly surged with endless dark elements and the breath of law.

And his originally strong and rough voice gradually became more pleasant to the ear.

Before the players could react.

Her next words.

It has already reached everyone's ears.

"What I want-"

"It's your life!"

As soon as these words came out.

All the players immediately broke out in cold sweat.

Many players who reacted and thought quickly turned around and left.

With the sudden activation of the magic circle, mysterious and majestic figures gradually emerged in the endless darkness.

It seems that its power is extremely terrifying!

Where is the captain of the sentry?

This was clearly a mighty army of blood elves.

Under the darkness, the figure that originally occupied the position of the sentry captain had disappeared.

Instead, there was a night elf dark archmage with a flawless face and breathtaking perfection.

"I am super, the Great Mage of Darkness!"

"Fuck her, no wonder I can't trigger the mission!"

"I'm just saying, there must be something wrong with this person."

"Fuck, don't do it after the fact."

"By the way, she's so pretty..."

"This is not nonsense, he is the night elf in the rumors, with that figure and appearance..."




The players were speechless.

Skills containing the aura of death, darkness, curse, etc. quietly emerged.

What followed was a rush of blood.


The light of the sword emerged.

Before the players could react, Eveya waved her hand and let countless strong men from the dark camp pour out of the teleportation array, cutting them into pieces.

What's more.

They were also made into skeletons.

The pain is overwhelming.

Not only that.

The nearest player didn't even finish his words before Eveya waved the dagger in her hand and ruthlessly cut his neck.


"Ho ho - ho..."


Even as a great mage.

But Eveya's physical attack can still kill players at the current stage instantly.

Almost a face to face.

Of all the players around, no one survived.

And with a wave of her hand.

Endless black mist instantly poured out from the teleportation array behind him.

There were countless strong men from the dark camp inside, vying to rush out.

With the main hall of the city as the center.

The black mist began to gradually spread outward.

Not only that.

As the fog covered the city, the defensive barrier of the main city, which was said to never melt, gradually weakened.

It was as if it had been broken through from the inside.

Starting from the city lord's hall in [Ice City], a one-sided massacre and a battle to seize the core position were officially staged.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack——"

This moment.

The entire [Ice City] has fallen into the highest alert state.

"Activate the main city's highest defense system quickly!"

There was a commander-level NPC shouting loudly, but there was no response.

The magic circle surrounding the city lord's palace is like an insurmountable barrier, weakening the command and permission authority of the entire main city to the extreme.

It almost took just a moment.

A main city was on the verge of collapse.

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