Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 144 How come there are so many free opportunities

Template blueprint type of heavenly reward.

Even Xu Ran didn't expect that the reward would be so generous.

To know.

Although he had long planned to rebuild [Ice City], he had never thought of having sex for nothing.

The original plan was to obtain the blueprint through exchange.

Then use the special effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward] to upgrade it to legendary quality or above.

Because he left the light camp.

Based on past life experience.

Once a player leaves the camp, although the military merit points and merit values ​​of the previous camp can be saved, the military merit points and merit values ​​obtained subsequently belong to the new camp, and the two cannot be directly superimposed.

So he planned to find an opportunity to simply exchange all the military merit points and merit points from the light camp into items and resources.

But I didn't expect it.

As a camp creator.

He actually got unexpected benefits.

All the original military merit points and merit values ​​have been converted into exclusive and universal types.

Not only can it be stacked with the military merit points and merit points obtained later, but it can also be used in the exchange system of your own camp!

Coupled with the heavenly rewards of template blueprint type.

This wave.

At least it saved Xu Ran hundreds of millions of military points!

If known by other players.

I'm afraid they don't even dare to believe it.

How come there are so many opportunities for free prostitution in this world?

Totally impossible.

Think of this.

Xu Ran suppressed the joy in his heart and focused on the system prompts.

As expected.

Once he withdraws the reward, the only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward] will take effect immediately.

that time.

This main city-level template blueprint will undergo a transformation that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Even if its specific qualities are not yet known.

But the reward of heaven is produced.

There must be no waste.

No hesitation.

Xu Ran directly chose to withdraw the reward.

[Tip: Your Tiandao reward is being extracted. This time, one from the template blueprint type will be selected as your reward! 】

[Tip: The quality of the template blueprints drawn this time will range from dark gold level to legendary level, completely following random rules! 】


Along with the prompt sound.

Xu Ran immediately obtained the [Fortunate Favor] buff for himself.

This has become his personal habit.

Whether it is opening a box, drawing rewards, or picking up drops, he will always attach [Lucky Favor] to himself.

Even sometimes releasing skills will refresh this buff.

Because in that case, it will also increase the possibility of critical hits and produce higher output.

Just thinking about it.

A bright light suddenly appeared in front of Xu Ran's eyes.

Reward withdrawal successful!

Random results also gradually surfaced.

Based on past experience.

Almost at a glance.

He could see the specific quality of this template blueprint.

This gorgeous and intoxicating luster corresponds to legendary quality!

One shot into the soul.

The highest limit is legendary level!

Already got it!

[Tip: The heavenly rewards were drawn successfully, and you obtained the template blueprint—Winter’s Roar (Legend)! 】

The moment the beep sounds.

The only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward] also takes effect immediately.

Under the influence of its terrifying effect, this legendary-quality template blueprint instantly exuded an epic and unique luster.



[Tip: The ten thousand times increase is successful, and the quality of the rewards you receive has been upgraded from legendary level to epic level rare quality! 】

[Tip: You have obtained the epic template blueprint - Eternal Frozen Silence (epic rare)! 】

[Tip: It is detected that you own the main city level territory and meet the conditions for using the epic rare template blueprint Eternal Frozen Silence (epic). Do you want to activate this template blueprint to replace the previous legendary template blueprint? 】


The beeps are endless and ringing non-stop.

But the information in it cheered up Xu Ran greatly.

Don't say anything else.

This epic rare ice template blueprint alone is enough to make him feel lucky.

After all, this is the territory of the Frost Empire.

Not far away.

There is also the [Forgotten Extremely Cold Peak] standing in the wind and snow.

The ice template blueprint is definitely the most suitable choice for this main city.

[Eternal Frozen Silence (Epic Rare)]

Type: Template blueprint (main city-level territory)

Quality: Epic Rare

Conditions of use: Main city (adaptive scale)

Effect: After activation, the territory can open the [Eternal Frozen Silence] template blueprint, activate special guards, special NPCs, special buildings, etc.....

Special Attribute 1: [Permanent Freeze] All fortifications, city buildings, and territory cores will be covered by the law of frost all year round, generating thick ice armor, which will increase the defense power by an additional 200% and triple the durability value.

Special effect 2: [Silent] Once the main city-level territory is successfully established, all enemies within its territory will be eroded and suppressed by the law of frost, which can cause negative states such as freezing, slowness, frostbite, etc.!

Introduction: The main city-level template blueprint can cover an additional two thousand meters outside the city.


"What a blueprint!"

"It is indeed a main city-level template blueprint of epic and rare quality!"

Even Xu Ran, who was well-informed, could not help but be moved by this scene.


He did not hesitate at all and directly cancelled the original template blueprint of this main city, and then used this epic quality [Eternal Frozen Silence]!

In an instant.

The rumbling sound spread throughout the main city.

At this time, the players and the millions of troops under Xu Ran were still fighting with the enemies of the dark camp.

With the cancellation of the original legendary template blueprint.

This main city that had suffered from the flames of war had undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, the city wall.

Under Xu Ran's command.

Although the original thick city wall made of frost boulders collapsed to the ground.

After the automatic decomposition of the construction system.

Pieces of [Frost Boulders] corresponding to the original legendary quality appeared in the main city warehouse.

And in this process.

What Xu Ran did not expect, but was still expected, appeared.

With the special light of the only eternal talent emerging.

All the decomposed [Frost Monoliths] have been upgraded by 10,000 times.

It seems that there are some similarities with the legendary template blueprint.

[Hint: Successfully demolished the main city wall, you obtained the decomposition material - Frost Monolith (Legend)! ]

[Hint: Successfully increased the 10,000 times, the quality of the reward you obtained has been upgraded from legendary to epic! ]

[Hint: You obtained the material - Everfrozen Monolith (Epic)! ]

[Hint: Successfully increased the 10,000 times, the quality of the reward you obtained has been upgraded from legendary to epic! ]

[Hint: You obtained the material - Everfrozen Monolith (Epic)! ]


There is no routine.

[10,000 times reward] is such a bug.

After a simple decomposition, the original legendary quality building materials suddenly became the epic [Everfrozen Monolith]!

Its effect seems to have changed drastically from before.

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