
"Although this card is enough, it seems that we are a little close to the forgotten extreme cold peak!"

"Uh uh uh..."

As soon as the voice fell.

Many players widened their eyes, and a terrible and terrifying scene emerged in their minds.


Doesn't that mean that this main city, which is in need of reconstruction, will also be hit?

Hearing this.

Many players looked in the direction he pointed.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on [Forgotten Extreme Cold Peak].

With the successful construction of the city walls and gates of this main city, more and more snowflakes fell from the sky.

It seems that even the mountain peak that pierces the clouds in the distance trembles.

And as a vast snow mountain that has stood for hundreds of years.

This extreme cold peak, forgotten by countless people, has accumulated ice and snow on its surface to a terrifying degree.

In the previous battle.

The tremor of the earth has already caused some abnormalities in this snow mountain.

Now, as the violent movement of building the main city was transmitted, the endless ice and snow instantly broke apart and rushed towards the foot of the mountain with an unstoppable force.

The corresponding direction.

It happened to be the towering main city that had just been erected!

Seeing this scene.

Many players who were fighting with the dark camp NPCs panicked at the same time.

After all, this was related to their lives.

Although I am still in the siege battle, I will still lose 10% of experience if I die.

But I thought about it.

The chosen boss is not panicking, so why am I entangled here.

Anyway, it's just 10% of the experience value.

Compared with a main city, it's not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this.

They are no longer panicking, but want to watch the show.

Everyone wants to see it at this moment.

Under the most terrifying and largest avalanche in history, can this newly built city wall hold up for a few seconds?

There are even many very unkind players who opened a betting on the spot.

"I bet this wall can hold out for half a minute, anyone?"

"Haha, it may not even hold out for ten seconds, what will you do if the snow directly floods you?"

"Indeed, if it is any other main city, it would be fine, but now this main city is in ruins and there is not even a defensive barrier. The wall really can't hold out."

"I think so too. Without a defensive barrier, it probably can't hold out for ten seconds!"


Countless players are pessimistic.

But they are still not panicking.

Anyway, they can be resurrected, so why not take advantage of this time to kill a few more NPCs from the dark camp.

Although this group of third-turn NPCs are just ordinary guard templates.

But in the eyes of the players who have just turned two, these NPCs are no different from BOSS.

And there are tens of thousands of BOSS!

So until now.

Although the players have the advantage in numbers, facing the terrifying strength of the enemy.

The progress of the battle is still not very smooth.

But there is one thing that is beyond doubt.

As time goes by, the demise of these enemies is inevitable.

It's just that no one knows how long it will take, let alone how heavy the price will be.

But for the players.

As long as they can get a kill, it doesn't matter even if they die ten times.

After all, the benefits are here.

Therefore, even if there is a threat of an avalanche coming from a distance.

All the players still rushed towards the enemy with a roar, without any intention of retreating.

It looks extremely fanatical.

On the contrary, Xu Ran was looking at the mountaintop in the distance with a calm face.


"How is it possible."

He didn't mean that the avalanche was false, but that the reason for its formation was not due to the movement from the main city.

He took a look at the battlefield below.

There are about 300,000 or 400,000 dark camp NPCs fighting with the players.

The battle is still in a stalemate.

In terms of quantity.

Compared with the total force, these hundreds of thousands of dark camp NPCs are just a drop in the bucket.

But it is also an elite army.

The dark camp will probably not easily give up this backbone force.

The most important point.

There are also members of the night elves here.

The news that Ivya was killed by Xu Ran has not yet reached the enemy's ears.

Even if it is to continue to win over the night elves and even the entire elf clan, the dark camp probably has no reason to give up rescuing them.


This sudden avalanche must have been manipulated by the dark camp.

However, once countless ice and snow fall.

Those dark camp armies will probably be severely damaged.

This cannot achieve the opponent's real purpose.

So almost in an instant, Xu Ran had guessed the enemy's movements.

There must be another enemy hiding in the dark.

Once the avalanche falls.

They will definitely attack suddenly.

While rescuing Ivya and the dark camp army, they may also deal a heavy blow to [Frozen City]!

"It's a pretty smart plan."


While Xu Ran issued the construction order, he looked outside the city with interest.

He wanted to say.

Although the plan was good, the other party obviously overlooked one point.

If this [Ice City] becomes a solid wall that even an avalanche can't do anything to, then all plans will be declared a failure.

What's more.

Not only did Yi Fuya die.

She also provided herself with a very powerful temporary buff.

[Killing Bloom]!

As a two-handed greatsword of artifact level.

The several effects of [Blade of Killing and Conquest] are all related to combat.

None of them are useless attributes.

The first is effect 1 - [Killing].

When the target is damaged, the upper limit of its own health can be temporarily increased (40% of the damage), which lasts for 5 minutes.

From Xu Ran killing Yi Fuya to now.

Only three minutes have passed.

And with his order, the corresponding protective barrier of this towering main city slowly took shape.

Once a threat comes.

The epic rare quality protective barrier will take effect immediately.

It will be firmly isolated from the outside!

As for effect 2 [Conquest], it is even more terrifying.

When releasing skills on the target, the breath of the killing law can temporarily affect its mind, bringing negative effects such as [fear], [confusion], [lost], etc., and the duration changes with the enemy's mental resistance.

As long as Xu Ran releases skills.

Even gods will be affected by various negative effects.

No matter how many enemies there are, he can deal with them calmly.

But this is not the most important point.

The equipment skill [Killing Bloom] is one of Xu Ran's trump cards at the moment.

[Killing Bloom]: Activate the endless breath of the killing law contained in the weapon, which can make oneself enter the killing bloom state. Every time a target is killed, it can increase 10% of the damage, and there is no upper limit to the number of stacking layers; the duration is 20 seconds, and the duration can be stacked after killing the target. (Equipment skill cooling time 2 hours)

Note: When in the [Killing Bloom] state, as the number of kills is stacked, your own mental state will also be affected to a certain extent, please use it with caution.

This sword left by the killing god requires extremely high mental power to control the weapon.

And from the beginning to now.

Although Xu Ran was building the main city's defenses, he did not stop attacking.

Almost every ten seconds or so, he would quietly kill an NPC from the dark camp.

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