In comparison.

This group of elite monsters called [Atalis Frost Trolls] are obviously much weaker than the army of the dark camp.

The reason is very simple.

Because the number of legions dispatched by the dark camp this time is too large.

There are a total of 20 legions.

They correspond to skeleton creatures, dark creatures including shadows, and super-large legions of various professions.

The number of troops in each legion is about 500,000.

Added together.

Even if the legendary NPC leaders are not counted, the number has exceeded 10 million!

And this [Winter City] has only five NPC legions.

The number of each legion is only about 350,000.

Even if the legendary legions patrolling and guarding the [Mithril Mine] are added, the number is only 2 million at most.

It just meets the 10:1 ratio.

But the strength gap between the two sides is not just that.

The previous ratio of troops required for defense and offense was calculated based on the naked attack method.

Everything changes rapidly on the battlefield.

Siege equipment.

Special races for siege.

And the number of strong men who serve as commanders and main forces.

These are all chips that determine victory or defeat.

First of all, siege equipment.

As a main city guarded by the light camp for many years, the defense capability of [Winter City], which contains [Mithril Mine], is ridiculously strong.

Even the [Silver Fortress] where the Mithril Mine is located has been invested heavily.

The template blueprints and construction materials used.

They are all epic!

This treatment.

It is much more terrifying than that of [Frozen City].

So the defenders have already achieved the ultimate in fortifications.

But as the attacking party, the dark camp has obviously made sufficient preparations in advance.

No one knows.

How did they cross the territory under the jurisdiction of [Frozen City] and transport this astonishing number of siege equipment here.

Legendary siege catapults.

The number is about 100.

The epic siege ram, due to its large scale, is extremely clear and specific in number.

At a glance.

The corresponding number of siege rams is as high as 20!

And the legendary heavy crossbow vehicle called [Butcher].

The number is also close to 400.

There are also legendary ladder vehicles, shield vehicles, trench vehicles, etc.......

These siege equipment with different functions have all accumulated to a terrifying value.

"Oh my goodness!"

"It looks so damn scary!"

"I heard that the Frozen City is going to be attacked by the Dark Faction, but I didn't expect that we would suffer the next moment!"

"Yeah, but I heard that our main city template blueprint seems to correspond to the legendary rare quality, so we shouldn't be afraid of these siege equipment of the Dark Faction!"

"I don't think it's possible."

"Look at the number of enemies, it's ten times that of ours, how can we lose by riding a dragon?"

"Come on, there are still players here!"

For a while.

All the players of [Winter City] who saw this scene were stunned.

They didn't expect it.

They were still eating melons the previous second.

The next second, they were attacked crazily by the dark camp.

Looking at the terrifying number.

And the legendary or even epic siege equipment, all the players who witnessed this scene were terrified.

Can the players fill a certain number gap?

Are you kidding?

Because the damn [Ice City] was attacked, about two million players were teleported from [Winter City] to the next main city.

So far.

I heard that the number of players in [Ice City] has accumulated to nearly 10 million.

Who knows how these 10 million players are squeezed into one main city?

And here.

Someone roughly estimated.

There are probably less than two million players still in [Winter City].

Almost all of them have just been transferred to the second level.

The level is around level 35.

The twenty legions from the dark camp basically all correspond to the strength of the second or third turn.

And they all have the strength of elite monsters.

For players.

Each one can be called a small BOSS.

On weekdays.

If you encounter such an enemy like a small BOSS, the players may smile crookedly.

But it is different now.

Who can imagine it.

There are tens of millions of enemies, each of which has an elite monster template.

In front of them.

Even if the number of players is multiplied several times, I am afraid they may not be able to win this battle.

The number gap.

It is really too big.

Even if the players can be resurrected, they may not be able to keep up with the opponent's killing speed.

Just like the siege and defense battle of [Eternal City] at that time.

At that time, the players could play a key role, not just because the enemy's attributes were not as good as now.

The most important point is that their number must exceed the enemy.

Only in this way.

Players can continue to die and revive, and then run over to continue to participate in the battle.

This way, a tragic cycle can be achieved.

Trading life for damage.

Even if 10% of the experience will be deducted, the benefits obtained far exceed the cost of investment!

At the beginning.

Players obviously also planned this.

As soon as they heard about the siege.

Many players couldn't help but get excited.

This is a good opportunity.

After the expansion pack is updated, as long as you are in the range of the main city being attacked, you will automatically join this main city attack and defense battle.

But who would have thought.

The number of enemies is so terrifying.

This is completely for the purpose of breaking the city.

There is no doubt about it.

When the expansion pack updates the content about the main city attack and defense battle, there are certain risks behind its generous rewards.

It is worth noting that the penalty for failure.

It is okay if the siege fails.

But once the defense fails.

It will cause the main city being guarded to fall under the attack of the enemy.

At the same time.

Players will also receive corresponding defeat penalties.

At this time, they will not only enter a weak state, but also get a negative state of [low morale].

At that time.

Whether it is the mission, merit points, or other related rewards, the proportion of obtaining them will be greatly reduced.

The reduction depends on the proportion of morale drop.

The more morale drops.

The more the reward is reduced.

However, once the defense is successful, or the main city of the attack is seized.

Even if only 200 attack and defense points are obtained.

Players can also get morale improvement and additional rewards.

The richness is simply unimaginable.

There is no doubt.

In the game "Eternity".

No matter when, the reward is the most core thing, and it often corresponds to what the players desire most.

However, as the battle gradually started.

After seeing the terrifying number of enemies and siege equipment, their hearts have long been cold like ice.

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