Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 165 Harming others without benefiting oneself


"What's the reason for the alliance?"

Looking at the gloomy sky, the archery master Luo Duo stopped drawing the bow and arrows in his hand.

He did not attack Xu Ran for the time being.

Because he was on the city wall, the guards of the Eternal Camp, including the mage riding the damn dragon, could not cause any harm to him.

Instead, he was.

With his extremely high archery attainments and height advantage, the arrows carrying poison had killed hundreds of legendary guards.

Not only that.

Originally, those arrows would explode at the moment they penetrated the body.

The poisonous fog would spread to the surroundings along the wind direction.

Once the scale is large, it may bring unimaginable killing effects.

This is the terrible thing about the poisonous law.

It is hard to guard against.

But the dragon ruined his good deeds.

I saw its ferocious mouth opening and closing, and the gray mist filled the battlefield.

I don't know what the reason is.

This gray mist can actually offset some of the erosion caused by the poisonous law.

So that it basically does not cause too many casualties.

At least those legendary and even epic guards will not die for a while.

In addition, the defensive forces on our side also exceed the scale of the attacking side.

If it were normal.

I guess I would never believe that someone would use a million troops to fight against 1.5 times the number of enemies.

And it was the party that took the initiative to attack the city.

What is the difference between this and insanity?

But this group of enemies, who are about level 100 and are still in the third-turn stage, are more fierce than each other.

They actually maintained the situation of fighting and killing to a state of balance between the two sides.

It even gave Luo Duo a feeling.

It was as if the other party was deliberately manipulating the situation, always maintaining a balanced situation.

In fact.

Luo Duo really thought too much.

He didn't know the specific quality of Xu Ran's million troops.

It's not just the third-turn strongmen.

Even between gods, there are certain differences.

Looking around.

The dark camp troops fighting with the [Eternal Guard] on the city wall and outside the city are basically in the third stage.

But the quality of these NPCs is too low.

The potential is not enough.

Every time they grow a little, they will be left behind a little.

Now they are already in the third stage.

The gap is huge.

At most.

These third-stage strongmen from the dark camp are considered elite.

In the eyes of other players.

They can even be compared with ordinary small BOSS.

But after all, they are just dark gold or purple gold NPCs.

If you want to fight against the "same kind" of legend or even epic, you need more people to fill the gap!

In addition, even with the height advantage brought by the city wall.

It can allow remote professions to output without injury.

But those fortifications and protective barriers on the city wall will not have any intention of protecting the dark camp army.

The reason is very simple.

So far.

This fortress is still under the control of the light camp.

Only by snatching the core crystal of the fortress and holding the fortress in their own hands can the dark camp use these fortifications.


The reason why the two sides of the battlefield are in a stalemate is not that Xu Ran is deliberately playing tricks on them.

But it is really the case.

But in the eyes of Luo Duo and the high-level officials of the dark camp, things are different.

As the battle progresses.

They are getting more and more frightened.

This million-strong army is too terrifying. Not only do they master the laws of space, but they also have NPC templates that are at least legendary or even epic.

This is equivalent to roasting them on the fire!

It is also equivalent to forcing them to take this fortress by force.

"That's what you say."

"But what is the purpose of forcing the enemy to take this fortress and hand over the mithril mine?"

This point.

Even Luo Duo couldn't figure it out.

Harming others without benefiting themselves?

Or do they want to disgust the light camp specifically?


Is this mithril vein actually a pit?

Thinking of this.

Luo Duo suddenly widened his eyes.

This archery master who had fought on the battlefield for countless years, the leader of the Dark Camp Legion, suddenly thought of the key to the problem.

If he took down the [Silver Fortress] and the Mithril Mine.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to directly controlling this area.

But there is a fatal flaw.


That's right.

Now the adventurer called the Chosen One has shamelessly formed an alliance with the Light Camp.

This also led to the fact that the [Frozen City] and [Eternal City] he owned, although they belonged to the Eternal Camp, were also equivalent to other territories of the Light Camp.

Because this is the special effect of the alliance state.

There is no way to exempt it.

There is no way to change it.

Unless the two sides no longer form an alliance.

When he thought of this.

Luo Duo's heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

He seemed to understand.

Perhaps the Light Camp and the Eternal Camp had this plan, and the purpose was to force him to make the Dark Camp have to control this Mithril Mine.

In this way.

The Eternal Camp can then work together with the Light Camp to seal it in this tiny piece of land.

Death is inevitable.

Thinking of this.

This archery master who has been recognized as a legendary master can't help but break out in a cold sweat.

From the beginning to now.

The dark camp thinks that their plan is perfect.

But they didn't expect that.

This is actually mixed with the plan of the eternal camp.


They can control the entire situation and turn disadvantages into their own advantages.

This viciousness is rare!

However, this is a matter of harming others and not benefiting oneself.

The ultimate beneficiary.

Naturally, it is still the light camp.

He couldn't figure out what the intention of the eternal camp was.

But he was very clear about one thing.

Time is running out.

He must act as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he turn the situation into his own hands as much as possible!

Thinking of this.

Luo Duo didn't hesitate at all, and simply put away the bow and arrow with a special luster in his hand, and then issued an order to all the dark camp legions.



He glanced at the distant sky, always looking coldly at his chosen one.

He was speechless.

After all this time.

This guy actually did something that didn't benefit him at all.

"You're just bored."


He cursed Xu Ran secretly.

Luo Duo immediately issued the order to retreat.

As a legendary strongman who has been in charge of the major legions of the Dark Camp for many years, Luo Duo's command ability is as terrifying as his strength.

With just one order.

All the legion members of the Dark Camp put down their weapons.

The long-range units on the city wall.

At this moment, they all ran towards the city at a very fast speed.

Those NPCs who were fighting against the million-strong army from the Eternal Camp outside the city also withdrew from the battle.

They obeyed the orders.

They didn't panic or hesitate at all.

They directly let the NPCs in the front row who were still in a fierce battle and couldn't get away sacrifice their lives to buy time for the vast majority of their companions.

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