"Get ready for battle!"

"Those dirty and cruel invaders are coming!"

"Let's count, how many people are there here?"

"The leaders of all the major groups report the number of people to me!"

In [Silver Wasteland], an NPC from Xu Ran's epic-level legion shouted loudly.

Just now.

As a rare NPC with an epic template and special ability [Almighty Command].

Lore was personally designated as the commander-in-chief of the battlefield.

Of course.

After this title, there is also a temporary.

The reason for letting Lohr serve as battlefield commander.

It's because there are too many players.

And because no one is convinced by anyone.

They simply proposed that whoever had more people would be responsible for commanding.

But no one expected it.

The largest number of people turned out to be the Imperial Guard Corps under Xu Ran!

And after a very tacit understanding of the game.

The major forces actually agreed to this proposal, allowing the heroic and beautiful NPC Lore to take command of the battlefield.

They even asked for instructions on the camp channel.

Xu Ran quite agreed with this.

He originally planned to manipulate the battle situation so that the dark camp army would only have about four to five million left in the end.

I'm wondering how to implement this idea.

The players gave him a chance, an opportunity to "fight match-fixing" in an upright manner.

This time.

Most of the teleported players are high-level and well-equipped elite players from various major forces.

Although they are not as powerful as NPCs.

But in terms of numbers, it can offset some of the disadvantages.

Up to now.

Including the players who were originally teleported, the number of players in the battlefield has accumulated to a terrifying number.

27 million!

As time passes by.

This number continues to grow.

According to Xu Ran's estimate.

When the battle begins, 30 million players will fight against the enemy in this vast area at the same time.

This is absolutely a terrible number.

Even the battlefield was completely crowded.

And as the number of players expands.

On the contrary, it speeded up the time of contact with the dark camp army.


"Kill me, brothers!"

"These guys can't even compete with the 15 million players in Winter City. Why are they trying to fight us?"

"Uh-huh, that's the defense of the main city..."

"Disturbing the morale of the army, kick him out!"



With the arrival of the dark camp army.

All the players also took out their weapons and rushed forward amidst their unique noises.





The regular army is indeed extraordinary.

The sound of war drums.

Trumpet sound.

As the two sides completely started fighting, the sound echoed across the vast wasteland at this moment.

In an instant.

The previous siege of [Winter City] failed, and the morale of the dark camp dropped a lot, but its morale was restored again.

But here's the surprise.

The morale of the players has also improved a lot.

Although there is no specific buff effect, after all, they are the enemy's war drums and horns.

But for players.

Who are you not listening to?

Just be energetic!

With the uniform footsteps of the dark camp sweeping in.

30 million quantity.

There were enough players to crowd this vast wasteland, and they all rushed towards the enemy in the form of multiple legions, one to protect four.

It can only be said that the ideal is very full.

But the reality is very skinny.

At the beginning, all players wanted to play the "one to four" tactic with the largest number of players in history.

But they soon found out.

If 30 million players are really crowded together, it will be no different from committing suicide.

if that is the case.

Only the front piece of the human shield was being beaten.

The remote professions at the back can't even touch the enemy's clothes.

So under the command of Lore.

Although the "advanced" one-guarantee-four tactics are still followed, the lineup is organized into legions.

Not only that.

She also set up multiple detours and sneak attack legions.

All of them are assassin-type professions with high attack speed, low health, and fast movement.

The number is about 3 million.

They all have stealth skills and will launch sneak attacks on the auxiliaries and nannies in the dark camp army invisibly.

Of course.

As a third-turn NPC.

Even the wet nurse may not be something that players can readily handle in the second round.

So Luo Er formed another knighthood under Xu Ran's instruction.

These knights all have mounts with fairly good movement speeds, and their equipment is also passable.

When the buff is full and the aura is covered.

Have the ability to temporarily withstand the opponent's pressure.

They will become a heavy hammer.

Assault on the nannies and long-range units of the dark camp army from the side and rear, tearing a large hole open.

Then let the assassin, who is as sharp as a dagger, attack the legion, quickly cut into it, and cause a fatal blow!

Kill the milk first.

This is the most important principle on the battlefield.

When Lore proposed this plan, all player forces expressed their admiration.

That alone.

This commander is quite capable.

Perhaps not even one-tenth of his own, but enough.

Thinking at the same time.

All the major forces sent out elite assassins and knights to cooperate with Lor's command with all their strength.



As the battle began.

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely.

Lor officially issued an order.


The 2 million knights took a roundabout way to a distance, and then attacked from the side and rear of the enemy!

And the 3 million assassins had already left the rear first.

In silence.

They had already gone to the agreed location through the stealth skill.

Once the knights tore a hole in the enemy's back row, they would come like a shadow.

At that time.

They turned into sharp sickles and harvested all the heads of the enemy's back row squishy and nurse professions!

Time passed by every second.

Just when the Knights made a circuitous half circle and were about to approach the rear of the enemy.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the NPC knight in black armor and his fast-moving mount appeared in their field of vision.

"What the hell?"

"Is this the sneak attack army of the Dark Camp?"

"Could it be that they are using the same tactics as Lor's wife?"

"Nonsense, Lor is obviously my wife!"

"She's mine, mine..."


As soon as these words came out.

The president of the Dynasty, who was in charge of commanding the Knights, couldn't help but frown.

What time is it?

Are they still discussing these things about NPC wives?

But Lor is really good-looking.

It's that kind of cool feeling.

While thinking, the president of the Dynasty Guild became serious.

"I'm afraid they are using the same tactics. Maybe a lot of assassin NPCs are not far away!"

"Let's hold our ground and wait for them to get there."


The president of the Dynasty Guild seemed to remember something and gave another order to a player behind him who was moving very fast.

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