the reason is simple.

Recruiting ordinary NPCs requires resources.

To recruit epic-quality NPCs in batches, extremely rare and expensive resources such as [Mithril], [Sulfur], and [Crystal] must be consumed.

This is also the reason why the mithril veins will cause the two camps to snatch them at all costs.

But for now.

Xu Ran can't use these extremely rare resources yet.

So far.

The highest NPC recruitment quality unlocked by the eternal camp is dark gold level.

There are legends and epics on it!

This is an essential process for the development of the camp, and even he cannot ignore it.

Moreover, being able to recruit a red-gold-level NPC legion was only possible with the massive growth accumulated through the only eternal-level talent [10,000-fold reward].

But there is good news.

If your guess is correct.

Recruiting an NPC legion can also trigger this unique eternal talent.

In this way, its quality can be upgraded from the red gold level to the corresponding level, and a jaw-dropping transformation will occur!

This is also the confidence that Xu Ran can break up with the dark camp and even play tricks on the other party.

Without any hesitation.

Xu Ran immediately initiated recruitment.

[Tip: Do you want to recruit a red-gold-level NPC—the Wither Swordsman? 】

[Tip: This recruitment is a batch recruitment, and the recruitment price is 20,000 gold coins. Please select the specific number you want to recruit! 】

[Tip: Do you want to recruit a red-gold-level NPC—the Great Judgment Mage? 】

[Tip: This recruitment is a batch recruitment, and the recruitment price is 30,000 gold coins. Please select the specific number you want to recruit! 】

[Tip: Whether to recruit red gold level...]


As prompts sounded.

Multiple choices appeared in front of Xu Ran.

These correspond to the qualities of the NPC legion that he can recruit the most, covering basically all professions.

There are even some special hidden professions among them.

Xu Ran couldn't help but cry out for blood.


He found that the price of the NPC recruited this time seemed to be much higher than the last time.

He remembered clearly.

When I was redeeming my military rank in [Ice City].

He used props to temporarily increase his military rank to the seventh level, and obtained permission to recruit red-gold NPCs [Excellent Swordsmen].

The recruitment price at that time, if I remember correctly, should have been 14,000 gold coins!

And even so.

Under the influence of ten thousand times the reward.

These red-gold-level [Excellent Swordsmen] have also been upgraded to epic-level terrifying qualities.

Ninth-level epic NPC - the fearless and outstanding swordsman!

This is definitely an unimaginable transformation.

Because according to common sense, the [10,000 times reward] should only strengthen it into an eighth-level legendary NPC.

But something different has happened to [Excellent Swordsman].

Although the fearless and outstanding swordsman of the ninth level is considered the weakest level among the epic levels.

But an epic is an epic.

Facing the first-level legendary level, even if the level and equipment are slightly worse, it is enough to cause a crushing force!

But now, the price of this batch of red gold quality NPCs all exceeds that of the previous [Excellent Swordsmen].

Does that mean.

Will this group of NPCs also become epic-level powerhouses?

If so.

Then its corresponding strength will be raised to a terrifying level.

Maybe it's not enough to compare with the Eternal Guards who master the laws of space, but it won't be too far away.

The laws he masters probably correspond to at least the main god level!

So Xu Ran didn't hesitate anymore.

time does not wait.

With a wave of his hand, he directly started mass recruitment.

as far as I can tell.

He can also recruit a full army of 7 million people.

So he simply recruited 2 million [Wither Swordsmen]!

According to its name.

These red gold NPCs called [Wither Swordsmen] will be upgraded to legendary or even epic quality once they are [Ten Thousand Times Reward].

The law he masters should be the god-level law of death!

"Start recruiting!"

Time is urgent.

Xu Ran didn't have time to do a lot of ink.

As he made his choice, the beep sounded as expected.

[Tip: Do you want to recruit seventh-level withered swordsmen (red gold level) in batches at the price of 20,000 gold coins? 】


"The number is 2 million!"

[Tip: We are recruiting in batches. The NPCs being recruited this time are seventh-level wither swordsmen (red gold level)! 】

[Tip: You have successfully recruited seventh-level withered swordsmen (red gold level), the number is 2 million! 】

A brush sound.

As the beep sounds.

After countless players rushed to the battlefield, countless figures suddenly appeared in the [Ice City] that fell into silence and silence.

There were fully two million Withered Swordsmen, all of whom uniformly expressed their highest loyalty to Xu Ran!

However this is just the beginning.

When the recruitment was completed, the unique light of [Ten Thousand Times Reward] suddenly shone.

Like a shower of light.

Under the bright sunshine of the morning, it covered every [Wither Swordsman]'s body.

[Tip: The ten thousand times increase is successful, and the quality of the rewards you receive has been upgraded from red gold level to epic level! 】

[Tip: You have successfully recruited 2 million ninth-order Withered Blade Great Swordsmen (epic level)! ]

[Tip: It is detected that you have a territory and a main city. Please select the designated territory or main city and deploy the recruited legion there! ]

Different from before.

As the leader of the camp, Xu Ran has supreme authority.

He can designate these recruited NPCs and deploy them to the main cities and territories he owns.

Currently, the only main cities he owns are [Ice City] and [Skeleton City].

The latter is obviously not suitable.

After all, the inability to march and teleport quickly is a disadvantage.

Xu Ran decided to repair this [Skeleton City] in the lost world when he has time.

After all, this magnificent main city comparable to the royal cities of the two major camps contains far more "wealth" than ordinary main cities.

In addition.

There is also an [Eternal City].


At present, it is the most appropriate choice for these NPCs to be deployed in [Ice City].

What's more,

At this time, Xu Ran was in this newly rebuilt magnificent city, and he saw with his own eyes the appearance of the two million epic-level legions that had just been recruited under his command.

So he planned to arrange all the legions to be recruited next here.

While thinking.

Xu Ran looked at these recruited ninth-level epic NPC legions, and his heart was inevitably a little excited.

Sure enough, he was not wrong.

The only eternal-level talent really worked.

Not only did it upgrade these [Withering Swordsmen] corresponding to the red gold quality to the ninth-level epic quality.

And the laws they mastered also corresponded to the word withering.

The law of death!

The corresponding law is the law of the main god level!

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