As expected.

Once these NPCs corresponding to each profession are recruited under his command, [Ten Thousand Times Reward] can still exert its terrible effect.

Directly upgrade it to epic quality!

So there is no hesitation.

Xu Ran directly starts to choose the right profession.

At present.

He has recruited a total of 4 million warriors and magic professions.

The current upper limit of the number of NPCs that can be recruited by the Eternal Camp is 8 million.

Deducting the previous million legendary and epic armies, as well as these 4 million epic warriors and magic profession NPCs, there are still 3 million away from the recruitment limit.

3 million.

In the eyes of others, it may be an astronomical figure.

But Xu Ran, who has experienced the final war of extinction in the previous life, has always remained calm in his heart.

In the late stage of the game.

The two major camps of darkness and light can easily dispatch tens of millions of troops, and there is no pressure at all.

And once it reaches the late stage of the game.

There will even be tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of grand scenes.

These are even commonplace later.

But for now.

Ten million troops.

For the two camps, it should be the limit.

After all, they haven't torn their faces completely.

Basically, what happened were small-scale battles and frictions.


When logistics and war preparations are not fully deployed, the two camps should not send out more legions.

So this 8 million troops should be considered a force that cannot be ignored.


What Xu Ran has to do is very simple.

Select suitable targets from other types of professions, and then recruit the remaining 3 million places.

Gold coins?

Not a problem at all.

So far.

The teleportation fee paid by the players this time alone is enough to meet the resources needed for recruitment under the effect of [10,000 times reward].

There is even some surplus.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran looked at the recruitment panel.

In addition to the warrior and magic professions, he can recruit professions such as knights, priests, assassins, hunters, that is, archers.

In "Eternity".

There are no useless professions.

Whether it is a warrior, a knight, or a priest, an assassin, etc., there are certain shortcomings and strengths.

And his way of choosing a profession is also very simple.

According to the current lineup, he arranges the priority of recruitment according to the actual combat situation.

In other words.

All professions are worth recruiting.

But the details of recruitment should be reasonably arranged according to the actual situation.

For example, professions that have little impact on the current situation will be temporarily put aside here.

When the upper limit of the troops is increased later, they will be recruited under his command.

For Xu Ran, who has the memory of his previous life.

This kind of thing is extremely simple.

He knows the role of each type of soldier, and understands all the matching methods.

Form an army.

It is often composed of several parts.

The first is the front row meat shield.

This is very important.

If there is no front row with high enough defense and blood volume, even if the [Withered Blade Great Swordsman] has high damage and terrifying strength, it will be consumed by the enemy's long-range units first.

And even if he forcibly withstands the offensive and completes the face-to-face.

These melee professions will also be hindered by the enemy's front-line meat shields.

This is the relationship between restraint and being restrained.

So if you want to achieve good results and reduce the casualties of the army, you must have a sufficient number of front-line meat shields.

In "Eternity".

Generally, there are two professions that can produce qualified meat shields.

They are the shield guards of the warrior profession.

There is also the heavy knight.

The former has extreme defense and terrible control effects, and is the best partner for damage resistance.

As for the latter, although the defense and control are lower.

But the combination of heavy armor and mount charge can give it higher kinetic energy and impact force, while resisting damage, it can also deal shocking damage.

One has extreme defense and terrible control.

One can carry and fight, and its mobility is far superior to the former.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Basically, it depends on the actual situation.

In normal times.

Xu Ran would definitely choose to have all.

But now, he only has 3 million recruitment quotas.


That's not very realistic.

So after Xu Ran briefly analyzed his situation, he chose the latter.

Recruit heavy knights!

The reason is very simple.

As an epic NPC legion, the defense of [Withered Blade Great Swordsman] is already quite good.

Even compared with the third-level peak shield guards of the dark camp, it may not be inferior.

And the epic [Judgment Grand Mage] has a terrible control effect.

So according to his current lineup.

Shield guards are obviously not as high in priority as heavy knights.

After all, the best defense.

Is to crush the enemy into pieces directly.


Heavy knights have another terrible role.

That is charging.

If Xu Ran can recruit one million heavy knights, it will be enough to set off a charging feast that will make the enemy tremble.

Once they all charge.

These one million heavy knights will turn into a heavy hammer and smash into the enemy's army.

It will tear a big hole in it.

The effect is definitely better than being beaten unilaterally.

So Xu Ran did not hesitate.

The NPC he was going to recruit next was the heavy knight!

[Prompt: Do you want to recruit the seventh-level frost heavy knights (red gold level) in batches at the price of 30,000 gold coins? ]

The prompt sounded again.

Xu Ran decisively chose the most ideal number of recruitments in his mind.


"The number is 1 million!"

[Prompt: Batch recruitment is in progress, and the NPCs recruited this time are the seventh-level frost heavy knights (red gold level)! ]

[Prompt: You have successfully recruited the seventh-level frost heavy knights (red gold level), the number is 1 million! ]

In an instant.

A magnificent scene appeared.

A full million majestic figures wearing frost armor and riding frost war horses appeared in front of him.

At the same time.

The only eternal talent [10,000 times reward] also takes effect at this moment.

[Tip: The 10,000 times increase is successful, and the quality of the reward you get has been upgraded from the red gold level to the epic level! ]

[Tip: You have successfully recruited 9th-level Ice Heavy Armored Knights (epic level), the number is 1 million! ]

[Tip: It is detected that you have a territory and a main city, please select the designated territory or main city and deploy the recruited legion there! ]

Same as the previously recruited legions.

These [Ice Heavy Armored Knights] who were upgraded to the epic level by [10,000 times reward] were also deployed in the Ice City.

No exceptions.

You can see it from their names.

These epic-quality heavy-armored knights have the awakened attribute of the Frost Law.

And the most astonishing thing is.

The towering mounts under them also maintain the same quality.

All are epic!

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