"So crazy?"

"Is it because of the movement here?"

He also got an idea of ​​the reason for the commotion among the players in the World Channel.

I really didn't expect it.

All the reasons are related to the fact that he recruited millions of NPC legions and then opened the teleportation array.

Xu Ran couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this.

He had no intention of annihilating all the enemies.

Otherwise, who will you fight with?

Who can be blackmailed?

Light camp?

Stop it.

If the dark camp's army of nearly ten million is really wiped out, then there is only one way for him to go.

Forget about the bright camp and simply seize the [Silver Fortress] directly.

And in this case.

It will be a big loss.

The kind that suffers from blood loss.

It's really better to use the dark camp as a wage earner, and then use blackmail to obtain a more generous reward of ten thousand times.

He even had an idea in his heart.

At that time, some tasks will be released, allowing players to pretend to besiege the [Light Camp] with a small number of troops, and then continue to plunder the resources in their veins.

This will put a certain amount of pressure on the dark camp.

Let it send a large number of NPC legions to consolidate the interests here.

Otherwise, the light camp is not a vegetarian.

Sooner or later, the [Silver Camp] will be eaten away.

Therefore, the original intention of recruiting these millions of NPC troops was not to wipe out the nearly ten million troops of the dark camp.

Instead, a battle line must be deployed to surround the [Silver Fortress] into an airtight area.

Then create the illusion that you are attacking.

In fact, they are protecting the [Silver Fortress] and kidnapping the remaining NPC legions of the dark camp.

Therefore, the current players are simply overthinking.

How could I possibly cut off their "financial path"?

After all, as a qualified leek.

Every time they kill an enemy NPC, they can also provide Xu Ran with a part of the commission reward.

Not the same as the players.

Under the influence of the only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward].

The benefits he gained far exceeded everyone else!

Just thinking about it.

All the main city-level teleportation arrays in [Ice City] are already emitting bright and shining light.

This means.

They are already fully activated.

In order to ensure the efficiency of teleportation and marching, Xu Ran built a total of 20 main city-level teleportation arrays in one go when he rebuilt the main city based on the epic template blueprint.

Although a huge amount of gold coins were consumed.

But time is life.

Marching efficiency is what he values ​​most.


There are tens of millions or even nearly 100 million players working hard for themselves, so there is no need to worry about gold coins for the time being.

"Start teleportation!"

Because of this, this magnificent and towering main city staged an extremely shocking scene.

A total of seven million members of the epic NPC legion stepped onto the teleportation array at the same moment!

Then the teleportation between the main cities was started!

Since part of the directional teleportation array was removed by Xu Ran, the teleportation destination he chose was the main city near the fighting battlefield.

[Tip: The transmission is in progress, and the destination is Winter City! 】

[Tip: The transmission is in progress, and the destination is Winter City! 】

[Tip: Since Winter City is the main city of the allied camp, you have special permission and will be exempted from the transmission fee! 】

[Tip: Since Winter City is the main city of the allied camp, you have...]


in prompts after prompts.

The figures of these millions of troops all disappeared into the teleportation array in [Ice City].

Only afterimages were left on the spot, quickly dissipating in the air.

"It seems the real show is about to begin."

"I just don't know if the actor's acting skills this time will be as bad as before."


Xu Ran's figure also disappeared into the teleportation array.

In previous lives.

The two major camps and the neutral chaotic camp, as well as each of them, have had many secret cooperation and related plans.

It is different from the bright camp's furious acting, which can be called actor-level acting.

The dark camp will reveal its intentions and ideas very quickly every time.

But because each has his own agenda.

So it's not a big problem.

But this is only for the two camps, and there is no big problem.

For example, some other forces caught in the undercurrent often suffer big losses because of this.

Just like the Frost Empire in the previous life.

As the war between the two camps officially started, the senior management of the Frost Empire relied on their superb acting skills to act like a loyal force in the pretend fight with the dark camp.

As a result, it has been sought after and praised by countless players, including the light camp.

Even in terms of resources, there has been a huge tilt.

But the dark camp, which cooperated with the Frost Empire, pulled back at the critical moment.

Just like [Ice City] and [Silver Fortress] this time.

As the army of the dark camp approaches the city.

The legions of the Frost Empire all evacuated like a tide.

According to common sense.

The dark camp should cut through the mess quickly, occupy [Silver Fortress] directly, and then concentrate their forces to attack [Ice City].

After all, this is the only way for them to provide logistics or transport resources.

But who would have thought.

Not only did the tens of millions of troops in the dark camp not think of this, but they continued to fight with [Winter City].

As a result, they missed the opportunity and provided some help for Xu Ran's plan.


Xu Ran was very worried.

He was worried that the plan between him and the dark camp would be exposed by these poorly acting ruffians.

So he made a plan B.

Once a special situation occurs.

This NPC army of millions of epic quality is his ultimate trump card to solve the problem.

What's more.

He also has the rumored mythical staff.

If this play has not been finished and it is about to be finished.

Then he doesn't mind performing a temporary extra play!

[Hint: You have entered Winter City! ]

[Hint: Since the camp you control is in an alliance with the camp to which the main city belongs, you have most of the camp's permissions. Please check the permission panel for specific content! ]

Just thinking.

The prompt sound rang.

His figure slowly emerged in the main city-level teleportation array.

Countless players were stunned.

Of course.

They had been stunned for a while.

Because when Xu Ran emerged from the main city teleportation array.

The countless epic legions had already arrived at the main city crowded with players through the teleportation array.

As a result, there were so many people here that it was hard to get in.

And his appearance.

It made many players smell a hint of conspiracy.

"Fuck, is this the chosen boss?"

"Why is he here? Shouldn't he go out and fight the army of the dark camp?"

"Based on my previous understanding of this guy, if he fights obediently, there will generally be no waves, but if he appears somewhere else, he must be holding back bad water and wants to trick the enemy!"

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