Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 201 Collaboration is successful and actors are in place

Until Xu Ran left.

Luo Duo was always in a state of shock and confusion.

He really didn't expect it.

This adventurer who single-handedly created the eternal camp would come up with such a crazy plan.

He even made such a bold move.

Let him, a legendary powerhouse and the legion commander of the dark camp, become a pawn placed in the dark camp, and then he must cooperate with him in a play.

This can simply be called "hard-core persuasion to surrender"!

Who would have thought.

Luo Duo himself actually agreed to this request.

And he made such a crazy and bold deal with Xu Ran.

The transaction content is divided into four items.

First: Under the command of Luo Duo, the army of the dark camp will try their best to defend the [Silver Fortress], but they will not be able to launch a real attack on the army of the eternal camp.

Second: Under the command and layout of Luo Duo, all mithril veins and other rare ores mined from the [Silver Fortress] must pay tolls and protection fees if they want to be transported back to the dark camp.

The amount is in Xu Ran’s words.

Fair enough.


Xu Ran will take 50% of it as tolls and protection fees, and then ensure that it is safe and sound along the way, and he will not rob it.

However, Luo Duo obviously couldn't trust Xu Ran.

So he took the initiative to formulate a payment method, which made Xu Ran particularly speechless.

50% of the tolls and protection fees paid will be distributed to the Eternal Camp in a commissioned manner.

This also avoids the despicable practice of Xu Ran taking the reward first and then sending someone to snatch it away.

Hear this.

Xu Ran complained that Luo Duo was really rude for thinking of himself like this.

But in my heart I am extremely happy.

the reason is simple.

He was worried about how to convince Luo Duo to pay tolls and protection fees through entrustment.

As soon as I fell asleep, someone brought me a pillow.

But he couldn't agree too much.

After some pretentiousness and furious acting without a blushing face or a heartbeat, Luo Duo made a concession full of guilt.

If these ores and strategic materials can be returned intact to the dark camp.

He will also provide generous other resources.

This operation.

Xu Ran almost died.

Who would have thought.

The commander-in-chief of the Eternal Camp Legion, who was previously so powerful and confident, has now become so humble.

He couldn't help but lament the impermanence of the world.

But little does he know.

Everything seemed to be caused by him.

In his plan, if Luo Duo had not been in such a bad state, how could he have agreed to so many excessive conditions?

Of course.

Xu Ran also showed great sincerity.

Otherwise, Luo Duo wouldn't be as well-behaved as he is now.

And the third transaction content.

This is Xu Ran’s sincerity!

Third: Under the next plan of the Eternal Camp, Rodo will gain command of the remaining Dark Camp army.

that's enough.

As a veteran legendary powerhouse, his strength is quite terrifying.

Just give him a chance.

Let him take command of the remaining dark camp army.

The next thing will be left to Luo Duo.

If he couldn't bring those dark camp armies under his command, then everything would be meaningless.

It is absolutely impossible for Xu Ran to cultivate a waste.

And Luo Duo's pride will not tolerate his own failure.

So the two hit it off immediately.

For Rodo.

Giving up 50% of mithril and other rare ores is not a problem at all for him.

As a senior member of the dark camp military.

If he has no troops under his command, it will basically be the same as sunset.


What is that?

Dark camp.

The weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected.

As long as he has enough troops in his hands, his voice will increase accordingly.


Even if 50% of this mineral vein is given away, it is much better than leaving it all to the light camp.

Anyway, it's all for free.

Give half.

He was even more relieved.

After all, this is the case.

Even if it is a secretly designated deal, nothing will happen to the Eternal Camp.

After all, this 50% gain is equivalent to tying the two camps to the same warship.

As long as there is nothing wrong with your mind.

Neither party will do anything secretly.


I just hope that the chosen one can fulfill his promise and nothing goes wrong.

According to the news passed from the distant battlefield.

He is aware of the current situation in the eternal camp.

Take chestnuts from the fire.


It's definitely a tightrope thing to walk.

Once successful, both he and Xu Ran will make a lot of money.

But if it fails.

It seems that if he fails, only Luo Duo will bear the consequences of failure.

There is no big loss at all.

So it must succeed!

After Luo Duo thought of this, he secretly made up his mind.


He must also cooperate with the eternal camp to put on this good show.

After reaching an agreement.

Luo Duo returned to the front wall of [Silver Fortress].

But Xu Ran and the millions of troops were still standing quietly in the steep valley.


At some point, a sudden blizzard covered the area tightly.

As part of the territory of the Frost Empire.

The coldness of [Winter City] is even higher than that of [Ice City].

In these areas.

Almost every few days, there will be blizzards with endless power.

So there is no sense of disobedience when such a scene appears here.

But only Luo Duo knows.

This sudden blizzard is definitely not caused by natural weather.

It is a shocking scene created by a creature that masters the law of frost and relies on the degree of mastery of the breath of the law!

Even if it is not a player.

All the NPCs with extremely high intelligence know an unchanging rule.

Only creatures above the legendary level have the ability to master the law.

Of course.

Except for Xu Ran, this exception.

And based on the scope and scale covered by this magnificent and vast blizzard, Luo Duo can draw a conclusion with his years of experience and the eyesight of a legendary strongman.

A creature that can trigger a blizzard of this scale.

It already has the terrifying power to change the terrain.

Its specific quality is definitely not as simple as the legendary level.

It is more like the epic level!

When he thought of this.

Luo Duo couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Who would have thought.

This adventurer called the Chosen One would actually have such a trump card.

He even had a vague premonition.

This is definitely not the biggest card in the Chosen One's hand.

Perhaps everyone underestimated this newly created camp, and even more underestimated this very courageous adventurer.

He really looks forward to that day.

The day when the two major camps see the true strength of the Chosen One and the Eternal Camp.

And when that time comes.

Luo Duo believes that the expressions of the top leaders of the two camps will be very, very exciting.

Of course.

Now is not the time to think about this.

What he has to do next is to play the part he has to play well.

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