As soon as the words fell.

A commander who was looking at the sky touched the tip of his nose.

A snowflake happened to fall on his nose, and the sharp coldness like a blade quickly bloomed.

He shuddered.

As a strong man who had reached the peak of the third level and obtained the final recognition of his profession.

According to common sense.

He should not be afraid of the coldness brought by the blizzard.

Maybe it was cold.

But it was not enough to cause such an impact.

This snowflake actually made him shiver.

It was very unreasonable.

"This is..."

"It's snowing?"

Hearing his words, several commanders beside him were also surprised.

I don't know when.

The sky became gloomy.

One by one, snowflakes were falling from the sky.

The biting coldness.

It was like a sudden sharp blade, making them shrink their necks unexpectedly.


The howling wind suddenly came, mixed with endless coldness.


A strange blizzard appeared above the [Silver Fortress] at lightning speed.

"What kind of weather is this?"

"Are all the blizzards in the Frost Empire so weird?"

"Now I finally know why the reinforcements have to bypass it!"

Feeling the terrifying power of the blizzard, the five commanders of the main army of the dark camp were stunned.

The two camps have not fought a full-scale war for countless years.

Although there are often small-scale frictions and battles, the NPCs of the dark camp have never penetrated into the territory of the light camp like this time.

So their understanding of the Frost Empire is also some words they have learned from the bards and neutral merchants.

I have heard that the weather in the Frost Empire is weird.

The blizzard came as soon as it came.

Now these NPCs of the dark camp can be regarded as seeing it once.

So there is no hesitation at all.

The commanders of the main armies of the Dark Camp issued orders one after another.

"Everyone hurry into the city!"

"Get into the fortress as soon as possible before this damn blizzard falls!"

"I hope this damn weather can delay the footsteps of the equally damned enemy."

"Haha, I hope there will be strong liquor and women in this fortress to warm me up."

"Don't say it, let's not stay here after the army enters the city."

"Yes, the people of the Eternal Camp are right behind."


After a series of orders were issued.

The armies of the Dark Camp all rushed towards the fortress frantically.

But due to the huge disparity in numbers.

They decided to divide the remaining millions of troops into three parts.

Led by several commanders, they went to other city gates to enter this quiet fortress.


The millions of Dark Camp troops were divided into three parts, each of which was about two million.

While staring at the blizzard brewing above their heads in amazement.

They rushed towards other city gates.

The NPCs of the dark camp didn't know.

Not just them.

At this time, even the players who accepted the task and frantically dug trenches beside the city wall were stunned.

This scene.

Who the hell has seen it?


As the "natives" of the Frost Empire, all players have never seen a blizzard of this scale.

On weekdays.

There will be similar weather.

But there is no exception.

Even the weirdest extreme weather has never been as sudden as it is now.

And the scale is much inferior.

"Wow, this is a blizzard covering most of the fortress. I really learned a lot!"

"Brothers, don't you think something is wrong?"

"This blizzard seems to give me an extremely terrible sense of oppression, just like the boss releasing a full-map skill!"

"Don't say it, I feel the same way!"

"Also, what is the chosen boss doing? Why did he let the main force of the dark camp enter the city?"

"I always feel like he is ambushing in secret!"

"Maybe this blizzard is what he made."

"Fuck, isn't that a forbidden spell?"

"Just wait and see."


The players worked hard to dig trenches while resisting the severe cold.

They had no intention of entering the fortress.

I heard from others.

This [Silver Fortress] seemed to have been washed by the NPC's forbidden spell before.

Although it has dissipated after this period of time.

On the surface, there is no residual toxin.

But in fact,

The deadly toxin is hidden everywhere. If you stay here for a long time, you will definitely fall into a state of poisoning.

Of course.

The toxin has been diluted by air and time, and it is not fatal.

But who wants to be poisoned?

In contrast.

It doesn't matter if it's a little colder.

Including Xu Ran.

Almost all players have adjusted all kinds of negative perceptions to the lowest.

Even if it's severe cold, it won't be too uncomfortable.


They are very itchy in their hearts at this time.

Looking at the situation in front of them.

The chosen boss should be playing a big game.

And the specific content makes countless players feel extremely curious.

Just thinking.

The main forces of the dark camp, divided into three parts, arrived at the corresponding other city gates one after another.

After the ann, they quickly poured into the [Silver Fortress].

However, at this time.

Snowflakes fell down quickly.

Like a huge white curtain, it blocked everyone's sight.

That's right.

It fell!

Countless winds and snows with extremely cold breath actually fell directly.

A blizzard that made everyone feel terrified finally came!

"Strange, this blizzard doesn't lose blood."

"Yes, the last time I encountered a blizzard in the Desolate Valley, it deducted 50 points of blood per second!"

"It seems wrong."

The players were stunned.

This is the first time they have seen a blizzard that does not lose blood.

In this case.

It seems that there is only one possibility.

That is skill!

This blizzard, which is so magnificent that it can shock countless lives, is probably not natural weather.

It is a forbidden spell released by a terrible strong man.

In addition, there is no blood loss.

Many players had a bold idea in their minds.

As a member of the Eternal Camp.

As the most loyal lackey of the Chosen Boss.

Could it be.

This blizzard is a forbidden spell-level skill created by the Chosen Boss?

Just thinking.

A series of regional announcements rang in the ears of these players, which completely confirmed their guesses.

[Regional Announcement (Silver Fortress): The Chosen One, the Supreme Commander of the Eternal Camp, chose to launch a siege against the Silver Fortress, successfully triggering the fortress attack and defense battle! ]

[Regional Announcement (Silver Fortress): All players of the same camp in the area near the Silver Fortress can participate in this fortress attack and defense battle, and have a chance to get rich rewards and a large number of camp-exclusive points! ]

[Regional Announcement (Silver Fortress): Since the enemy of this fortress attack and defense battle is the opposing camp...]

Seeing this scene.

Countless players showed incredible expressions on their faces.

Who would have thought.

The attack and defense battle came so suddenly.

However, something they had never expected also emerged in the next second.

When the regional announcement sounded and the fortress attack and defense battle began, a special kill announcement followed closely and rang in the ears of all players.

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