"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

"The skill did not take effect. The skill deflected to one side! The skill will fall into the army of the light camp!"

"It's so cooperative, I'm all numb!"

"If you say this, wouldn't it mean that the chosen boss is going to completely fall out with the light camp?"

"The dark camp kills people and kills people, but it is so cunning. I must catch the succubus and punish it severely in the future!"


Players saw this scene.

Everyone couldn't help but sweat for Xu Ran.

So far.

Many players from the two camps, as Xu Ran's image becomes more and more grand in their hearts, their sense of belonging to the eternal camp is gradually increasing.

This also caused the entire 1.3 million elite legions of the Light camp to be locked by the aura of the Law of Destruction, and they didn't even make any big waves.

On the contrary, he is worried about the eternal camp.

Worrying about whether this will completely break up with the light camp, leading to the start of a full-scale war.

But soon.

Some players have put forward different opinions.

Although this attack was a siege equipment from the eternal camp, its attack direction was deflected by the dark camp.

So your light camp suffered heavy losses, what does that have to do with the eternal camp?

But everything happens in an instant.

Before the players could discuss a few words.

The black-purple light beam from the cannon of magic-charged destruction has penetrated the 1.3 million light camp army.


After a loud noise.

The light shield guard in the front row was hit first.

this moment.

Even though these are elite troops from the light camp, every member has at least the strength of the third level.

Some of the NPCs have even received final recognition of their professions.

But in front of this beam of light that contains the aura of the ultimate law of destruction, this is not enough.

As the light beam passes through.

The bright shield guards along the way all rotted and withered in the aura of destruction.

But they had no intention of avoiding it.

Instead, he raised the giant shield high in his hand and used his life and shield to delay the light beam's continued penetration.

It is clear.

This approach is relatively correct.

at this moment.

The light pillar composed of the aura of the Law of Destruction seemed to be stuck in the mud, and its spread suddenly slowed down.

And saw this scene.

The legion commander from the light camp immediately made a decision.

"All order professions, activate the shield of the law of order!"

"Combine skills and release!"

As soon as his words fell.


Two and three.

Countless transparent magic shields containing the laws of order all appeared in the air along with the chanting of spells.

And this is just the beginning.

These shields representing order were all put together in the next moment.

In an instant.

A giant light shield that was so thick that it was unimaginable appeared in the army of the light camp.





The next moment, the light pillar and light shield burst out with the ultimate reaction.

Represents the beginning and solid order of everything.

Destruction that represents the end and disappearance of everything.

From beginning to end.

These two mysterious and terrifying laws are always at the two most extreme opposites.

Once we meet.

The two sides will then stage a terrible scene of needles facing each other.

Not only that.

Although neither the Law of Order nor the Law of Destruction can completely suppress the other, they can offset each other.

As long as the party has a numerical advantage, it will often become the winner of the final "suppression" or "elimination" of another law.

It's obvious.

Among the 1.3 million reinforcements from the light camp, some are NPCs like the light shield guards who master other attributes or laws.

But among them, the number of terrifying powerful men who possess the laws of order is not too small.

After all, we can get here first.

It often means that this group of legions has terrifying strength that far exceeds that of other light camp legions.

Judging from the current situation.

Although the bombardment of a beam of light from the magic energy-charged destruction cannon took away the lives of hundreds of thousands of light shield guards.

But the magic shield constructed by the Order Guards at the rear blocked the attack directly in mid-air.



These two terrifying forces are constantly being consumed.

It seems.

There seems to be a certain gap between the two sides.

Perhaps it won't be long before the aura of the Law of Destruction will completely disappear.

The effect of this bombardment.

It should stop here.

See here.

This batch of reinforcements from the light camp couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this legion is the core of the legion core under the control of the light camp.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of members under his command, all of whom have varying degrees of mastery of the laws of order.

Even if the degree of mastery is basically only a trace.

But in the face of such a huge number.

Once combined, they are still a force that cannot be ignored.

At least it should be easy to deal with the beam bombardment from the siege equipment that contains the law of destruction.

So see this scene.

When the army of the Light Camp all breathed a sigh of relief, Luo Duo's eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

How did they kill more than 100,000 people from the Light Camp?

He has now made a secret agreement with the Eternal Camp. For his current situation, of course, he hopes that the Light Camp will suffer as much as possible.

As for the hostility and anger of the Light Camp towards him.

He doesn't care.

After all, as the commander of the Dark Camp's army, the Light Camp has already hated him to the bone.

So seeing this.

Luo Duo couldn't help but turn his eyes back to the direction where Xu Ran was.

Now he only hopes that the magic energy storage destruction cannon can be more powerful, and it would be best to turn on the overload state and blow up all the light dogs.

And he has already prepared the opportunity to activate the forbidden spell again.

While thinking.

Luo Duo has a large number of rare potions in his hand.

Among them, there are legendary quality, and even epic quality potions.

Everything is ready.

All it takes is the east wind.

As long as Xu Ran can have another shot.

Then he could do the same and replicate the previous operation.

It seemed that he sensed Luo Duo's gaze.

Xu Ran also looked to the left at this moment.

Beside him.

This towering magic energy storage destruction cannon, after completing a bombardment, began to charge again.

Luo Duo's guess was correct.

This magic energy storage destruction cannon does have an overload operation mode.

That is commonly known as overload.

According to common sense.

Even if it has not undergone the terrible improvement of the only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward], the legendary quality magic energy storage cannon can also start the overload operation mode.

But this is not stable.

Every time it launches a bombardment, there is a 20% chance of exploding.

Xu Ran also knows this.

So at the beginning, he did not try to start the overload operation mode.

But now it is different.

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