"Is this okay?"


Through telepathy.

The Ancient Ghost Dragon opened its mouth obediently and asked Xu Ran uncertainly.

It didn't know why it did this.

But as a legendary mount that was always loyal to Xu Ran, it would follow the master's orders as always.


As a creature.

A living creature.

The Ancient Ghost Dragon still had its own curiosity.

But just when it was about to ask what it was doing.

An extremely hard object was suddenly thrown into its throat, making the Ancient Ghost Dragon almost unable to react.


"What is this?"

The Ancient Ghost Dragon seemed to have a bad feeling.

It always felt that this thing seemed to be the box dug out from the grave before.

And it seemed to contain a godhead that made it a little scared.

Although it was fake.

It was not a real godhead.

But when the Ancient Ghost Dragon thought of this, the fear in his heart deepened a little.

Look at that unstable look.

I'm afraid it will explode on the spot.

And if the thing explodes in its mouth, won't it become a real ghost?

When it thought of this.

The Ancient Ghost Dragon wanted to spit out the box from its mouth.

But the master hadn't spoken yet.

It would never allow itself to do such a thing, as it had offered all its loyalty to Xu Ran.

But its instinct made it a little scared.

It was afraid of swallowing this thing.


At present, an extremely funny scene was staged directly.

This box containing the fake godhead is now stuck in the throat of the Ancient Ghost Dragon.

It is neither up nor down.

It will not cause any bad effects on its actions and life.

After all, as an Ancient Ghost Dragon.

It does not need to eat.

So there is no need to worry about everything, just right.

"That's it, very good."

It is obvious.

Xu Ran also saw this scene.

His original plan was to let the Ancient Ghost Dragon swallow the box containing the fake godhead directly.

Then when he wanted to use it.

The ancient ghost dragon directly turned into a ghost state.

Without a physical body, the box would naturally fall out of its abdomen.

But now it seems.

There is no need to be so troublesome.

The ancient ghost dragon was sensible and well-behaved, and directly stuck the box in its throat.

As long as it can be taken out at that time, there will be no problem.


Xu Ran even ran into the mouth of the ancient ghost dragon to check whether the box would be stuck.

After finding that there was no problem.

He was relieved.

Patting the ancient ghost dragon's jaw, Xu Ran signaled it not to panic.

This thing will not explode for the time being.

Then, in the eyes of the ancient ghost dragon who looked unbelieving, and then had to believe, he collected the two [Starfire Grass] in the deep pit.

[Starfire Grass] is an extremely special plant.

A plant that only grows in the [Silent Burning Forest], which can be called extremely unique and rare. .

Even with the memory of the previous life.

Xu Ran also only knew two refresh points.

One of them was in the ravine farther away, where many fire dragons were entrenched.

The other one was near the area where Xu Ran was.

The output of the former was far greater than the latter.

According to statistics from players in the previous life.

In the ravine where the fire dragons were entrenched, there were about 10 [Starfire Grass].

Then every two weeks, these collectible plants would refresh once.

And in this unknown tomb where Xu Ran was.

Only one to three [Starfire Grass] would refresh each time.

The refresh time of the two also maintained a high degree of consistency.

Once every two weeks.

There was no error.

This also led to a situation.

As the refresh time and pattern were gradually figured out by the players.

For a long time.

There were countless players squatting in this area.

Of course.

Those here are generally small forces or individual players.

Guilds with real strength can look down on the melons and dates here.

Many large forces have rushed to the ravine where the fire dragons are entrenched, and they did not forget to deal with those dragons in the fight.

I have to say.

The war that broke out here in the previous life was definitely as bloody as the general main city attack and defense war.

There was even a period of time.

The blood flowed like a river here.

The money for players to repair equipment and order takeout was even paid by major guilds.

The reason is very simple.

They found that in this area where [Starfire Grass] grows, this group of fire dragons is not only the BOSS, but also a wild mount that can be captured.

When thinking of the dragon mount.

Almost all players will be moved involuntarily.

This is a fatal attraction that no one can refuse.

What the hell is the silver-quality Liaoyuan warhorse?

You also need to do a special one-month serial task.

What the hell is the gold-quality skeleton warhorse?

Not only do you need the identity of the dark camp, but you also have to brush up your reputation in the Tomb of the Dead to respect, which is simply outrageous.

What kind of dark gold-level flying dragon?

What kind of dark gold level royal griffon?

The exclusive mounts for these two camps not only require a large number of military points and merit points, but also unlock the corresponding military ranks!

These are just pictures of fun.

It’s better to come to [Silent Burning Forest]!

A real dragon!

The cool and unparalleled flames make its appearance full of coercion and handsomeness!

Extremely high flight speed and altitude.

What bullshit gryphons and wyverns are all eating ashes behind and below their butts!

If we say that the Royal Griffin and Wyvern are of dark gold quality, they can be described as Ferrari and Lamborghini.

That kind of flying mount of the giant dragon clan.

Even an ordinary dragon.

It is enough to describe it as a space shuttle or rocket.

So the news of being able to capture these flame dragons as his own mounts was just passed on.

Naturally, an unprecedented war broke out in this area.

Even the NPC forces here have given in.

Let these major guilds, which already have considerable power in the later stages of the game, have a great time.

However, this also caused [Spark Grass] to fall directly into the altar.

Its importance is compared with the dragon mount.

Still not as good as that.

But they don't know.

As the magic medicine of resurrection, [Spark Grass] can not only provide the effect of being resurrected on the spot after death within two hours of use, but also maintaining a full state.

There is also a hidden property.

And the same.

It is this hidden attribute.

The actual effect it can bring is even more terrifying than the artifact under certain circumstances!

Xu Ran remembered clearly.

Only he himself verified the special attribute of [Spark Grass] through accidental collision.


It seems that no one in the previous life knew this news.

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