Tree of Life.

According to rumors and the descriptions of some members of the elves.

This should be a branch of the World Tree.

As time goes by.

This branch grows into the current Tree of Life.

It looks like.

Although this giant tree called the Tree of Life is not as magnificent as imagined, its scale and volume are still enough to shock countless people.


This Tree of Life also has a part of its branches that goes straight through the clouds.

It adds a bit of mystery to it.

In the previous life.

Some players heard about this.

They became very interested and wanted to try to climb the Tree of Life and reach the clouds.

All the reasons came to the group to have a little interest in this.

The reason is very simple.

In the previous life.

A small number of players learned about the news that there was a real World Tree seedling hidden in the forbidden land of the elves.

For a time, many people were looking for the location of the [Moon Well].

But a large-scale search is absolutely impossible.

So many players began to analyze it.

One of the theories mentioned information about the tree of life.

Some people said.

As long as you find a way to avoid the guards of the elves, and then climb to the top of those tree houses.

Then you can climb up the tree of life.

Then keep climbing up.

Keep climbing.

You can climb to the clouds through the slender branches as thick as fingers.

The player who proposed this theory believes.

[Moon Well] provides power for the elves, and it does not have to be very close to this side.

It can use the tree of life that reaches the cloud as a medium and then transmit the core power.


The slender branches that are difficult to detect in the sky are praying for the role of transmitting this power.

What's more.

As a branch of the world tree, the tree of life only has some of its special effects and corresponding "strength".

But its recovery, treatment and blessing can still shock countless players.

After all, no matter how bad it is.

This is also an epic quality tree of life!

Not only that.

The player also put forward a point of view.

As we all know, as the height increases, the temperature will continue to drop.

In the world of "Eternity".

This is even more unquestionable.

Because at high altitudes, the freezing and slowing effects caused by the frost element are enough to deter countless people.

Not to mention the bombardment brought by the thunder attribute.

But since this is a tree of life.

The ubiquitous life breath spreading outward is enough to heal most life-threatening injuries.

It can even bring blessings to players, so that they will not be affected by the harsh environment during the climb.

The premise is to reach a non-hostile relationship with the elves.

Generally speaking.

As long as you are a player in the light camp.

This condition is met from the beginning.

So this is like a method specially designed for players.

A method to find the [Moon Well] as a non-elf member.

The reason is simple.

As long as the elves meet certain conditions.

When performing daily tasks, there is an extremely small chance of brushing the task of cleaning the area around the [Moon Well].

As long as you accept the task.

The player will be automatically teleported to the vicinity of the [Moon Well].

This is also the reason why the Moon Well was discovered by the elf players in the previous life.

So this discovery made by this player.

In fact, it is to allow those non-elf players to successfully find the legendary Moon Well.

However, as soon as this news was spread.

It led to a scene that can be called outrageous.

This seemingly absurd statement actually attracted the attention of many people when it was just proposed.

Then it made countless people fall into heated discussions.

After careful analysis.

A small number of players actually recognized this statement.

Some people even proposed that the Moon Well should exist above the clouds.

It even caused a lot of quarrels and debates at the time.

Of course.

The vast majority of players are complaining that this is a nonsense guess.

Basically no one believes this conclusion.

Including Xu Ran.

He doesn't believe it now.

"The Moon Well is in the sky?"

"Why don't you say that the moon is also in the sky?"

As he said.

Xu Ran's eyes gradually retracted from the Tree of Life.


He will go through the ancient tree question and answer session, and then step into the Elf City that other players cannot enter!

While thinking.

Xu Ran strode directly towards the giant gate formed by the tree house and the tree of life.


As soon as he approached, Xu Ran heard a scolding.

The owner of the voice was an elf.

Her beautiful face was originally full of coldness.

Routinely guarding the Elf City is her most important responsibility.

Nothing else.

But soon.

The expression on the face of this ordinary elf turned into respect and annoyance, and there was also a lot of apology in it.

The reason is very simple.

Although many ordinary elves have never seen the legendary Valkyrie.

There are even many who have only seen the royal blood elves a few times in their entire lives.

Because for those elves with royal blood, except for the elf queen and princess, few people are willing to go out every day.

So at the beginning.

The captain of the elf guard did not recognize Xu Ran's disguised identity as a Valkyrie.

But immediately.

According to the rich law aura emanating from Xu Ran and the unique pressure of the elf superiors, this ordinary elf NPC immediately bowed his head and saluted.

And without any thought, he gave way to the gate.

This level has been passed.


Just pass the ancient tree question and answer.

Looking at the endless tree of life above his head, Xu Ran did not seem to have any expression change.

But in fact.

In his heart, he had already cursed the elves many times.

Idleness hurts.

Why do you need the entire ancient tree question and answer?

What if the question involves some answers he doesn't want to say.

Then he can only leave here.

Destined to lose all fate with the following plot.

"I just hope that the questions are not too hellish."

"I don't know why the tree of life can reflect a trace of the law of truth, it's outrageous."

While muttering.

Xu Ran walked towards the gate composed of the tree of life and the tree house.

According to the memory of the previous life.

Xu Ran has heard a little about the relevant information of the ancient tree question and answer.

As a necessary link to enter the elf clan, the ancient tree question and answer only plays the truth.

No one knows what questions this tree of life will ask.

Maybe it will ask what you ate today.

Or it may ask how many girls you have cheated on.

There are also more private or simpler content, which may also be refreshed.

In short.

The ancient tree question and answer adheres to the principle of randomness.

However, none of this is important.

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