This teleportation array is not an ordinary one.

Even the main city-level teleportation array pales in comparison.

Ultra-long distance.

Ultra-large teleportation scale.

Instant teleportation.

These are its unique advantages.

But such a terrible effect often means that its cost is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

According to estimates.

At the beginning, Yi Fuya should have consumed at least six epic rare-quality items, as well as other materials for building the teleportation array.

Added together.

Even in the late game, it is an extremely terrible number for many large player forces.

It has to be said.

This time, the fallen angel must have made a huge investment.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran suddenly shook his head again.


Except for the members of the elves, it is absolutely difficult for other creatures to set foot in this elf city covered by the magic array.

And if these materials are to be transported from outside, it must be impossible to do.

Don't even think about it.

Because NPCs don't have backpacks like players.

They either choose to carry their belongings with them, or choose to transport them by carriage, mount, etc.

Although the materials needed to build a teleportation array of this scale are not too many.

It is just extremely expensive.

But the guards of the Ancient Tree Questions and the Elf Clan are not vegetarians.

It is already an extremely absurd thing that the Fallen Angel can set foot here.

The latter is impossible to achieve at all.

So before Xu Ran arrived at the Wind Palace, he had already had a rough guess in his mind.

The other creatures in this magnificent palace should not belong to the members of the Fallen Angel.

They should be elves.

And these materials for arranging the space magic teleportation array should also be provided by the elves.

That's why it went so smoothly to this extent.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran's expression suddenly became serious.

Among the elves, there are many branches corresponding to different laws.

And only the Wind Elves have all the permissions for this Wind Palace.

And they can do this step.

It can even be said without hesitation that the King Blood Elves definitely participated in and implemented this plan.

The thought only lasted for a moment.

At this time, on the map, the other six marks except the fallen angel also unfolded detailed information.

[Wind Elf Guard Captain Sona]!

[Wind Elf Priest Ailinya]!

[Wind Elf Priest Nilaer]!


There are a total of six beautiful figures, all of which belong to the branch of the Wind Elf.

Except for the [Wind Elf Guard Captain Sona], the other five are all Wind Elf Priests with extremely high magical attainments.

They are burning their magic points at this time, and placing the materials for building the magic circle one by one.

With the mark of the fallen angel.

A very rich breath of space law is quietly appearing and lingering in the Wind Palace.

The construction of the magic teleportation array began.

Take a look.

Xu Ran immediately learned the strength of these six members of the Wind Elf clan from the detailed content of the mark.

Basically, they have completed three job transfers.

Among them, the guard captain.

Not only does he have the strength of the third-turn peak, he has also obtained the final recognition of his profession.

But it is not enough to obtain the title of a legendary strongman.

If it were a player.

Each of these elf members is enough to be called a BOSS.

It takes a lot of people to cooperate with him to match him.

However, for Xu Ran at present, it should not be a problem to kill this group of elf members.

Even if he is now using the attribute panel and skills, which are the attribute panel and skills of the Valkyrie who has just reached level 30.

But with the artifact in hand.

It is still relatively easy to kill these third-turn NPCs.

But what needs to be worried about is not this.

But the identity of the wind elf guard leader.

As we all know.

In the elf clan.

No matter which branch, there is a corresponding elf queen.

As a terrifying strongman with mysterious strength, the elf queen still has elf guards around her.

In many cases.

The strength of these guards is similar to that of this NPC named Sona, but the third-turn peak has obtained the final recognition of the profession.

But it is enough.

Because under normal circumstances.

The Elf Queen, whose power is terrifying and unpredictable, does not need anyone's protection.


The task that the guards need to undertake is to deal with those enemies who are not worthy of the Elf Queen's attack.

And now.

The chief guard of the Wind Elf who protects the Queen has appeared in this Wind Temple.

And cooperated with the twelve-winged fallen angels who sneaked into the Elf City to build a super-large magic teleportation array here.

It is enough to explain a problem.

There is definitely a big problem with this branch of the Wind Elf!

Originally, Xu Ran thought that perhaps some of the high-level Wind Elfs were controlled or rebelled against the Elf Clan.

But he didn't expect.

The chief guard also appeared here.

This means that the Wind Elf Queen is also involved.

Perhaps everything was from her instruction, otherwise the fallen angel would not have entered the city of elves so smoothly.

Thinking at the same time.

Xu Ran directly pushed open the door of the Wind Palace.


With the sound of the magnificent palace door, the sunlight also fell from outside the door into the dim palace.

Not only that.

In the interweaving of light and darkness, a flawless figure was holding a two-handed sword and walking step by step inside.

This two-handed sword was not only stained with mottled blood, but also exaggerated to a terrifying degree.

It also constantly exuded the breath of the law of killing.

It seemed that it was about to fall into madness and start an extremely bloody slaughter feast.


"The breath of the law of darkness?"

Seeing this scene.

The expression of the twelve-winged fallen angel froze instantly.

This situation made her fall into a state of confusion.

Damn Wind Elf.

A rumored Valkyrie actually discovered something wrong here. Are the hidden means arranged for decoration?

And this damned Valkyrie.

Why didn't she come earlier or later, but appeared in front of her at this time.

It was a critical moment.

If there was a slight mistake, all they had done before would be in vain.

The twelve-winged fallen angel was puzzled.

According to rumors.

Almost all the strong men of the forces knew something about the Valkyrie of the elves.

As the terrifying strong men hidden in the dark of the elves.

The Valkyrie should always be sleeping or practicing, and would not come out to meddle in other people's affairs.

Unless the Queen of the Elf calls her personally, it is possible for these strong men of the Elf Clan who have practiced for countless years to take action.

But what is the situation now?

I haven't built the magic teleportation array yet.

How did the Valkyrie appear here?

And it's not just that.

Something that made her feel even more outrageous was happening in front of her.

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