Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 263 Where are the fragments of the dark godhead?

"what are you laughing at?"

Laughed a few times.

Seeing this situation, the twelve-winged fallen angel slowly stopped smiling.

See here.

There was a vague premonition in her heart.

This is the battle experience accumulated over the years reminding her that danger is about to strike.

But seeing Xu Ran's appearance, she was a little confused.

Even she was a little confused at this time.

What on earth is this Valkyrie of the Night Elf clan laughing about?

Could it be that.

Does this woman think that neither party is capable of hurting each other?

How can it be?

Even ordinary elves probably know that there are two types of powers that fallen angels have.

As a Valkyrie, there is no reason not to know this situation.


What are you laughing at?

Could it be said that he has lost his mind and gone crazy?

Think of this.

The fallen angel couldn't help but look around.

Even her.

This is also the first time to reach the forbidden land of the elves.

Look around.

The surrounding area is shrouded in haze, these are the mist above the clouds.

And in the mist.

A large number of branches and vines from the tree of life are scattered around.

It seems to be carrying everything under its feet.

It looks like an extremely complex bird's nest.

In the center of the recess, countless vines wrap a simple well, in which you can vaguely see the gurgling water.


See here.

The twelve-winged fallen angel couldn't help but look up.

At this time, it happened to be dusk and night was about to fall, and the setting sun could be clearly seen above the clouds.

"The moon is coming out soon."

According to rumors.

The real [Moon Well] needs to wait until nightfall, and then when the moon rises, to become a physical entity.

Now, it is just an illusory shadow.

So the fallen angel looked in Xu Ran's direction with the intention of coaxing him.


When she just turned her head away, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened involuntarily.

"what's the situation?"

She found that where Xu Ran was standing, an additional figure appeared.

The fallen angel's pupils suddenly shrank.

Not only that.

This extra figure actually looks exactly like Xu Ran, the "valkyrie"!

"Two Valkyries?"

The fallen angel instantly fell into a state of confusion.

She couldn't figure out which of the two figures in front of her was real and which was fake.

Because no matter from the surface, or from the breath and attributes.

Both Valkyries are identical.

She even couldn't figure out which Valkyrie she had made a deal with before.

And she couldn't even feel a trace of murderous aura from these two Valkyries.

That means that the other party has no intention of taking action.

But not taking action?

How could two identical Valkyries appear now?

Just when the fallen angel was thinking.

The two Valkyrie smiled at her at the same time, and then spoke at the same time.

"Where are the fragments of the dark godhead?"

"Where are the fragments of the dark godhead?"

Not only do the two Valkyries have exactly the same voice, but there is also no difference in the speed and content of their words.

Anyone in this situation would find it extremely strange.

What's more, it's almost night time now.

The darkness in the sky is constantly driving away the light, laying a solid foundation for the coming of night.

See here.

The fallen angel was in a state of confusion.

She was always good at planning, but she couldn't say a word at this time.

But on the surface, he still remained calm.

Maybe this was just to scare her. This Valkyrie might have used some props to end up in this situation.

Because in "Eternity", there are too many strange and weird props.

Just like the space magic restrictions covered all over the fallen angel's body before, it was actually a special effect from an epic prop.

That prop allows the user to be imprisoned by spatial chaos, and then record the hidden spatial magic fluctuations around him through repeated attempts and encounters.

As long as it lasts long enough.

Just try it enough times.

Then in this way, the real magic teleportation array can be reproduced.

So the fallen angel guessed.

One of the two Valkyries in front of me is actually fake.

It should be from the effect of some kind of prop.

So the tight string in her heart slowly relaxed a little.

The most important thing right now is to stabilize the other party.

Therefore, she really needed to provide the fragments of dark godhead that did not exist.

Only in this way.

Only then could she use the fragments of the dark godhead to identify the real Valkyrie.

So when he was attracted by the fragments of the godhead, he violently launched an attack.

This way.

The plan is done!

Think of this.

The fallen angel couldn't help but sigh secretly.


On her body, she really carries a fragment of the dark godhead.

As a well-known terrifying powerhouse in the dark camp.

The twelve-winged fallen angel once obtained a fragment of the dark godhead.

But as a strong person who has mastered the laws of death and darkness, she wants more than just the law of darkness.

However, the fragments of the death godhead have never appeared.

The reason is very simple.

With the war that broke out among the gods, many gods have fallen or fallen asleep.

The godheads of these gods have been scattered in various corners over countless years.

As long as you get enough fragments of the godhead and merge them with the breath of the law you have comprehended.

At this stage, you will often be called a demigod.

But there is also a big difference between demigods.

For example, there was a demigod in the previous life, and the fragment of the godhead that was merged was only a very small piece.

When facing the legendary ancient frost dragon, it was directly blown into ice chips and dissipated forever between heaven and earth.

And there are also some gods.

They did not suffer serious damage in that battle.

For example, the death god who is rumored to control death is different from the dark goddess who has fallen into a deep sleep and has an incomplete godhead. The godhead remains intact.

This means one thing.

How could such a complete godhood scatter the corresponding godhood fragments?


The twelve-winged fallen angel has been troubled.

If she wants to go further, she must find a suitable substitute.

Only in this way.

She can make up for the godhood fragments of the laws she has mastered and step into the demigod level.

Not only that.

If the law aura she has mastered lacks the corresponding godhood fragments.

For example, the twelve-winged fallen angel.

If she only merges the dark godhood fragments, it will lead to the loss of the power of death.

In this way.

She will be equivalent to directly losing control of the law of death.

However, things are far from as desperate as imagined.

According to rumors. She must find an item to replace the death godhood fragments.

And now.

It is the only chance she has found!

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