This large amount of equipment amounts to thousands.

Xu Ran does not intend to sell all of them to Youmeng Guild.

It’s not that they don’t have enough financial resources.

But because of demand.

What Xu Ran wants is not gold coins.

He wants more resources, as well as materials, props and other items whose prices will soar in the future.

Obviously, Youmeng Guild is not able to do this yet.

So from the beginning, Xu Ran made corresponding plans.

Youmeng's side.

He sells only a small portion of his equipment in exchange for a large amount of resources.

And all the rest, he dumped to NPCs!

Talina's little shop.

In the previous life, it was recognized by everyone as the best place to sell stolen goods.

Bartering for something.

Reasonable price.

Never leak secrets.

Soft and cute loli.


These are the advantages of Talina’s small store.

But what Xu Ran values ​​most is the resources that can be exchanged here.

As the most famous "sale point" in the previous life.

Players can exchange most of the things they want in Talina's small shop.

Weapons, equipment, potions, formulas, strengthening stones, props, materials, etc.....

As long as items of equal value can be provided, the transaction can be completed!

If you are lucky enough.

You can even find pets, mounts and other rare treasures!


Xu Ran made a list of transactions.

Killing thousands of players at once allowed him to obtain a total of 367 dark gold-level equipment and 814 gold-level equipment.

In addition, there are 965 bottles of advanced recovery potions.

These valuable items were all placed on the counter by Xu Ran.

If any player sees this scene.

You will definitely be stunned.

Gorgeous equipment, rare potions.

At this moment, it turned out to be a small mountain.

The bright light instantly illuminated every inch of the store.


Suppressing the shock in my heart.

Talina estimated the value and took out the exchange list.

[Tip: This transaction is the first transaction between Talina’s store and players, and additional discounts have been obtained. 】

7% off!

1500 primary orbs.

675 silver-quality strengthening stones.

There are also 56,000 [Purification Crystals].

One goes down and the other goes up.

The transaction list given by Talina seemed particularly sincere.

Among them, the primary orb requires killing monsters above level 40 before it can be exploded. It is an extremely rare strategic resource.

Xu Ran estimated conservatively.

The current value of primary orbs is nearly a hundred times higher than that of ordinary orbs.

Once a player breaks through the level cap of level 30.

The synthesis system will then be opened.

By then.

Whether it's orbs, strengthening stones, or boosting props, etc...

The quality of these props can be improved through the synthesis system.

The previous transaction list with Youyou Yimeng included the most common orbs and moonstones.

The quantity is 1000 pieces.

Plus the 1,500 primary orbs provided by Talina.

But the number of those orbs was still too small for him.

After all, his suit is of epic quality.

If a low-quality orb is inlaid with spicy attributes...

Then he might as well just throw it away.

675 silver-quality strengthening stones are also the same reason.

If the quality of the strengthening stone is too low.

There is even a risk of the equipment breaking during the strengthening process.

And once he gets the 56,000 [Purification Crystals], it means that one of his goals has been accomplished.

The next thing to do is simple.

Synthetic orbs and strengthening stones.

And identify the legendary mount - the ancient ghost dragon!


He glanced at the sky.

There are still about 6 hours until dawn.

"It's barely enough time."

No hesitation.

Waving goodbye to the cute and cute Talina.

Then, Xu Ran walked towards the central area of ​​the main city without looking back.

Synthetic table.

As public supplies, they are generally located near the square in the center of the main city.

Ten minutes later.

Accompanied by a burst of footsteps.

Xu Ran, who transformed into a shadow, arrived at his destination.

Several majestic and majestic-looking synthesis platforms are standing alone on the south side of the central square.

[Tip: You have activated the synthesis system and meet the conditions for use of the synthesis platform! 】

[Tip: Do you want to spend 30 gold coins to rent a primary synthesis platform? 】


Renting a compositing table is expensive.

Among them, the primary synthesis platform requires 30 gold coins.

The intermediate synthesis platform requires 200 gold coins.

The advanced synthesis platform requires 1,000 gold coins and world reputation reaching the [moderately famous] stage.

As for the requirements for a master-level synthesis platform, they are even more outrageous.

Not only does it require 10,000 gold coins to be synthesized once, but it also requires raising the world reputation level to the [Nobody Knows] stage.

This is for the players.

No less than an astronomical figure.

In his previous life, Xu Ran also often made careful calculations.

For example, to synthesize some low-value items with a high success rate, he would use the primary synthesis platform.

Only for precious treasures would he rent a high-end synthesis platform.

Like a master-level synthesis platform...

Even in the later stages of the game, few players can raise their reputation to the stage of "everyone knows".

But now it's different.

With the 10,000-fold reward in hand!

Xu Ran can say without hesitation that what he lacks the least at present is gold coins.

As for reputation, there is no need to worry about it.

With the 10,000-fold reward.

He has already reached the highest level.

[Hint: Your reputation level is the highest level - "Respected by Ten Thousand People", which meets the requirements for renting a Grandmaster-level synthesis table. Do you want to rent it? ]


[Hint: The rental is successful, and the 20% additional success rate provided by the Grandmaster-level synthesis table has taken effect! ]

Without hesitation.

Xu Ran directly chose the most expensive synthesis table.

The 20% success rate bonus is enough to prove that the 10,000 gold coins are worth spending.

"Start synthesis!"

Everything is ready.

Xu Ran nodded with satisfaction, and then took out 10 ordinary quality gems from his backpack.

Before arriving at the synthesis table.

Xu Ran and Youyou Yimeng completed the previous transaction.

There were 1,000 ordinary quality gems and 3,000 moonstones in total.

At this time, they were all in hand.

[Prompt: Do you want to consume 10,000 gold coins to start this synthesis? ]

As the gems were placed on the synthesis table.

The prompt sound came as expected.

According to the rules.

If the synthesis is successful, he can get a gem of a higher quality.

Unlike the strengthening stone.

In fact.

The quality and skills of the gems have many similarities.

They are ordinary, elementary, intermediate, advanced, master level, and the highest quality god level!

This is also the reason why Xu Ran purchased a large number of gems.

If there is a chance.....

He even wants to combine a god-level gem!

[Prompt: Do you want to consume 10,000 gold coins to start this synthesis? ]

Just thinking about it.

The prompt sounded again.

Seeing this, Xu Ran was still not in a hurry.

Before the synthesis, he activated the special effect of the legendary equipment [Destiny Chip] first.

After some attempts.

Finally, he randomly drew the [Lucky Blessing] buff.


Next, he took a look at his talent - [Ten Thousand Times Reward].

Then he took a deep breath.

Next, whether a miracle will happen depends on the synthesis result!



10 ordinary quality gems melted away in an instant.


A bright light flashed.

An extremely familiar prompt sound quietly sounded from his ears.

His heart trembled.

[Tip: Synthesis is successful, your item has been synthesized into a primary gem! ]

[Tip: Trigger the only taboo talent, your reward has been multiplied by ten thousand times! ]

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