
The seedlings of the World Tree finally appeared.

Of course.

This is just the beginning.

Following Xu Ran's movements.

In the hands of the shadow under the moonlight, a small seedling quietly appeared.

It seems that there is not much difference from bean sprouts.

But no one knows.

It is such a fragile seedling that, once it is completely solidified, will inevitably become a towering tree that can shock everyone in the near future.

According to rumors.

Even in its seedling stage, the World Tree can grow to a height high enough to touch the clouds.

Once it enters the growth stage, it will continue to expand the size of its branches and leaves.

Not only will its coverage and scope of influence be increased, but its height will also climb again.

When success enters the mature stage.

The scale can no longer be inferred using common sense.

Perhaps the area it covers and affects is not even much smaller than half of the Light camp.

A country with a vast territory like [Frost Empire] is completely inadequate in front of World Tree.

And such a majestic and shocking world tree is only so small at this time.

It seems.

It seemed like a breeze could blow it off.

Following Xu Ran's shadow, he was slowly fished out of the [Moon Well].

The World Tree sapling, which was originally somewhat solid, actually bloomed with a bright and shining light at this moment.

Not only that.

An extremely terrifying power burst out from it instantly.

It was like a vortex that was about to explode, spinning clockwise at a terrifying speed.

Terrible pulling force.

Suddenly appeared at this moment!

In an instant, the surrounding dark atmosphere seemed to have a vent, rushing towards the World Tree sapling crazily.

It's not just these.

There is also the sky that is as bright as a river of stars, and the moonlight falling in it is not immune.

As this terrifying suction force struck instantly, everyone rushed towards the World Tree sapling.

And the [Moon Well] with its gurgling water.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it gradually turned from entity to illusion, and all the aura emitted from it turned into soft rays of light. Together with the dark law aura in the air and the beautiful moonlight in the sky, they all appeared towards the sky. They rushed towards the location of the World Tree seedlings.

This is equivalent to all the power around it being absorbed by this World Tree seedling.

Except Xu Ran and the fallen angel beside him.

Of course.

And Valkyrie.

The performance of this scene is hard not to be shocking and incomprehensible.

Even Xu Ran.

At this moment, I can no longer maintain my previous calmness.

Because the momentum of the World Tree seedlings solidifying into an entity is simply too grand.

It's like a whirlpool.

It is absorbing everything above the cloud.

Even the tree of life.

At this time, they have all fallen into a state of constant withering.

at the same time.

Similar to the Tree of Life, there are also the ancient trees in other forces.

Those various ancient trees that were propagated from the branches and leaves of the past world.

In the orc clan.

The giant thunder tree that has stood for countless years without withering or fading or even changing at all.

The constant thunder and lightning bombardment near it disappeared at this moment.

And the surface of this ancient thunder tree is full of cracks and decay.

Like in a flash.

This huge tree, which stretched straight into the sky, immediately withered into a pile of rotten wood.


over time.

This giant tree, which has become a rotten tree, is gradually turning into dust.

It might not take more than a few minutes.

The giant thunder tree that is rumored to be a training ground for the orcs will completely disappear before everyone's eyes.

I'm afraid not even a branch or leaf will remain!

"what happened?"

The orcs who saw this scene were all stunned.

Who would have thought.

This giant thunder tree that the whole clan has relied on for many years turned into ashes at this moment?

Only under the baptism of thunder and lightning can these orcs avoid being eroded by the killing and bloodshed in their minds and souls step by step.

So as to avoid becoming a madman who only knows how to kill.

But now, the giant thunder tree has disappeared.

And it disappeared without any warning!

From now on, how should they replace the giant thunder tree to eliminate the accumulated killing and bloody smell on it?


Chaos and confusion are only temporary.


The great prophet of the orcs who noticed something was wrong with the giant thunder tree, the orc who was rumored to have become a demigod, appeared in front of the decaying and withering giant thunder tree.

After divination.

This great prophet of the orcs, who has survived from ancient times to this day, has given clear guidance to other members of the orcs.

The World Tree appears.

Only when the World Tree appears will the branches and leaves of these former worlds wither.

Thereby welcoming the real world tree to grow and return again.


According to the guidance of the great prophet of the orcs.

The World Tree sapling is hidden in the core area of ​​the Elf Forest.

As for robbing, or following the owner of the World Tree sapling.

Everything depends on the decision of the orc clan council.

Because orcs and elves are somewhat similar, they both belong to a large race composed of many branch groups.

Although for now.

The orcs have not made a complete decision.

But in front of the World Tree seedlings, the orcs still sent a terrifyingly powerful legion to the Elf Forest.


A similar situation is happening among the dwarves.

As the race best at forging.

The moment when half of the ancient forged spark tree, which had been burning with flames all year round, gradually withered and disappeared.

The dwarves were also panicked.

Once the Forging Spark Ancient Tree disappears, it will probably be quite difficult to forge artifacts of epic level and above.

Because with ordinary flames in the world, it must be impossible to melt the corresponding materials.

Therefore, many members of the dwarf tribe fell into panic.

The dwarf master among them even let out a roar.

Because the epic weapon she had just forged was interrupted at the critical moment due to the withering of the ancient spark tree.

However, the moment the dwarf master craftsman rushed out of the forging area and looked towards the sky.

Her eyes looked particularly eager again.

The World Tree appears.


The dwarves have no intention of snatching it.

But if you want to follow, you have to see if the person who owns the World Tree sapling is worth following with the whole family of dwarves.

Think of this.

One after another, figures exuding extremely terrifying power left the dwarves one after another.

According to the magnificent scene shown above the clouds.

These dwarf warriors all rushed straight towards the Elf Forest.


There was also the Frost Troll clan far away in the extreme cold, and they also took action at this moment.

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