
Without any hesitation.

The Dark Council immediately made corresponding decisions.

First point first.

High level strategy.

They first decided to let those terrifying strong men who had woken up from their long slumber try to communicate with the high-level members of the group of death-type creatures in the Tomb of the Undead.

Just try to convince the strong one who leads it first.

It should be easy to handle next time.

Second point.

It is to be prepared to block in advance.

at this stage.

The dark camp and the light camp are definitely not at the point of war yet.

not to mention.

In fact, for both camps.

For countless years, although most of the time they maintained a tit-for-tat appearance on the surface.

But in fact.

The two camps behind them often even have a very high degree of tacit understanding.

in other words.

That is, while restricting each other, there will also sometimes be some covert cooperation.

Back then, in the [Eternal Kingdom], weren't the two camps working together to kill its gods and exile them to the long river of time?


Once a full-scale war breaks out between the two sides, the losses will definitely be much greater than the gains.

not worth it.

Even more unnecessary.

Therefore, the two camps are now only suitable for small-scale battles.

And then through the outbreak of war.

Crazy enough to gain enough benefits from other forces and neutral camps.

As for the real fight?

I'm afraid there's something wrong with my IQ.

However, when I think about this.

Many powerful people in the dark camp council frowned.

The two major camps, which have always benefited from war, were intercepted by an adventurer not long ago.

The chosen one.

The adventurer who single-handedly prevented the invasion of the [Eternal Kingdom] and took all the benefits into his own arms.

It seems to be very active recently.

Not only did they create a new camp, they even concluded an alliance with the Light camp.

The emergence of this situation left the dark camp confused for a while.

They can't figure it out.

What is the relationship between this eternal camp and the light camp?

Is there really a covenant?

Or is this chosen one taking advantage of a loophole?

But for now.

No need to care.

Judging from the direction of the war situation, the overall situation at [Silver Fortress] has been decided.

Xu Ran's series of plans.

Some of them were also seen by the dark camp.

It seems.

The leader of the eternal camp is actually a person who likes to play with balance.

And this kind of people generally won't really break up with other camps.

Of course, there is not enough courage to do something risky enough.

Compared to the battle over there.

Obviously, drastic changes have taken place in the Elf Forest, which is more attractive to the dark camp.

Therefore, the Dark Camp Council quickly made troop deployments.

The dark camp's armies at [Winter City] and [Silver Fortress] still maintain their original state.

The force sent to the Elf Forest is supplemented by the legions on standby from the dark camp.

As for who to send?

The dark camp council couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


If you want to get a share of the pie in this matter, you can't be too weak.

But the scale cannot be too large.

Otherwise, who will stop those damn undead creatures?

Think about it.

The Dark Faction Council has a suitable candidate.

The twelve-winged fallen angels and the tens of millions of legions under their command will be the candidates to go to the Elf Forest this time.

Let’s go now!

As for all the remaining dark camp legions, except for the part of the army that has to guard various territories and maintain normal operations.

Everything else is mobilized.

Be prepared to stop the vast undead creatures in the sea of ​​undead tombs!

Following some discussions by the dark camp council.

Lines of orders fell like snowflakes into the hands of each legion.


Something happened that shocked all members of the parliament.

The twelve-winged fallen angel and the tens of millions of legions under his command had disappeared without a trace.

According to the description of the part of garrison and alternative regiments left behind.

That damn drastic change in the Elf Forest.

If I guess correctly.

The twelve-winged fallen angels should have taken action.

Not only that.

before it succeeds.

Through the ultra-long-distance teleportation array, a total of 10 million of his legions were teleported.

Then if nothing unexpected happens.

Everything will be achieved as the twelve-winged fallen angel said before, and several goals in a row will be achieved.

As soon as I heard this.

The elders and terrifying powerful men in the dark camp council all took a breath of cold air.

This twelve-winged angel who once fell into darkness and death turned out to be so courageous and visionary.

That drastic change in the elves clan was actually planned by her?

Think of this.

The strong men in the dark camp urged the members of the garrison under their command to tell them the goals that would be achieved.

The first goal.

The twelve-winged fallen angels will snatch the rumored World Tree seedlings directly from the [Moon Well].

And it is the only World Tree sapling.

Hear this goal.

All the strong men in the Dark Camp Council were dumbfounded at this moment.

Looking around.

Although they couldn't see clearly what was happening over there from such a long distance.

But the unusual fluctuations above the clouds still made them believe it.

Look at this.

The World Tree Seedling...

I'm afraid it has really been obtained!

If this is the case.

The Dark Camp will definitely rise directly.

Thinking of this.

The strong men in the Dark Camp Council, while praising the Fallen Angel's ruthless means, hurriedly urged the true situation of the second plan.


Under the description of the Fallen Angel's younger brother.

The following goals were also presented to everyone.

The second goal.

While seizing the World Tree Seedling, the Fallen Angel also made an agreement with the Wind Elves, a branch tribe.

The other party will build a super-large and super-long-distance magic teleportation array.

Although it can only be activated once.

But it is enough to teleport its tens of millions of troops to the Elf City.

No matter who they are, they all know that there is a terrifying and impenetrable magic barrier above the Elf Forest.

And this means that the millions of troops can ignore the protection of the barrier.

Break through the elves' defense directly from the inside!

And thus directly conquer the entire elf clan.

Although it seems that the elves are still ruled and managed by "their own people".

But in fact, the group of wind elves who control the elves have already become puppets of the fallen angel in secret.

Everything even has to obey her orders.

According to the words left by the fallen angel, the entire Elf Forest has opened its arms to the noble dark camp.

And in the near future, it will welcome the rule of the dark camp!

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