And during this time.

I am afraid that the power of the elves has already fallen into the hands of the wind elves.

"Ready to fight!"

"Everyone assemble quickly!"


Amidst the shouts and instructions, the beautiful elves all began to gather in an orderly manner.


An army of approximately 14 million elves has already assembled in the Elf City.

And beyond that.

The old, weak, sick and disabled also began to gather spontaneously in the distance.

They come together.

Faced with this situation, even the old and young elves may not be able to feel at ease.

"The life and death of the elves are about to come!"

"All members are ready for battle, the moon well above the clouds will disappear soon!"

At the front of the crowd.

The Water Elf Queen was giving a pre-battle speech with a serious and solemn face, hoping to explain everything clearly and at the same time boost the morale of the army to a certain height.

"And once the moon well disappears completely, our weakness will reach its peak, and the holders of the World Tree seedlings will also appear!"

"What we have to do is very simple."

"If it is approved by the Valkyrie and the inheritance of the World Tree sapling is obtained, then the elves will maintain their absolute support and become the sharpest blade under their command!"

"And if it's an enemy..."

Speaking of which.

The Water Elf Queen, who had always been weak and well-known for her tactics, suddenly burst out with extremely rare murderous intent.

"If it's an enemy, then do whatever it takes to kill him!"

"By the way, take back the World Tree!"

Hear this.

All the members of the elves shouted impassionedly.

"Take back the World Tree!"

"Take back the World Tree!"



Amidst the shouts, the morale of the elves was raised to the extreme.


All it takes is an order.

Perhaps they will use their weapons to attack the common enemy.

And saw this scene.

The figure of the Wind Elf Queen quietly swept out of the Wind Palace and turned into a breeze and appeared on the side of the army.

at this time.

The shouts were still echoing one after another.

The generous preaching of the Water Elf Queen obviously brought strong morale to the Elf clan.

At the same time, these tribesmen from different branches were united in great unity at this moment.

The time has come.

Seeing this scene, the Wind Elf Queen secretly nodded towards the wind elves mixed in with the army.

in the shouts.

All the wind elves behaved the same as before, but their eyes lacked the enthusiasm and had a special killing intent.

It's obvious.

They seemed to be ready for battle.


All they have to do is wait for an order from the Queen of Wind Elf, and these wind elves will rise up and attack, bringing an unexpected sneak attack to the other tribesmen.

"very good."

The Wind Elf Queen couldn't help but sigh secretly after witnessing this scene.

She glanced at the scene above the clouds.

at this time.

As the World Tree seedlings become more substantial, the [Moon Well] and the Tree of Life, which seem to never disappear, are about to be completely eliminated from this world.

This incidates that.

According to the agreement, the fallen angel has succeeded.


It's time to perform on your own side.

Without any hesitation.

Amidst the deafening shouts of the elves, the Queen of the Wind Elf issued an attack order to all the legion members under the fallen angels.

These elite legions sent from the dark camp to the Elf City have long since left the Palace of Wind and are hiding in the Elf City.

If it is normal.

Needless to say.

Not to mention an army of tens of millions.

Even if there are only one or two million, they will definitely be arrested on the spot by the elves.

But now it's different.

Taking advantage of the turmoil coming from the [Moon Well] above the clouds and the hasty assembly of the elven army, all these tens of millions of troops were able to hide without any danger.

Thus at this moment.

An army of tens of millions of people from the dark camp suddenly appeared behind all the members of the elves.

This scene.

No one expected it.

Even the elf queens of various branch tribes had expressions of shock on their faces.

Whoever it was, probably wouldn't be able to believe what was happening in front of them.

It's so ridiculous.

What method was used to make this dark camp legion, which seemed to number in the tens of millions, appear openly in the Elf City?

To know.

The entire Elf Forest is protected by a magic barrier.

Not only can it block the invasion of all flying creatures, but it can also have the effect of spatial confinement.

In this case, not only will it be impossible to reach the Elf Forest through the teleportation array, but even teleportation in the Elf Forest will become extremely difficult.

This is also the reason why the fallen angels used to imprint the traces of the space teleportation array on their bodies to build the teleportation array.

And it is precisely because of this reason.

The other elves scattered in the Elf Forest could not come to support in the first time.

Thus, such a ridiculous scene appeared.

"Prepare to attack!"


At this time, the elf army responded immediately.

They were all in high spirits and rushed towards the tens of millions of enemies with anger.

A fight.

The curtain was completely opened at this moment.

As the battle began, the strong men in the elves also began to prepare to chant spells.

Among them were the Queen of Water Elf and others.

Even the mysterious Queen of Night Elf appeared not far away.

These top strong men from the elves had only one way to deal with this situation.

That was to release the forbidden spell.

According to observation.

They all keenly noticed one thing.

This army of tens of millions of dark camps did not have a corresponding top strong man.

So if they used the forbidden spell to bombard it first.

Perhaps they could get unimaginable benefits, and they would definitely be able to achieve an extremely terrifying harvesting effect.

However, despite this.

The top strong men of the elves could not all attack together.

The fact that the other party could emerge from the inside meant something.

There was an insider.

Perhaps the other party's top powerhouse and supreme commander were hiding in the dark waiting for them to make a move.

So it was safe.

They decided to let the queens of the elves from each branch tribe guide the forbidden spell alone.

In this way.

The other party was doomed to be helpless.

At the same time.

Someone had to go and wake up the Valkyrie.

Now it was a matter of life and death for the elves, and the Valkyrie should also take action!

However, at the moment when this decision was made.

The Queen of the Wind Elf also walked out of the darkness in front of everyone.

She first raised the staff in her hand high, and then began to guide the forbidden spell from the wind attribute.

Seeing this scene.

All the elves held their breath.

They didn't expect.

The first one to guide the forbidden spell was the Queen of the Wind Elf branch!

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