[Tip: You have chosen to revive nearby, and the current area is the friendly resurrection point - World Tree (mobile resurrection point)! ]

[Tip: Since this area is a mobile resurrection point, please leave within 1 minute, otherwise a certain fee will be charged! ]

As the prompt sounded, the elf girl was completely stunned.

The figure that appeared in front of her.

It was exactly the same as the familiar face she saw in the previous live broadcast.

"The Chosen One?"

"What's going on?"

The elf girl player was stunned on the spot.


Including countless players and NPCs, they all believed that the Chosen One, the Lord of the Eternal Camp, was still on the battlefield over there in the [Silver Fortress].


He would never appear here.

And now.

This familiar face appeared alive in front of him.

And the World Tree sapling that exuded brilliant light also quietly appeared in the other party's hand at this time.

Now this scene is in front of him.

Even if it is unbelievable.

But no one can refute a fact.

The holder of the World Tree Seedling.

It is the Chosen One!

Seeing this.

This elf girl even ignored the content of the prompt automatically.

She did not think about why the World Tree Seedling has the function of a resurrection point.

And she did not think about why the World Tree Seedling is a temporary resurrection point for the friendly party.

In fact.

All this is related to the Valkyrie.

When Xu Ran got and fully mastered the World Tree Seedling, the elves, a race that currently maintains a neutral state, have become his friendly forces.

Of course.

Even if it is a friendly force.

If you revive here, you will be charged.

But this is not the point.

The point is that according to the current situation, the elves who have lost the Tree of Life and the [Moon Well], when facing the friendly target of the holder of the World Tree Seedling, what choice should they make?

Is it to choose to follow Xu Ran and let the whole tribe become part of the Eternal Camp.

Or try to snatch the World Tree Seedling in his hand?

I'm afraid that once the elves know about this, they will inevitably fall into a dilemma.

But the players didn't think of this.

The moment they saw Xu Ran, everyone fell into a state of confusion.



And endless disbelief.

These are the true thoughts of all the players at this time.

None of them can figure it out.

How did this happen?

It's different from the elf girl.

Some of the players watching the live broadcast are old hands who have experienced the previous battles.

Some of them are even Xu Ran's "loyal fans" who fought all the way from [Ice City] to [Winter City], and then chased the dark camp army all the way to [Silver Fortress].

Now they are probably still paddling and fighting while watching this live broadcast.

In their impression.

There is only one word that can be used to describe the Chosen One.

That's weird!

That's right.

No matter who it is, no one can guarantee that they can get the real thoughts and specific plans of the Chosen One.

Therefore, in those battles.

Xu Ran also gradually convinced many players and made them join the Eternal Camp willingly.

Rather than for the rewards.

But even so.

These "old hands" never thought that the boss of their own camp would appear here.

And they also got the World Tree sapling from the forbidden land of the elves in one fell swoop!

What does this mean?

This will mean that the elves will completely become a part of the Eternal Camp from now on.

They will also have a group of extremely powerful comrades.

Although these comrades are still in a weak state.

Their strength is far less terrible than the peak.

However, as time goes by.

When the influence of the forbidden spell of the Queen of Wind Elf gradually disappears.

The players on the cloud can see the battle situation below clearly.

The situation of the elves' defeat that was originally imagined did not happen.

Even though their strength and attributes were weakened by a large part or even nearly half, the remaining 11 million elves actually took the enemy's attack.

Although at a disadvantage.

But it looks like they won't be crushed in a short while.

You know.

The Dark Camp Army and the Wind Elf Army, combined, have a total of 13 million.


This Dark Camp Army is the elite of the elite, and its strength is much stronger than those Dark Camp armies that appeared in [Silver Fortress] and [Winter City] before!

What's more.

After the sneak attack by the Wind Elf Queen, the wind forbidden spell directly took away about 1 million elves.

Now the number of elves in the Elf City is only 10 million.

To be able to do this.

It is enough to prove how terrifying the elves will be when they are not weak!

How terrifying.

At the same time.

This is also the reason why the elves can become the top race in the entire Eternal World with a smaller number of people.

While thinking.

All the players exploded one after another.

"Damn it, then the eternal camp will really take off!"

"I still feel that the elves are quite powerful, but they are not strong enough to face the two major camps."

"You're right. The current eternal camp is probably more dangerous than before, because the World Tree seedlings and the members of the Elf Tribe are all guilty of carrying a treasure?"

"I guess it won't be long before the two camps start fighting against the eternal camp!"

"Another point is that although the chosen boss is fierce, he is still a player. It is probably extremely difficult to guard the two hot potatoes of the World Tree seedlings and the elves."

"You're right. Facing veteran legendary powerhouses, considering the strength of the Chosen Boss, there is still a certain amount of pressure. Look at the NPC next to him. Isn't he the supreme commander of the dark camp army below?"

"Huh? Fallen angel?"

"What the hell, is it still a twelve-winged fallen angel?"


Because I was too shocked before.

Many players have ignored some situations around Xu Ran.

But as they discussed.

The twelve-winged fallen angels and valkyries on the side also caught the eyes of all players at this time.

When faced with two beautiful and flawless figures, the first reaction of players is to sigh at these impeccable looks.

There are even many players who just say "hi wife" in public.

But because it is a live broadcast.

Therefore, these two NPCs will never hear what the players say.

Now these two people are still immersed in absolute shock.

Because the appearance of the World Tree sapling previously made them feel an extremely shocking scene.

At the same time, I also learned some secrets that I had never heard before.

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