[Prompt: Do you want to consume 10,000 gold coins to start this synthesis? ]


Xu Ran activated the synthesis platform without hesitation.

There is one thing he is very clear about.

The synthesis probability of high-level rare quality gems will be much lower than that of primary gems anyway.

If you want to ship it.

I am afraid you will have to try a few more times.


It is useless to think too much.

Just do it!

Accompanied by his action, a dazzling light quickly burst out.

But the next second.

The movement from the transmission platform stopped abruptly.

[Prompt: Synthesis failed, your synthesis materials have been destroyed! ]





The moment the prompt sounded.

All 10 high-level rare quality gems shattered.


Failure is inevitable.

If synthesis is so easy, then the master-quality gems would have been everywhere.

If you want to get the best of the best.

You must be willing to spend money!

He took out 10 high-quality rare gems.

Xu Ran activated the synthesis table again.




Sure enough, it failed again!

Without hesitation.

Xu Ran took out the gems from his backpack one by one and placed them on the synthesis table.

Then he started the synthesis ceremony.

[Prompt: Synthesis failed, your synthesis materials have been destroyed! ]

[Prompt: Synthesis failed, your synthesis materials have been destroyed! ]

[Prompt: Synthesis failed, your synthesis materials have been destroyed! ]


The failure prompt sound kept ringing.

But all this was within Xu Ran's expectations.

He continued to place the gems as if he was tireless.


At the same time.

Because the main task was mentioned in the world announcement.

Attracted by the rich rewards of the main task, countless players took the teleportation array to arrive at the Frozen City.

For a time.

The entire main city was overcrowded.

Just as they were searching for the traces of the "Chosen One", the movement from the synthesis table gradually attracted the attention of passing players.


"Who is frantically synthesizing things on the synthesis table?"

"If you don't understand, just ask, what quality does this blinding luster represent?"

"You are really short-sighted. This is the unique luster of dark gold quality!"

"Nonsense, it is clearly a high-quality prop..."


"It seems that there is only one player in the whole server who can use the synthesis table!"


As soon as these words came out.

All the players present looked at each other in surprise.

A name emerged in their minds.


"It's the Chosen One!"

Although the special effect of [Shadow Cloak of Light and Darkness (God Level)] concealed his figure, Xu Ran was always in the shadow.

But soon, his identity was recognized.

The synthesis table, which can only be activated after completing the second job transfer, became the most direct proof of identity.

After recognizing him, many players came over.

Many players were curious about what he was synthesizing.

There were also many little fans.

They came over to see if the Chosen One was handsome.

Many players had other plans in mind.

"Keep an eye on him!"

"This is a safe zone. Report as soon as he leaves the main city!"

"Hurry up and arrange the guild members to prepare for assembly."

"The Chosen One has appeared. Hurry up and notify the president!"


For a while.

The entire Frozen City was undercurrent.

Many forces took action.

More and more players rushed into the central square of the main city.

There was only one focus.

That was Xu Ran who was synthesizing gems!


[Prompt: Do you want to consume 10,000 gold coins to start this synthesis? ]

He took out another 10 high-level rare gems.

Xu Ran ignored the increasing number of players and placed the gems on the synthesis table.

In this short period of time.

He had consumed 240 high-level rare gems.

The success rate is still 0%.

The success rate of upgrading a high-level gem to a master-level gem is too impressive.

But he was not discouraged.

Facing the prompt, he activated the special effect of [Destiny Chip] again.

He waited until the [Lucky Favor] buff appeared in the status bar.

He started the synthesis again.



As his voice fell.

A dazzling bright light burst out.

A full 10 high-level rare gems disappeared on the synthesis table in an instant.

In their place, there was a gorgeous gem filled with a magnificent and vast atmosphere!


Just then.

Pleasant prompt sounds followed one after another.

[Prompt: Synthesis is successful, your item has been synthesized into a master-level gem! ]

[Prompt: Trigger the only taboo talent, your reward has been multiplied by 10,000 times! ]

[Prompt: The 10,000-fold increase is successful, and the quality of the reward you received has been upgraded from the master level to the god-level quality! 】

[Hint: You have obtained the item - "Judgment Catastrophe Light Orb (God Level)"! 】

When the reminder sounded.

A dazzling light that is difficult to describe in words suddenly burst out from the teleportation platform.


Without giving anyone time to react.

A magnificent and magnificent column of light shot up into the sky, straight through the clouds!

The breath emanating from it.....

It was like announcing the catastrophe, and it was like judging all sins and punishments!


"Damn, what kind of top-quality props did the Chosen One get again?"

"What the hell is this light effect? ​​My lighting technique is not so dazzling!"


"I don't want to play anymore, I'm deleting my account."


Bathed in the light rain of the gorgeous light column, countless players broke their defense.

They were just curious.

Or they wanted to follow Xu Ran to grab the main task.

Now, they have to watch him combine the best of the best?

The most depressing thing is.....

They can't even recognize the quality of this prop!


Seeing countless players break through the defense, Xu Ran had no time to deal with them.

Even he didn't expect it.

A 10,000-fold reward could actually turn decay into magic.

Let him successfully combine the god-level gem!

Thinking of this, Xu Ran's eyes fell on the gem.

He also wanted to see.

What kind of attributes does this god-level gem have!

[Judgement Catastrophe Light Orb (God-level)]

Type: Orb

Inlay requirements: God-level equipment

Quality: God-level

Inlay effect 1: [Judgement] After inlaying, the equipment can be given special effects. When causing damage to the enemy, there is a chance to trigger the "Judgement" effect, causing it to fall into a judged state, unable to act, and defense cleared. The duration changes with the target's strength.

Note: 1: (When the target is an evil camp or a red-named player, there is a chance to trigger a one-hit kill event.)

Inlay effect 2: [Catastrophe] After inlaying, you can actively activate the power contained in the gem and release a "catastrophe" with a destructive effect. The cooling time is 1 hour.

Note 2: When [Catastrophe] is triggered, it can cause indiscriminate damage to surrounding enemies (God-level Orb, damage bonus to be verified.), and has the effect of changing terrain.


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