"Lord Fallen Angel?"

Under Luo Duo's unbelievable eyes, the twelve-winged fallen angel put away the teleportation items amid the fluctuations of space law aura in the teleportation array.

Then she looked straight at Luo Duo.

"The army of the eternal camp is about to launch an attack on your side."

"What are you going to do?"

After hearing the words of the twelve-winged fallen angel, Luo Duo immediately told his thoughts honestly.

As a noble and legion commander in the dark camp.

Luo Duo, a veteran strongman in the legendary level, still didn't dare to take a breath when facing the fallen angels.

He expressed his worries and decisions almost subconsciously.

"Although their army of adventurers has a shocking number, it is nothing to be afraid of."

Forced by the terrifying strength of the twelve-winged fallen angels and the pressure of their superiors.

Luo Duo began to answer seriously.

"What needs attention is the elite army of the Eternal Camp."

"With my remaining troops and the strength of this fortress, I shouldn't be able to withstand the offensive of the Eternal Camp army."

"But one thing needs to be noted. The elite legions of the light camp are also fighting with me here. If this chosen person wants to seize the Silver Fortress and the mithril mine, I am afraid that he will also be attacked by the light camp."

"If the two sides completely break up, it may be a great opportunity."

While talking.

Rodo described his next plan to the fallen angel.

Once Xu Ran wants to seize the [Silver Fortress] and the Mithril Mine, then the Eternal Camp will have an irreconcilable conflict with the Light Camp.


He can definitely use this opportunity to let the other party fight first.

Then there will be a great chance to preserve this [Silver Fortress].

Of course.

Rodo said.

He also needs a lot of reinforcements, otherwise there will only be one ending.

That is to annihilate the entire army and lose this [Silver Fortress] which contains mithril veins and many rare resources!

Hear this.

The fallen angel couldn't help but laugh.


Luo Duo secretly lowered his head with his face as if a fish had fallen to the ground.

He didn't dare to look at this rumored twelve-winged fallen angel, otherwise he would really dig out his eyeballs.

Hear Rodo's report.

The fallen angel laughed a few times and had no intention of refuting.

Instead, he looked at Luo Duo quietly.

You look like you have something that you haven't revealed yet.

at last.

Under the fallen angel's special "means" and its pressure, Luo Duo revealed all of his agreement with Xu Ran.

The whole person was completely plunged into despair.

If this kind of thing is revealed to the dark camp council.

He may never be able to turn over again.

Maybe he will have to be a coolie or a high-level cannon fodder for the rest of his life.

It seemed that he understood Luo Duo's thoughts.

The twelve-winged fallen angel smiled and began to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I won't tell those old guys from the Dark Camp Council."

"I believe that if it were them, they would have to make the same choice in this situation."

While talking.

There was an imperceptible hint of loneliness in her eyes, as if she was thinking about something.

But Luo Duo still looked at the ground at his feet honestly, not daring to say anything more.

Waited for about a few seconds.

The fallen angel spoke slowly.

This time.

She didn't say anything more about the [Silver Fortress], but directly relayed everything that happened in the Elf Forest.

Including the Book of Contract and the World Tree seedlings, as well as the scene she and Xu Ran performed together.

The content in it is simply enough to be described as shocking.

The more Luo Duo listened, the more desperate he became.

Such a secret thing.

Regarding the next plan and even the lives of both parties, if the rumored twelve-winged fallen angel told him personally.

Then he is equivalent to a dead person.

After hearing a few words, he immediately wanted to cover his ears and escape from these words.

But in front of the twelve-winged fallen angel, everything seemed so pale and powerless.


When the fallen angel explained everything clearly.

Luo Duo also suddenly became enlightened.

As the commander of the dark camp's army, he immediately understood what Xu Ran and the twelve-winged fallen angels were going to do.

That is to capture this [Silver Fortress] first and then put on a good show.

Let the elite legion led by the twelve-winged fallen angels "recover" this lost fortress.

And he serves as a "key figure" among them.

I'm afraid there is only one ending left for me to choose.

That means there is no choice.

Just waiting to die.

While thinking about it.

Luo Duo finally raised his head.

Then he looked at the fallen angel's beautiful face with bitter eyes.

"Am I, the only ending is death?"

Hear this.

The fallen angel's soft lips moved slightly, and then nodded after smiling.

Without any hesitation.

In the blizzard, the law of darkness and death wavered over Luo Duo's figure.

Then came the sound of howling wind.

Only a pile of ashes was left on the spot, drifting into the distance in the wind and snow.

[Tip: According to the instructions you gave through the Book of Contract, the twelve-winged fallen angel has already killed the target! 】


Xu Ran, who was in the sky, looked at the [Silver Fortress] below with a cold face.

Although there was a blizzard covering it.

But with the induction of the contract, he still knew what was happening over there.

It has to be said.

The strength of the twelve-winged fallen angel is indeed terrifying to a certain extent.

If he faced it head-on, he really was not the opponent of the other party with his current attributes.

But with the Book of Contract.

Everything is not a problem.

In addition to the protection of the World Tree Seedling, although he is not the opponent of the twelve-winged fallen angel, the other party can't kill him at all.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran looked at the World Tree Seedling.

Since the World Tree is currently in the seedling state, there is only one effect unlocked.

[Blessing of the World Tree]: When the holder is around the World Tree Seedling, he can obtain the blessing of the World Tree, immune to all control effects, and can obtain a shield of blessing by consuming the law breath contained in the World Tree Seedling, thereby achieving the effect of immunity to certain damage.

The origin of this effect comes from the law breath absorbed by the World Tree Seedling.

Currently, the seedlings on the World Tree have only absorbed the dark law auras in the Moon Well.

Although for everyone, these law auras are so huge that they are shocking.

But in front of the World Tree, they are pitifully small.

[Tip: The law aura absorbed by the current World Tree seedlings is insufficient to meet the activation conditions, and it cannot be planted for the time being! ]

[Tip: The current activation progress is 4%. When the progress reaches 100%, the World Tree seedlings can be fully activated and other effects can be unlocked! ]

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