The ancient frost dragon reacted very quickly, and rolled over to avoid the attack range.

"Damn it! It's too fast, our equipment can't hurt it!" A deputy commander exclaimed.

"Don't panic, this is Luoye City, we have divine magicians!"

Another young officer shouted calmly.

After hearing this, the panicked soldiers calmed down a little.

But at this moment, a shrill wail and scream came from a distance.


A giant beast broke through the flames that enveloped the surroundings.

It rushed straight to the central square of Luoye City.

"It's a frost dragon!"

"Damn it!"

"Stop it!"

Looking at the huge beast that was getting closer and closer, everyone trembled in their hearts.

They knew that if they allowed this ancient frost dragon to approach the city lord's mansion, then only death would greet them!


For a moment, the city guards raised their weapons.

The next moment.

Countless sword beams and knife auras fell madly on the ancient frost dragon.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the explosion.

The thin layer of ice crystals on the dragon's body collapsed a lot.

However, its defense was still not affected much.

Continue to rush towards the building.


"Can't stop it!"

Looking at the giant beast that had already rushed to the door, the faces of many soldiers were full of despair.


The next moment.

In the heavy collision, the heavy wooden door suddenly broke into pieces, and the debris flew everywhere.


The ancient frost dragon roared to the sky, and its ice-blue pupils were filled with bloodthirsty coldness.

Then, it raised its feet and stepped directly on the table in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.


The extremely solid tabletop was instantly covered with spider web-like cracks.

Then, accompanied by a roar.

The whole table was completely shattered.


"Don't destroy my father's portrait!"

The little boy who had just run out of the room saw this scene.

He screamed in surprise, but the ancient frost dragon seemed not to hear his words.

It opened its ferocious mouth.

The next moment.

The extremely strong cold current covered the guards.

Puff! Puff!

In an instant, all the guards froze in mid-air.

Then, under the sharp teeth of the frost dragon.

Their bodies were torn into pieces and scattered on the ground.

At this time.

The little girl who was hiding in the corner finally plucked up the courage to walk out of the room.

There was a bit of confusion in her eyes.

I don't understand why the fight suddenly started?

When the little girl appeared, the ancient frost dragon tilted its head.

It felt that the little girl, like itself, had a strong spiritual power.

In this case, it might help itself find the bastard who offended itself!

Thinking of this.

The ancient frost dragon's eyes immediately fixed on the little girl.

And looking at the ancient frost dragon's ferocious and cruel eyes.

The little girl was immediately frightened and cried.

However, the ancient frost dragon didn't care about these at all.

It walked straight towards the little girl.

Suddenly, an unspeakable sense of crisis swept over the whole body.

The ancient frost dragon turned his head sharply, but saw a man in black standing quietly behind him.


"What are you?" The ancient frost dragon frowned.

But he didn't care too much.

After all, in the eyes of this behemoth, a tiny human being is not worth its attention at all.

However, at this time, Xu Ran suddenly fell from the air.

"Fallen! How dare you come here?!"

"Come back, you are not his opponent!"

As he said, before the ancient frost dragon, Xu Ran swung a knife at the fallen man.

Xu Ran's attack was dodged by the Fallen.


The Fallen turned and left without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ran's face was full of solemnity.

This Fallen's strength was so strong? And he didn't even think about fighting with him and left directly!

However, he didn't bother to think about these.

Instead, he turned around and chased after him.

"You can't escape!" Xu Ran shouted angrily.

The Fallen stopped: "Of course I will leave, but I will remember you..."

As he said that, he disappeared into the night.

"Damn it!" Xu Ran clenched his fists, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

The soldiers in the distance were full of confusion.

"What are these two guys talking about? Why can't we understand?" Someone was puzzled.

However, more people shook their heads. They were just soldiers, how could they understand these?

"Okay, ignore them! Retreat quickly!"

The leader shouted loudly.

Then, everyone was ready to get on the car and leave.

But at this time,

The ancient frost dragon has already rushed into the city lord's mansion.


It roared to the sky.

The terrifying pressure spread, making the soldiers forget to escape.



"This is a demon!"

"Hurry up and inform the city lord!"

A horrified scream sounded.


The body of the ancient frost dragon expanded again.

The sharp claws swept.

Boom! The endless storm raged, and in an instant.

The entire city lord's mansion became a mess.

The servants and soldiers in the city lord's mansion.

All turned into pieces of flesh and blood and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!"

"This monster killed many people again!"

The leader in charge of commanding the soldiers roared angrily, drew the sword at his waist, and rushed forward recklessly.

Although the other soldiers were afraid, they still gritted their teeth and followed their leader, rushing towards the terrible monster.

And the ancient frost dragon showed a hint of mockery.

"Stupid ants! Do you really think you can hurt me?"

The ancient frost dragon roared, and its tail slammed hard on the ground.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, dust flew, and a deep gully spread out.

The soldiers were confused.

"Damn, this is too fierce, right?"

"As expected of an ancient dragon!"

"Oh my god, my legs are weak!"


The soldiers' performance made Xu Ran sigh secretly.

This group of soldiers is really bad.

He originally wanted to recapture these people, but now it seems that these people will not give him much help.

"Kill them all!" An indifferent voice came out.

Then Xu Ran turned and walked towards the girl. He clearly saw that the fallen one was coming for this girl.

It's just that I don't know why that guy finally chose to give up.

Xu Ran didn't care. Anyway, after today, there will be no such existence in the world anymore.

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