
Xu Ran's tiger's mouth cracked instantly, and his body couldn't stop flying backwards.

However, even so, he still gritted his teeth and stood up, staring at the man warily.

"Haha, you have backbone. What I appreciate most is a tough guy like you."

The man licked his lips with a bloodthirsty expression on his lips.

The next moment, he jumped up and rushed towards Xu Ran like a cheetah.


A cold light suddenly appeared, Xu Ran's eyelids twitched wildly, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it.


Xu Ran's arm suddenly spurted out a splash of blood, and a hideous scar appeared on his arm.

"Hey, are you hurt?" The man said teasingly, and then struck again.

This time he no longer engages in hand-to-hand combat, but uses mysterious and unpredictable martial arts, with deadly and dangerous moves.

"Clang clang clang!"

Although Xu Ran tried his best to defend, he was still losing ground.

Every move this man makes is extremely cunning and weird, making it unpredictable.

The more Xu Ran fought, the harder it became. He gradually fell into a disadvantage, was suppressed by the opponent, and continued to suffer heavy losses.


The man seized the opportunity and struck Xu Ran hard in the abdomen, knocking him away.

Blood oozed from the corners of Xu Ran's mouth, and severe pain came from his ribs.


Taking advantage of the victory, the man pursued and bullied him again, the dagger in his hand blooming with a bright cold light.

Xu Ran's eyes were focused, he took a deep breath, and then suddenly mobilized the spiritual energy in his body to focus on the long knife.


The long knife trembled endlessly, exuding a dazzling silver light, as if it wanted to choose someone to devour.


The next moment, Xu Ran raised his arm high, and then swung it down suddenly.


A huge sword light roared out, like the Tianhe River bursting its banks, and the raging sword energy swept through the eight wastelands.

"not good!"

The man looked panicked, and he could sense how powerful this knife was.


The man moved half a step sideways in a hurry, narrowly avoiding the knife.

But despite this, he was still sent flying, his body staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.


The man's face was distorted, he looked up to the sky and roared, white mist appeared all over his body, and his breath surged.


The man rushed towards Xu Ran madly, his eyes extremely scarlet, like a wild beast.


The man struck again, and this time his attack was extremely fierce, like a mountain bearing down on him, unstoppable.

Xu Ran's face was solemn, and the long knife in his hand kept dancing, constantly cutting out the sword light.

"Clang clang clang!"

The loud sound of gold and iron intersecting can be heard endlessly, and wisps of sparks fly out.

In this forest, smoke and dust were billowing, and all the vegetation was destroyed. The scene was horrifying.


Finally, when the smoke and dust in the sky gradually dispersed, Xu Ran's figure was revealed.

At this time, he was in an extremely embarrassed state, his body was covered with blood, his hair was disheveled, his clothes were in tatters, and he was constantly coughing up blood from his mouth.

"Hahaha! Boy, you are awesome, you deserve to be taken seriously!"

The man looked excited and looked at Xu Ran with blazing eyes, full of bloodthirsty.


The aura around him became stronger and stronger, as if a demon had awakened and wanted to devour everything.

With one palm shot, a sinister aura raged, as if a ghost was crying or a wolf was howling.


Xu Ran gasped, he had no doubt that this palm was enough to kill him.

He resisted desperately, but he couldn't block the palm at all.

He could only barely deviate from the direction, causing the palm to pass by his shoulder.

The next moment, the sinister energy hit his waist and exploded, causing Xu Ran to fly backwards.


He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his breath became weak, and his clothes were torn, revealing his strong muscles, which made him look quite majestic.

However, Xu Ran smiled bitterly. He underestimated this man's strength.

"How is it? My strength is pretty good, right?" the man said indifferently.

Xu Ran got up from the ground with difficulty and remained silent.

He felt very aggrieved. He obviously had the strength to crush the other party, but the other party was too cunning and kept wandering on the edge, making him unable to reach him at all.

"I know, you must not understand why I want to waste my time with you!"

The man snorted coldly, then grinned and said, "Actually, I don't want to kill you!"

"Oh? Why don't you want to kill me?"

Hearing this, Xu Ran couldn't help but frown and asked.

This guy is very powerful and has weird skills, so he has every chance of killing him.

"I want to capture you alive!"

The man said calmly, with a bit of arrogance and disdain in his tone.


Hearing these words, Xu Ran was stunned and a little confused.

Seeing Xu Ran's surprised look, the man grinned and said, "You may not understand, but I want to tell you that I never need a reason to kill someone."

When Xu Ran heard this, his slightly narrowed eyes shone with a cold light. He always felt that something was a little strange.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Xu Ran pondered for a while and couldn't help but ask.

"who I am?"

The man suddenly grinned and said, "My name is Zhao Yang."

Xu Ran was startled, he had never heard of this name.

"I don't care who you are, today, we are destined to fight to the death!"

Xu Ran's face was solemn, and his eyes revealed a strong fighting spirit.

"Stop talking nonsense, show your strongest strength, otherwise you have no chance."

Zhao Yang's face was cold and ruthless. He held a dagger in his hand, and his whole body burst out with terrifying momentum, like a resurrected Shura.

His skin turned black, and his figure rose several inches to 1.9 meters.


Zhao Yang shouted angrily, turned into a stream of light, carrying the momentum of thunder, as fast as thunder, and rushed to Xu Ran in an instant.

He kicked out with his right leg in the air, carrying a force of ten thousand pounds, and there was a faint arc of electricity flashing at his ankle, with a crackling sound.


Zhao Yang kicked out, and the air seemed to be unable to withstand such oppression, and was kicked to pieces, causing ripples.

The power of this kick was extremely strong, and it could even break stone slabs and tear steel and concrete.


Faced with such a terrifying kick, Xu Ran was not afraid at all. He suddenly moved sideways and avoided the attack.

At the same time, he raised his long knife and chopped towards Zhao Yang's head.

"Dang, dang, dang!"

The two of them fought with fists and feet, and the surrounding grass and leaves flew everywhere.

"Damn it! This guy is so fast and powerful, just like a bull."

Zhao Yang cursed in his heart. He felt like he was dealing with a small hill and couldn't move it at all.


Suddenly, Xu Ran roared, and his whole body burst out with a monstrous momentum, like a flood and a beast, rushing towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Xu Ran's strength to improve so much.

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