
The one-horned horse neighed, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Xu Ran, as if it was going to kill him at any time.

Xu Ran showed fear, he knew that he had encountered a foreign tribe.


Suddenly, a one-horned horse hoofed and neighed, leading the orcs towards Xu Ran.

These unicorns are all high-level alien races, with strong bodies and great strength.

Especially the orcs on their backs are all wearing armor, holding steel guns, and are very powerful.

"Damn humans, you dare to slaughter our compatriots, what crime do you deserve?"

The orcs were furious and raised their weapons to attack.

Xu Ran's face darkened, he drew his sword out of its sheath, killed two unicorns in an instant, and saved the two old men.

He put the two old men down and said in a deep voice: "You should leave quickly, otherwise I will kill you."

Xu Ran is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a bad person.

On the contrary, he is very kind, but this kind of kindness is limited to people and things he recognizes.

"Young man, thank you for saving us, but we cannot harm you."

"Yeah, go quickly! Let's stop them!"

The two old men tried to dissuade them, but then they stood up resolutely and started fighting with the one-horned horse.


The one-legged horse was so violent and cruel that it smashed an old man's head with one claw, and blood sprayed all over the ground. The death was miserable.

"You orcs deserve to die!"

Seeing the old man's tragic death, Xu Ran's eyes were filled with murderous intent and he roared angrily.


He roared angrily and swung his black sword to fight out.

His swordsmanship is extremely superb, and every time he stabs, he will bring out a piece of blood and reap lives.

Xu Ran struck out ruthlessly, taking away an orc's life with every move, and the orcs he killed were retreating steadily.

"Humans are too cunning to fight head-on!"

The orc leader roared angrily and led all the orcs to retreat.


Xu Ran chopped off the head of an orc with one sword. His cold eyes watched the orc leave without pursuing him.

Although he wanted to kill these orcs to vent his anger, he even wanted to survive and protect his family.

"My friend, you are very powerful. Who are you?" Suddenly, a gentle voice came from behind.

Xu Ran looked back and saw a handsome young man approaching.

The young man is tall and tall, with a handsome face. He holds a silver-white long bow in his hand, giving him a cool and elegant look.

"How does he know that I exist?" Xu Ran was confused, but still clasped his fists and said, "I am Xu Ran, who are you?"

"Haha, hello!" The young man smiled and said, "I'm Ye Lingyun, I'm going to find someone to form a team and go to the Sky City together."

Ye Lingyun?

Xu Ran raised his eyebrows. There seemed to be no such person in his memory.

Ye Lingyun seemed to have guessed Xu Ran's doubts, and said with a faint smile: "I am a member of the royal family of the Beiming Empire. This time I entered the Sky City to find the elixir!"

So that’s it!

Xu Ran suddenly realized it and nodded to Ye Lingyun as a greeting.

Ye Lingyun glanced around, finally stopping at the wooden box next to Xu Ran, and said in surprise: "Brother Xu, is the wooden box in your hand filled with crystal nuclei?"

"Yes." Xu Ran nodded and said, "It contains ten crystal nuclei, which is enough for me to use for three months."

Ye Lingyun nodded slightly, thinking in his mind, and asked: "Brother Xu, why did you break into the Sky City alone? You should know that this city is very dangerous."

Xu Ran smiled bitterly. He also understood how dangerous this city was. Without strength, he would not be able to gain a foothold in the city.

"I have something urgent to deal with." Xu Ran said.

When Ye Lingyun heard this, he suddenly said solemnly: "In that case, let's go together."

Xu Ran hesitated and finally agreed because he needed help.

"Brother Ye, I still have something to do. Can we meet at the entrance of Sky City tomorrow morning?" Xu Ran said.

"Haha, of course, I'm waiting for Brother Xu to arrive." Ye Lingyun smiled heartily.

At this time, Xu Ran hurriedly returned home. Xiaoxue ran out by herself just now, and now he had to find her back quickly.

At night, the stars are bright and the moon is like water, illuminating the entire city in the sky.

And the outskirts of the Sky City.

In a dilapidated courtyard, a girl with torn clothes was lying on the bed, her cheeks extremely pale.


She coughed violently, her chest heaved, and her pretty face was full of pain.

She slowly opened her beautiful eyes, confused and sleepy. She stretched, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and murmured to herself: "Hey, why am I at home? Am I dreaming?"

After that, she lifted the quilt, jumped out of bed, yawned, and prepared to go out for a walk.


Suddenly, the door opened suddenly, and Xu Ran strode in with an excited expression, shouting: "Xiaoxue, come with me quickly."

"Uh...brother, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoxue blinked her big eyes and asked cutely.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Xu Ran grabbed Xiaoxue and quickly left the house, heading south.

Xu Ran's speed was very fast, like lightning streaking across the void, which surprised Xiaoxue and screamed excitedly.

About half an hour later, Xu Ran took Xiaoxue to the entrance of Sky City.

I saw that this place was heavily guarded and extremely guarded.

"What's going on?" Xu Ran frowned.

This place is heavily guarded, and each of them is a level 30 warrior, very powerful.

"Brother, look, there seems to be someone there."

Xiaoxue pointed to the distance, where there were several figures.

"People from the guard team!"

Xu Ran's pupils shrank, and he quickly pulled Xiaoxue to speed up and approach those figures.

Soon, he came under an ancient tree, and with the help of the bright moonlight, Xu Ran finally saw the appearance of the figures clearly.

There were five people in this group, they were wearing silver armor, and their aura was strong, obviously masters.

"Brother, are these people from the guard team? Why are they guarding here?"

Xiaoxue blinked her beautiful eyes and asked curiously.

"I don't know, but these people are very dangerous, let's leave first."

Xu Ran shook his head, pulled Xiaoxue and turned around and left.

Swish, swish, swish...

Suddenly, several arrows attacked, going straight for Xu Ran and the others' throats.

"Get out."

Xu Ran shouted, his arms suddenly blasted out, and the wind surged, shaking off the arrows.

After hiding Xiaoxue, he stomped his feet on the ground, and his body turned into a stream of light and rushed out, disappearing into the darkness in an instant.

"Where are you escaping?"

Seeing this, a general riding a horse shouted and chased him out.

Seeing this, the others rode their horses and followed the generals.

"Humph, it's not that easy to catch me!"

Xu Ran's mouth drew a sarcastic arc, and his figure flashed, and he instantly escaped from their encirclement.

"Quick, chase!"

"Don't let him escape. If the governor blames us, we will be in trouble."

Seeing Xu Ran running farther and farther, several generals of the escort team were anxious.

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